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Posts posted by 2MoreChains

  1. It cuts into the web of my hand a little. I'm going to have to work on my grip, I can already tell I won't always activate the grip safety.

    This may not be the same issue you are having, but I found I didn't like the relief cuts on the sides of the stock STI beavertail grip safety. Yes it allows the gun to sit lower in my hand, but it also created a corner that rubbed the big joint of my thumb and sometimes I would get such a high grip that I'd get slide bite. This was happening with both my STI's (Trojan and Eagle), but none of my 1911's from other makers.

    So I replaced the STI grip safeties with an Ed Brown that didn't have the relief cuts and all of my problem went away. Some minor fitting was required, but nothing a file and emery paper couldn't resolve.

    I mainly shoot moly-coated lead thru my pistols. No issues, once you find the right powder combo.


  2. What are the timelines? I'm trying to find a schedule of events. Anything on Friday for non RO's? I saw 0600 registration on Saturday, is it the same for Sunday morning? Thanks

    Hi, the match schedule is on page 5 of the match booklet. I emailed it to all the competitors a couple of days ago. If you didn't get it, PM me your email and I'll send it again. I had hoped to have had the Match Booklet posted on our website, but its not back from the printers yet (but will be by Friday).

    Registration is between 0600-0700, at which time you can self-squad at Check-in. There will also be coffee and breakfast at the clubhouse for a modest fee (better than dumpster diving from the local 7/11).

    On Sunday, we'll start shooting around 0730-0745 when it is light enough (no need to check-in a 2nd time). I was going to cover this at the shooter's meeting on Saturday a.m., but for Sunday we'll just have everyone meet up with their squad at whichever stage is their next one in the normal progression. RO's will take attendence and start when everyone is there / it is light enough to see.

    Adding to the above.. might there be a bay available to check zeros on Friday afternoon?

    I'm sure we can accommodate that. Come find us on Friday when you get it. We'll be out there setting up most of the day, and we're not using the far western rifle pit.



  3. I put a .140" tall DP front sight on a Colt Officers to get it to match the Novak I have on the rear, does that count?

    For my 5" Eagle, the rear sight was cranked up pretty high with a .160" front site, so when it broke in half I decided to try a .150", and was pleased with the results. Its hitting good, and I found that I don't like a really tall front sight if I don't need one. A tall front sight seems too much like a lolly-pop to me, and I have to consciously remind myself to center the FO for elevation as well as windage when taking a sight picture, which takes time. But with the fiber optic closer to the slide it seems like one less thing to worry about -as long as it is centered, I'm on. The .150" seems to be a good match with the Bomar-style rear adjustable, but I bet I could probably run a .140" given how much the rear sight is elevated. I'm still using a .160" that came stock on my Trojan, but I think I could probably go lower if I ever needed to change it out.

  4. A year ago I was pretty much looking for the same thing the OP is, and bought a used Eagle in .40 for use as my Limited/L-10/3-gun pistol. Prior to getting it I played with some Eagles and Edges that friends had, and coming from a 1911 in SSTK I felt the most comfortable with the way the Eagle handled so no regrets on getting the short dust cover. Plus I wanted to be able to shoot it in IDPA and that pretty much ruled out the Edge or a bull barreled Eagle. I always figured that if I wanted more weight on the end I could install a tungsten guide rod, but I haven't felt the need for that yet. Since getting it I've been having a ball of fun shooting it in Limited and L-10, and near as I can tell my scores or match placements haven't suffered.

    Incidentally, I bought it here (on BEnos). Seems like Eagles pop up every now and then.

  5. I shoot SSTK with a .45acp and Limited with a .40SW, but that's probably because I started out in SSTK before I switched to Limited. If I did it the other way around, I'd have probably set up the SSTK gun in .40SW just to keep all the ammo the same. As far as recoil, I don't find that there is that much of a difference, but I use a 200 gr MSWC in the .45 and a 180 gr TC in the .40, with both loaded to 172-ish PF. The .40 is maybe a tad bit snappier.

    Changing tool heads and primer tubes on the 550 takes 10 mins at the most, and it makes for as good a time as any to clean the primer bar. As far as cost, I use moly coated bullets from Bear Creek, and I think there's about a $6 difference per K between the two calibers.

  6. Well, the stages look fun and challenging. I had a minor freak out,(OMG THAT'S LIKE TWO WEEKS AWAY AND I STILL HAVE A LIST OF STUFF TO DO, NOT THE LEAST OF WHICH IS TO MOUNT MY OPTIC, OH AND I DON'T KNOW MAYBE PRACTICE SOMETHING!) but I'm over it(for)now. I've struggled at the distance targets in the past and sometimes the Texas Star and I aren't on friendly terms. But even when I struggle I'm still having a blast! Thank (insert deity of choice here). Can't wait :roflol:

    That is all.



    Glad to hear that you like the stages! Our AD Mr. Chuck designed most of them.

    I too had a moment of panic with regard to the dwindling time to prep for the match... but I think we're getting there. Plaques showed up the other day from Manny, porta-potties have been ordered, and all the ducks are coming into something that resembles a line. Appreciate everyone's patience while we juggle regular work demands with getting ready for the big shin-dig in Oct.

    Incidently, stages and match info is posted on PRGC's website: http://www.parmarng.org/index.php/special-events/area-1-multigun

    and yeah, I know about the math errors on Stage 3 and 6 (I never claimed that counting was my strong point...) I'll get that fixed.


  7. How about if using USPSA's Time Plus make the Major/Minor divide at the division level? HM-Tac and HM-Lim must be major PF for rifle and pistol. For Tactical, Limited, and Open, rifle and pistol must be over minor PF (same thresh-holds we use right now).

    After all, when neutralizing paper with 1 A or 2 anywhere doesn't really matter if that C-zone hit is 4 pts or 3 pts. Steel must fall or clay must break or have one hole seems to be less controversial. Based on what I can find in the 2011 provisional rulebook, even though it doesn't specifically say this about major/minor, that's what seems to be the result if you use Time Plus. Or color me confused...

    One of things my AD has been telling me is the difficulty with scoring hits on certain types of targets that are common in IMGA matches. Such as flying clays (hard to call that one BB hit) or the difficulty in getting the flipper or thrower to present the flying clay consistently for each shooter. Even though I haven't shot a ton of IMGA matches, I've shot enough to have had a few crazy clays come flying back at me or at odd angles. Plus, thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure there have been quite a few flying clays that I "missed" that I now think I hit with at least one BB before it hit the ground! We also need more kinds of self-setting steel targets that are USPSA approved for long distance rifle or slugs. No way anybody wants to walk 300 yds down range to reset a target, and how many clubs have MGM Recons, 10" Flash targets, or LaRue's in sufficient quantity?

    Anyway, just a few things we stumbled upon while designing stages for an upcoming match... thank god we shoot near MGM central!

    It would also be nice to know if one can use cinched mags, load to 10+1 shotgun shells after the buzzer or bipods in Tac or Limited, and a few other nuances that seem to change from match to match.

  8. Hi guys,

    Sorry, have been away for a bit.

    Squadding will be done on Sat morning at check-in. There will be a squad sign in sheet with each RO's name at the top. First-come-first-served. If you get there first, you can sign your buddies up as well. I think we're shooting for 10 per squad to keep things moving.

    Dustin, you registered on 6/30/2011 for Open Div / Sr. Look forward to seeing you all in Oct. Tell the mice to quit playing with matches, and maybe I'll have a chance to finalize the stages and get them posted. Oh yeah, and maybe do some logistical prep for the match...

    Speaking of which, anybody have a good scoresheet for Time Plus? EzWin ver4.whatever doesn't do Time Plus score sheets. Might save me some time for other things that need done... thanks!

    if questions, shoot me an email.

    We've had a couple of cancellations, so filoing those slots by going down the wait list in the order they were received.

  9. I have the SP model, and used Victor's DIY for a pair of G10 grips I already had. The first side took and hour, less than 15 min for the other.

    Previously I was using a S&A magwell, and I do prefer the Techwell. The SP gives you a huge hole to hit in comparison. I'm using 47DE mags, which are a little overkill for the SP, but at least I can't blame a fail-to-seat botched reload on equipment. Just grind 1/8" off the front half of the basepad and it'll fit the USPSA and IDPA boxes.

  10. I have a 2011 that runs good with 1.180" and 1.130" OAL ammo. Color me lucky I guess. I load my major loads long probably more for to keep the pressure down, and my minor loads short so I can also use them in a Glock 35. So far so good when I shoot the shorty-40's in my 2011 for ESP or Steel Challenge, and I'm pretty sure that if something was going to have puked it would have done it by now.

    Moly-coated truncated cone 180 grs... if that helps.

  11. Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let everyone know that registration for the match has been extended out to September 15, 2011.

    We're currently sitting at around 75 shooters, and still have room for another 25 or so. Of note, unless we get additional entries for Limited, HM-Limited and HM-Tactical we won't be able to recognize those divisions per Appendix A2.

    As of July 31, 2011, the breakdown of competitors is as follows:

    Open: 11

    Tactical: 55

    Limited: 4

    HM-Limited: 1

    HM-Tactical: 3

    We're also in the process of going over all the stage designs submitted, and will be finalizing those in the next few weeks. Once we get them finalized we'll post them to Area 1's website.

    Preliminary round count is looking like:

    Rifle: 140

    Pistol: 150

    Shotgun: 140 (shot)

    Shotgun: 30 (slug)

    *Round count is subject to change, but wanted to put the rough estimate out there.



  12. Hi everyone,

    The elevation screw on my STI Eagle's adjustable rear sight broke today (mid-way thru a stage no less...). It also sent the spring into outer space. Any idea on where I can find replacement parts to rebuilt the sight? This is the Bomar-style rear sight that STI makes.

    The screw broke in half between the upper leaf and lower sight body, and we were able to unscrew the lower piece of the screw to get it out of the site. It looks like if I can find a replacement screw and spring I can still use the same sight body.

    I haven't called STI or Dawsons yet to see if they have the parts, and may do that on Monday.

    In the meantime, was wondering what you guys would suggest. Worst case scenario is I'll just order a replacement rear sight. But i was hoping you guys might know of somebody who sells replacement parts to rebuild the sight as this might be a good thing to have in the parts kit since my SS gun has the same sight.


  13. Not sure if this will work for your situation, but at one of the clubs I shoot at we rotate the MD duties by quarter. For example, I usually take the 1st quarter (winter) because my job sometimes interferes with my availability in the late spring thru mid fall. Each quarter's MD organizes six matches in those three months. It helps to minimize burn out, and also inherently mixes things up because each of the MD's has a different styles of stages they like.

    Scoring usually goes pretty smooth when the regular Stats guy shows up, but he too has a life/job, so a couple of us are his back-up when he can't make it.

  14. Hi everyone,

    Registration is still open, and there are still slots available for this match. To help facilitate organizing all of the "stuff" for a match and knowing how many people to plan for, we're asking that you plan to shoot the match to please register prior to July 31, 2011 (for those of you that are MD's, I'm sure you understand!). We're also working on the stages for the match, and hope to have some good ones for you! Plus, mid-Oct in SW Idaho is usually pretty nice. Mild weather, calm days and cool evenings. Probably my favorite time of year.

    For those that applied as RO's or to work on the Set-up/Tear-Down crew, I hope to finalize that this week so look for an email.

    Thanks again,


    Area 1 M-G MD

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