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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. My 3D Drawing abilities are sadly lacking...

    D-oh! And, we were having so much funny gaming it up. :lol:

    BTW, that is my biggest complaint about desinging stage...I hate drawing them up.

    I think Bill Nesbitt's idea on drawing them up on a bar napkin might be best.

    You ain't kidding about hating to draw the stages! I normally rough sketch them and build them to fit the bay. Not for the CRO course! The drawing has to be scale, and detailed enough for a range crew to build it exactly as you intended it! I think I'm going to fail :( I can see it clearly in my mind, but I'm not an Engineer dammit! I struggled with drawing that stage for over 3 weeks trying to get the scale and walls right and well... you see how badly that turned out!!!!!

  2. Now the only thing I can even think of is that the narrowness of the hallway could be an issue for an RO trying to watch the gun but that's about it.

    Thanks John! I thought about the RO trap, but I think by making the hallway so narrow, it's gonna take some real effort to get the gun past 180. The hallway is only 30-36" wide (depending on the door used). My reach, with gun, is right at 2.5 feet, so it's a really tight squeeze for anyone over 5 ft tall :)

  3. SG,

    Ready for the gaming?

    Since you don't make me do so in the Procedure...I might not go thru the door at all.

    I might start outside the fault lines, likely near T7, facing the right side array.  At the signal, step in as I draw, engage the right array form a sweet spot, engage the left array from the sweet spot (my gun holds 21 rounds), fling the door open while leaving the position, hit my reload, take the steel on the way in to the activator pad, then swinger, DT, swinger.

    My 3D Drawing abilities are sadly lacking... you can't step into Area A - it's a hallway the width of the door :) Ya gotta open the door to get into it!

    Oh yeah, there are no ports in those walls either, just orange netting that's soft cover. You're going to have to move to get to the steel, if I did the scale right, they're about 30 feet away from the door.

  4. Thanks Kevin! When I saw there was only 2 Ladies (Chuck didn't really count!), I left thinking that it wouldn't get awarded. That's what I get for thinking again DOH!

    It was good to finally meet some people I've been chatting with, and thanks ya'll for the warm welcome to the Kentucky Family! Needless to say, our lives have been a little hectic lately and it was nice to relax at the range for a day!

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