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Posts posted by gng4life

  1. I love the 200's for my .40 but when bullets started to really rise, I started playing with the 155/165/180 groups. The 180s are close but do feel a little snapier, as expected, but I don't like it as much. The 155/165 are very similar and very snappier in my opinion. I have settled on the 180s mostly as a compromise but I do love the 200's most of all. Nice, slow push in the hand but not too slow to hender your shooting. Maybe for the GMs but not at my level...

    so if you could buy the 200 for the same as 180, you would buy them for their superior feel and performance?

    Yes, I like the soft, push in the hand and it did not bother my splits or transitions any between the two. Lately, I started shooting Open so I'm back on the 9mm thing but I love shooting my 6" Limited with some MG 200 bullets...

    Most will disagree with me, from what I read, but it's all about personal preference...

  2. That sounds like a lot of 231 for a 180 bullet, what manuals have you checked? I think it should be in the low 5 grain area to make Major. I haven't loaded 231 in a long time but I am pretty sure that load is a little too hot...

    Oh yeah, Welcome to the forum!!

  3. I love the 200's for my .40 but when bullets started to really rise, I started playing with the 155/165/180 groups. The 180s are close but do feel a little snapier, as expected, but I don't like it as much. The 155/165 are very similar and very snappier in my opinion. I have settled on the 180s mostly as a compromise but I do love the 200's most of all. Nice, slow push in the hand but not too slow to hender your shooting. Maybe for the GMs but not at my level...

  4. I have an older Benelli M1S90 with ghost ring sights on a plain barrel.

    I'd like to add a FO front sight. It looks like my front sight post is held

    on by a nut under the front sight base. Has anybody switched one of these?

    Is the base threaded where the post goes through?

    Is this a good solution for that? Easy switch?

    Brownells FO sight


    Yes and no. Yes, it will work on on the M1S90 but my gunsmith said he had a tough time putting it on.

  5. I've always like Win the best with Fed a close second. One of the guys on here, Foxbat, was talking one time about several case ruptures/separations with Win brass but still it seems that Win is the most popular brass. All the top manufacturers have there own merits so you should be fine with any of them but for 9Major, go with new or once fired brass and make sure all of them are in good condition before reloading/shooting.

  6. I had a similar problem with my M1S90 (no chokes, 18" barrel) with a Texas Star. The stage stated that the pistol or shotgun could be used and I was foolish enough to think I could take it out with my M1. Well, I had to go to my pistol to finish the course, killed my time. Now I have a M2 with a full set of chokes and 24" barrel - I shouldn't have that problem next time :)

    Other guys were having similar problems with chokeless short barrels on the star I found out...get the chokes if you can...

  7. It's nice to have some good tuned mags, especially if they are STI mags with 9mm. They require a spacer (try to get the steel spacers) so you don't have feeding problems. I've heard of guys running without them but I would not take a chance on it. Best bet is keep looking around for some SV mags, they don't require spacers and I use them in my Steel 9mm and 9Major guns without any issues at all. You might be able to get some new SV mags that work but you will have to work on the mag catch from what I read. Also, some new SV mags will not drop free from STI grips so that may be another issue to worry about.

  8. I was looking for a better Production/low PF powder last year and did the same you as - researched it here. I tried several powders and just did not like anything until G-man turned me onto N320. I ordered a 4lb can of that and I will probably never look back. It has every quality you could ask for in Production and Limited. As mentioned here, it's hard to get and expensive but well worth it. Everywhere I looked today, the 4lb can is out. You can get a pound of it from PV or Sinclair just to try out, may be even more expensive that way but you are not stuck with 4lb of something you might not like.

    My load for my 9Pro is (don't quote me, I'm not at home looking at my books) 4.1 N320, 1.13, using a MG 124 CMJ.

  9. I am loading a different powder (WST)with 180 grain Montana golds (which I have never used), through a gun that is my backup and I am getting 100 fps swings when chronoing. Range is indoors and light is good, shooting 10 feet from the chrono and my powder measure stays within .1 all the time.

    May not be the chrono - could be the reloads.

    Different types of brass, varying OAL's, etc.

    More specifics of your reloads / equipment would

    make it easier to be more specific.


    If it's a total of 100 fps between rounds, I've seen that and it was my reloads. The 100 fps swing was as +/- 50 fps. Now, if you are getting +/- 100 swings (in effect, 200 fps differences), then I would not attribute that to reloads unless the powder drop was very inconsistent. Since your drop is good, I would doubt it's that. Can you give us more details about your velocities and strings?

  10. I'm not sure about halogen (should be okay but not sure) but is there any way to run it outside? Or do you have an IR kit? I've never chrono'ed inside but I would not trust anything but natural lighting or the IR kit.

  11. Second on the Federal Auto Match here, I use it in my M41 and Ruger-style rifles without any issues. If it was a big match, I would probably go with the CCI but for local stuff, the FAM works great in my rimfires.

    For the last part of your question, that is personal preference but I'm with the group that believes lighter is better. I don't think I've seen anyone shoot their CF faster than their RF and I've been shooting SC for years and I'm a SC Match Director. I'm sure there are a few but not many. The norm is to go with light, fast bullets - just like RF. I usually use the MG 95gr JHP loaded to about 105-108 PF. Yeah, I'm not working the comp a lot but it really is almost like shooting my Rimfires. Therefore my times are lower with this bullet/PF combination.

    Good luck!

  12. So which one was better - HS6 or WAC?

    Sorry, I didn't make it clear - HS6 was much better. WAC seemed "violent" to me and the dot jumped straight up off the screen but returned to the same spot. WAC was great to reload, lots of room left but not enough to double charge and it metered very well. HS6 was really dirty, left some weird discoloring around my popples and really gunked up the internals but I need to run it to a higher PF to see if it will burn a little cleaner. The dot stayed in the screen just touching the top of the C-more but returning to center nicely.

    It's a 5" Trubor topend ( I got from Eric "Aircooled6racer" here on the forums) with a 10lb spring.

  13. The video looks pretty good but like the previous post said, does the dot return to where you before you broke the shot? Playing with the loads is critical with each comp. I did a bunch of N350, PP, WAC, and HS6 over the past few weeks and I could tell a remarkable difference between WAC and HS6 at the same PF. I'm working on loads but with the HS6, I really saw a difference in the way the dot jumped in view.

    I would also look at your recoil springs. I went to a 10lb for my 9Major loads and a 6lb for my 9mm Steel loads and it does make a HUGE difference.

    Otherwise, you look good, keep up the work..

  14. Distance from the chrono screens and the muzzle account for the most problems with checking your rounds. The second is probably lighting. I have a Millenium and a PACT Mark IV so they are very good chrono's. The only time I've seen crazy numbers like that is when it was late in the day near dark (but now I have an infrared kit so no issues now). What Coco said is also another issue but I've never seen that personally.

    What chrono was it? What time of day? What weather conditions? What load and gun?

  15. Cost of the bullets and bullet selection (light, fast rounds) are other big factors although mag capacity has got to be number 1. If you are limited to 10, then all else might not be a big issue so if you shoot Limited 40, it would make reloading much easier.

  16. Hey Top,

    What's your WAC load setup? I'm going out to the range today to test some WAC and HS-6 loads I made up. I'm using CCI SPM for all these test loads although I also have a ton of SPP on hand.

    I'll post my info, would you do the same? Thanks...

    9MAJOR 5" Briley Barrel no holes.

    7.2 WAC @1.165 W/ MG 121 IFP's. WSP 171 PF AVG velocity 1415

    7.4 went to 173 with no significant improvements in handling, dot movement, etc. AT LEAST FOR ME. Let me know what you get.

    Well, I should have loaded more rounds. I started low (first time with this powder) at 6.5 WAC, 1.165, CCI SPM and range brass. I was averaging 1224 so I was only at 151 PF. I went up to 7.0 and only got up to an average 1328 which is 164 PF. I was thinking of going up to 7.4 to see where I'm at but I was testing HS-6 at the same time. I noticed at the same PF, HS-6 was noticeably softer and flatter so not as much dot movement. I only got up to 164 with HS-6 but it wasn't as "violent" as WAC. I plan on loading up some more HS-6 and see how it is at about 171 PF.

    One note on CCI SPM vs SPP with one load today. I loaded up 20 rounds of 6.9 WAC with SPP and 20 rounds of 6.9 WAC with SPM. My average with the SPP was 15fps higher than with the SPM, strange. I have read that WAC is better with SPP anyway.

  17. Hey Top,

    What's your WAC load setup? I'm going out to the range today to test some WAC and HS-6 loads I made up. I'm using CCI SPM for all these test loads although I also have a ton of SPP on hand.

    I'll post my info, would you do the same? Thanks...

    9MAJOR 5" Briley Barrel no holes.

    7.2 WAC @1.165 W/ MG 121 IFP's. WSP 171 PF AVG velocity 1415

    7.4 went to 173 with no significant improvements in handling, dot movement, etc. AT LEAST FOR ME. Let me know what you get.

    Roger WilCo

  18. All my Open guns have them but being an amateur in Open, I may not be the best qualified to say but I like them so far. One of my Open pistols I had popples drilled after I shot it a bit and it did seem a little flater after the holes were done but not by much. It's also harder to make Major in 9mm but you're shooting 38S so you will have no problems at all with that.

    Do you have any shooting buddies you can try out before you decide?

    Also, when I was at Area 6, I talked to Millenium about the cool popples he has on his guns. He said he does a lot of testing with comps and popples and the new configuration he has seems to help stabilize the dot more. He is an amazing gunsmith so I take his word for things like that.

    All things being equal, I'm sure it helps some but not to a great degree...Good luck!

  19. Hey Top,

    What's your WAC load setup? I'm going out to the range today to test some WAC and HS-6 loads I made up. I'm using CCI SPM for all these test loads although I also have a ton of SPP on hand.

    I'll post my info, would you do the same? Thanks...

  20. Thanks, that about what it should be for most loading, most of mine are between .420- .422 but I use jacketed bullets now with range brass. I've never had any problems with keyholing but I've seen it lots of times.

    Thanks for the info...

  21. Good afternoon, JAFO,

    The ES and SD reported by chronographs is usually based on a 10 round string, depending on the chrono. That's really too small a statistical sample to get a reliable SD. That's certainly the norm, though, but from an engineering standpoint you need a lot larger sample. I've had two strings of the same exact load fired one after the other with noticeable differences in SD even though each charge was weighed, same case, etc. I was bored one day and wanted to see what would happen so that's why I did that exercise. And as before, my two strings are hardly a good sized sample! :blush:

    Didn't mean to get off track...just thought I'd toss it out there for conversation.

    Warmest regards,


    Yes, the CED Millennium needs at least five shots before it will calculate the SD.

    I would go with 20 - 30 round test groups and multiples of them. When I'm going to a big match, I take about 20 3-round test groups. Why you ask? Well, when you go to a big match, what do they do? They shoot three rounds, average, and get your PF. I want to make sure that I'm making the PF with only three rounds every time.

    Remember in statistics, the sample size should be proportionate to the population size (depending on level of accuracy/confidence) using the standard formulas or tables. If the population size was 20 and the sample is 10, I'm sure most would agree that it would be sufficient. It's all relative.

    I also don't mean to get off track but we have to keep tabs of the big picture.

  22. I've used plated bullets with great luck. I've not found them to be too velocity sensitive, but they sure were crimp sensitive. I over-crimped some in my 40 S&W and they keyholed at 10 yards! But then again, my crimp was just excessive.

    For fun one time, I loaded up my 124 grain plated bullets (Rainier and Berry's)in my 357 SIG P226 and saw how fast I could push them. By the time I reached maximum manual loads, they still held together and shot great! Like any 9mm bullet in a 357 SIG, getting the neck tension right took a bit of care, but no big deal. I wouldn't go so far as to say that plated bullets are great for 357 SIG, but they sure shoot well out of my P226! I got up to 1420 fps with them.

    Once again, I was just experimenting, so take it all with a grain of salt! I'm an engineer by trade and sometimes I just can't help myself...I have to experiment!

    Warmest regards,


    When you say your crimp was excessive, did you take any measurements? I'm just curious what they were since I feel like that is the same problem with a friend's load.

  23. I overcrimped some plated bullets in 40S&W and ended up with keyholes at 10 yds. After re-adjusting to just remove the flare, everything works as it should again. There's been no problems with bullet setback either. I've checked by pushing on the bench and also after the slide chambers them and they're fine...no change in OAL.

    Warmest regards,


    Did you take any measurements before and after? I have a friend and he is experiencing the same as you did with the same bullet. He swears his crimp is right but I don't think so. Thanks...

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