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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. I think if SA, KF, or dare I say BS was at that match you would have seen a much different outcome. At least one of three would have run the stage in say 5.45 66 points(95% of available points) for a HF of around 12. John or Kathy don't take offense as I see both of you as very good shooters but I see too few points earned for a 5 sec 70 point stage.

    one word - SWINGERS!!! :ph34r:

    I would not consider this a fast easy stage - I was SMARTER than the rest of them. John shot it after me - had I gone last, I woulda smoked 'em all - trust me. Here's the rest of the results - you can see the difference - those are shooters that should not have been 1.5 seconds behind me :)

    Stage: 5 Hold Still 2

    Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg %

    1 Fadorsen, John 11 A Open 59 10 5.86 8.3618 70.0000 100.00%

    2 Littman, Kathy 9 B Open 57 0 7.08 8.0508 67.3965 96.28%

    3 Keen, Chris 4 A Open 63 0 8.24 7.6456 64.0044 91.43%

    4 Hoffman, Ben 20 M Open 59 0 8.42 7.0071 58.6593 83.80%

    5 Steel, Rick 19 B Open 63 0 9.52 6.6176 55.3986 79.14%

    6 Schattel, Dave 13 B Open 62 0 10.73 5.7782 48.3716 69.10%

    7 Holloway, Jeff 18 B Open 60 0 11.72 5.1195 42.8574 61.22%

    8 Bostick, Chris 14 B Open 57 10 11.16 4.2115 35.2562 50.37%

  2. I'm in need of advice regarding where to begin building an open class shotgun. I've previously owned a Bennelli M1 Super 90 and truth be told, it beat me senseless. There is no doubt that they have to be the most reliable shotgun made. They're impossible to jam and they always work...but they seemed to me to be very punishing.

    Get another Benelli. I went out and bought a 20ga cause I didn't like getting beat to crap while shooting - I'm switching back! The reliability is WAY worth a little extra pain. Also, you can add "stuff" to reduce the beatings. (Not sure what, just know it's out there and it works - I'm not very technical!)

  3. John,

    Blowing the last shot in an array is a common issue.  It comes from wanting speed..from rushing.  The lack of follow through (very much like the football reciever looking up-field before he completes the catch).

    Having the patience/follow-thru to call the last shot before a transition is likely going to be the fastest way to get to the next target anyway.  The knowing will release the tension and allow the speed to happen.

    It's all about the vision/feedback...the knowing.

    Ahem, John! Make sure you read this one a couple of times, kay :)

  4. What you are doing is comparing an average B class shooter (you) to an average A class shooter (John). How can you expect the results of that comparison to be accurate?

    Um - it's goal setting. Put a target on a shooter I consider better than me - it used to be RB, I had to find a new one:wub: John is consistently winning the local matches, doesn't matter to me what class he is in.

    And if I don't compare my average B to an average A, how am I going to know when I've hit that goal, of shooting as an average A shooter?

  5. easy to become confused and doubt what "should be" (your best interest in mind) your personal goal when you justify your performance by comparing yourself to a sub-par performance...


    That's downright spooky BE - that is EXACTLY what I'm dealing with. I'm shooting the best I ever have and I am still not "good enough".

    Also, how can a stage win be a "sub-par" performance? The dichotomy of that exact statement is what is blowing me away this week :)

  6. Okay, first of all, I don't give a rats a$$ about the guys at the top. I'm talking about MY performance against this shooter at this match and trying to figure out how he won the stage by shooting 1 second faster with a MISS!

    Jake, he did not shoot more points - notice the 10 POINT PENALTY!

    This is not the first time that someone ran a stage ONE SECOND faster than I did, but had a miss, and still came out on top. Someone somewhere HAS to be able to help me understand this. I'm at the point now where it's pretty durned important :)

  7. Wow - I seem to be getting redundant - but damn - I love the beginning of football season. The hopes, the hype - it's all new again, and exciting.

    I'm really gonna miss my DirecTV this year though :angry:

  8. Hey Cam - where ya been?!?!?

    OH - and get this, I beat RB again this last weekend :wub:

    Miamisburg August Match

    Match Date: 8/14/2005

    Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.

    Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Points Stg %

    1 Fadorsen, John A40907 A Open Major N N 512.9287 100.00%

    2 Hoffman, Ben A52377 M Open Major N N 448.1773 87.38%

    3 Steel, Rick L2137 B Open Major N N 448.1177 87.36%

    4 Littman, Kathy A31090 B Open Major Y N 435.6788 84.94%

    5 Littman, David TY31091 A Limited Major N N 404.2600 78.81%

  9. Points are what wins matches.

    If you don't believe me. Max at nats probably dropped a total of 25 points on the last 12 stages.

    Increasing speed at the cost of points is not the way to do it. It is great that you are seeing an improvement, but you are getting away from the point a bit.

    Jake honey, you are flat ass wrong, and I have the proof of it now....

    1 JF A Open 59 10 5.86 8.3618 70.0000 100.00%

    2 KL B Open 57 0 7.08 8.0508 67.3965 96.28%

    Points are good, but speed is better! There is around a second difference and JF won by going faster and sloppier.

    I'm still flummoxed by this btw. All my shooting career I've been told that penalty free is good - not in this case!!!! Also, where did I get a miss = 3 seconds from? That person lied to me too!!!!

  10. Thanks everyone for the prayers and good thoughts - it has really helped me get through the last couple of days. Ya'll are GOOD PEOPLE!

    My Mom is not dead, yet. My Dad has been her SOLE care giver for the last 3 weeks and finally realized that he wasn't doing her any good being exhausted. So.. he called me to come help. Only his version of help was to stay up all night and watch to see if she needed help going potty - and then I wasn't to help, I was to wake him up. It seems that Mom is absolutely positively adamant about no one seeing her in this condition - so she did not even know I was there :( It damn near, literally, broke my heart!

    I'm much better now than when I posted this! I got some sleep :P

  11. While I agree with you Grrl that the difference is what's important, it depends on your frame of reference as to how great is the difference. Radio stated yesterday that average cost per gallon is now up $.70 from one year ago. My guess is the big a$$ truck is taking more like an extra $20 per fill using that time frame.

    Not quite - a year ago we were filling up twice as much since we were commuting 45 miles each way. I haven't changed my budgeted amount for Gas since I left the Bay Area - it has stayed steady for almost 2 years. BTW, when I left the Bay Area, gas was $2.85 a gallon.

  12. Uncle Bill - ya whomped me by 10%, I don't think you need to look too hard over that shoulder :lol:

    Hop - unsure still about TN Sectional - we're laying low and close to home waiting for that "emergency" trip to Dad's house :( I do plan on emailing Barry to see if we show up would they let us shoot! But, of course, we'll be at your match... can I be the Range Mistress B)

    Hunter - you crack me up! I gotta share this story... we showed up at cville match and Hunter comes up to me showing off his shiny new open gun... says he had to switch cause he didn't like getting beat by a grrl in Limited (I didn't beat him by the way!) I then "whipped" off my cover to show him I was shooting Open now :)

    Nolan - we haven't cooked at home since the middle of May - no dishwashing involved - the gloating is enough satisfaction for me :angel:

    Carlos - by the time we decided to go, you were sold out. We wouldn't have been able to make it anyways, last minute family emergency pulled us out of town for the weekend.

    lynn - i don't have a limited gun - I was using his all that time!!!

    Thanks everyone for the atta grrl - it felt really good to get it all together, finally! Now hopefully my personal life doesn't totally disintegrate - family stress sucks!!!!!!!!

  13. Oxford IPSC August 2005

    Match Date: 8/7/2005

    Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.

    Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Points Stg %

    1 Seevers, Bill TY17553 A Open Major N N 545.4697 100.00%

    2 Littman, Kathy A31090 B Open Major Y N 491.1749 90.05%

    3 Littman, David TY31091 A Limited Major N N 466.4456 85.51%

    4 Bader, Dick A11908 B Open Major N N 460.3326 84.39%

    5 Mathews, Steve TY46622 B Open Major N N 454.2969 83.29%

    6 Hunter, John TY23756 M Limited Major N N Senior 389.5331 71.41%

    7 Nielander, Paul A8632 B Limited Major N N Senior 385.3510 70.65%

    8 Zillick, Ray A23755 B Limited Major N N Senior 384.6865 70.52%

    9 Stouffer, Bob A31894 A Limited Major N N 363.8732 66.71%

    10 Anderson, Mark A44916 C Limited 10 Major N N 360.4503 66.08%

    I couldn't catch Uncle Bill - BUT DAMN whatta great match I had :)

  14. Unfortunately, I have a lot of experience with this and just really feel the need to tell all ya'll (my extended family) that once you're dead, you're gone - it's those of us left behind that have to deal with the grief and the pain of surviving your passing.

    So don't put a lot of stupid shit out there on your way out that you expect us to just blindly follow! A funeral is not for you, it's for us. Coming to visit you shows we care, and allows us to say our goodbyes when you can hear them. By deciding that you don't want anyone to remember you sick is being selfish - and really, what's the point in that? Your self is gone, mine is still here.

    Damn! I've had 6 hours sleep since 4:30 am Friday. If this doesn't make much sense, forgive me!

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