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Posts posted by 2MoreChains

  1. Hi Paul,

    I've been running a lot of BBI 180 gr TC moly's thru my Glock that I bought last winter when Travis did that bulk order. Shot a few in practice, checked the barrel. No fouling, no deposits. Shot some more, re-checked. No issues. Got to the point where will shoot 300+ before cleaning, and no still no issues. Conclusion? BBI is good in Glocks.

    See ya!


  2. I was fortunate to find a pre-series II .40 Kimber back in '03 or '04. It's a great pistol, but kind of picky on the mags. Been using it for Steel, and may start using it for USPSA since I have a healthier supply of SP primers on hand than LP. Seems like I occasionally see used ones for sale, but you gotta jump on them quick.

    The STIppling on the Trojan didn't do anything for me, but thats easily fixed with grip tape. 'Course if I was going spend $1,500+ I think I'd want (demand) a nice checkering job.

  3. the final knock against the CED was the rechargeable battery -which is nice until it dies mid-match and you can't replace with a fresh alkaline. FWIW, I prefer cameras with regular batts for that reason. YMMV

    I don't remember the last time I charged my CED7000 and it still shows 100% :surprise: I have literally left it in the bag for a couple of months and had it work just fine all day long running shooters at a match. The batter is just flipping amazing...seriously. R,

    Yeah, I probably need to get with the times. But we ran one out last summer at the Idaho Sectional. Had to switch to another timer. For all I know it was half or low-charged when we started. But it was not tragic since there's usually an extra timer or two somewhere in the squad.

    Does CED use lithium ion or nicad rechargeables? At work we recently switched over to Bendix-King lithium ion rechargeable batteries, and once I got over the shock of the price tag, I started to appreciate the 4-5 days of use I could get out of a single charge. With the old nicads, they needed to be recharged every night, or more depending on how much yakking or scanning you did that day.

  4. This may sound like a strange question to most of you but I've got a question about the Dillon Strong Mount. I did a search and came up empty so I figured I would post it.

    I am looking for the foot print dimension for a strong mount. I would like to know the distance from the left side edge to the right side edge for the strong mount for a RL 550b? I order the press from Brian and added the "As It Should Be" package also. I am setting up my new bench and I am adding a section of angle iron to the front edge and want to make sure I have a piece that is long enough.

    Thanks for the help!!


    Looks to be 12 1/4" outside to outside at the bottom of the strong mount where you mount it to the bench. 10" deep.

    Got the same press, with the same features, and same guy! Great press. Good choice!

  5. I went thru this process last summer, and ended up getting the PACT Club III. Of all the ones I tried out, it fit my hand the best, had easy buttons to push, and I could wear it on my belt for training and just look down to see the screen. Easy to program for par time, delay, instant... Best thing I ever bought for training IMO.

    The Pocket Pros are nice, and simple to operate, but blocky and sometimes hard to see the screen. I really liked the CED 7000 for it's compact size and button arrangement, but felt it was not so user friendly for training due to the display being on the front and not the top. Yeah, I know you can get the belt adapter, but the final knock against the CED was the rechargeable battery -which is nice until it dies mid-match and you can't replace with a fresh alkaline. FWIW, I prefer cameras with regular batts for that reason. YMMV

    I haven't noticed any problems with the PACT in cold weather, but will keep an eye on mine. How cold is cold? If it's less than 20*, there are much better things to do INDOORS!

  6. Six on the belt, barney in the front pocket. Seems to fit on a 34" waist without any fuss.

    I'm contemplating changing from three double pouches to six singles for more flexibility. Just not sure of the brand. Shot with Rick Palmer of COM the other weekend, and have always been a fan of his work.

    I have a COM holster that I run for SS and IDPA-CDP. I also run 4 single mag-pouches with one bladetech double in the back.

    Talked with Rick today. Got two of his singles coming to try out. I think two singles will be better for IDPA than one double. If they work out (and I think they will), I'll get four more for USPSA. In a bind, maybe I can use my COM cell phone 'holster' as an extra Glock mag holder...LOL.

    BTW, Happy B-day! No more sandbagging in Juniors!

  7. I don't have any experience with the Leupold other than a 3-9 VXII on one of my hunting rifles, but I went with the Millett for my 3-Gun AR. A friend had one, and I got to shoot it a bunch before buying mine. As has already been said, the Millett is a pretty good scope for the money, and I've been pretty happy with mine. It does have a long-ish eye relief, but I can make it work with the Burris PEPR mount that came from SWFA. Plus I like the 1 MOA dot in the 10 MOA donut. Too bad the illuminated reticle washes out in daylight.

    Speaking of SWFA, they have a pretty good price on the scope and Burris mount combo.

    If my needs outgrow the scope, and want something better later, I have a 10/22 that the Millett would probably work pretty good on. But for my 1st yr of 3-gunning, I think it's gonna work out just fine. Now if I happened to come across a Burris XTR on a prize table someday...

  8. Six on the belt, barney in the front pocket. Seems to fit on a 34" waist without any fuss.

    I'm contemplating changing from three double pouches to six singles for more flexibility. Just not sure of the brand. Shot with Rick Palmer of COM the other weekend, and have always been a fan of his work.

  9. The thing to remember is that someone could hook up a great classifier. Which is a cool thing to experience. But in reality you may not be that type of shooter all the time. So they may flag that classifier for the time being. But if you hook up a couple more then call them. They are reasonable and will see it is the start of a trend for you and re-evaluate your scores.

    Good post. Thanks for that.

    Onus is on me to see if I can do it again, but that's gonna be a tall order to get additional +15% HF's. I know I'm not in that class. Maybe someday...

    ...but you're right, it was a cool thing to exprience. It was one of those "woah, that was smooth... how did I do that?" moments that happens all too infrequently, but are much sought after. I'm just trying to seek an understanding of the rules (and not to beat my own drum) since page ii caused me some serious head scratching that was more than just a dry scalp...


  10. Of course you also realize that from this point forward not turning in spectacular performances will earn you the title of Sandy as we now know what you are truly capable of and anything else is as the nickname indicates sandbagging. :roflol:


    Hi Jim, I think we have a case of mistaken identity going on. You must be refering to my highly competitive evil twin brother... but duly noted. He will be so informed!

    The scores got posted this morning, so I did a quick scan. I think mine is the only 'odd one out'. So looks like I might be OK.

    We had 23 classified shooters and 12 unclassified at the match. Of the classified shooters, it looks like 11 people shot HF's that put them in the same class as before. 9 shot one class under their current classification, 1 shot two classes under, and one guy shot 1 class above (he's a "D", but shot a "C" HF. He was on my squad, and I'll bet money that he doesn't stay a "D" for very long). And one odd man out, me.

    Thanks everyone!

  11. Hi Tim.

    That's reassuring. Yeah, guess we'll see next month. In the meantime just wondering how to interpret the rulebook.

    If they don't use it, it'll be the first time I've done "too well" at something! But, like I told Carrie today at the match when we were looking at the scores -I had a broken watch once that told the right time twice a day..." I had a moment's consideration of doing a re-shoot for classification and slowing it down a tad, but she reminded me that the best one is the one that is submitted. Good thing too, since I can't imagine doing a re-shoot to do "worse". The concept is perplexing enough and I'm not good enough or smart enough to sandbag.

    It was a good match regardless. Nice wx, good people, and good shootin'.

  12. I think this is the right place to post this question.

    Something "out of the ordinary" happened to me today. The HF of a classifier I shot today calculates out to be more than 15% of my current national percentage and Class bracket.

    Will it count towards my national percentage? I referenced the rulebook, and asked a few people at the match today, but got varying answers.

    According to page ii of the 2008 rulebook, this score will be entered into the database, but will probably be given a "flag" when it's recorded at Sedro Wooley.

    Per page ii in the rulebook:

    To guard against the possibility of of incorrect stage set-up or typographical error, scores that are more than 15 percent above your current classification bracket are evaluated at the time of entry to see if such a score would adversely affect your classification. In general, those scores are entered, but occasionally a score is so out of the ordinary it is not used and flagged with an A.

    It's the last part of the quote from the rulebook that I underlined that has me worried. It is out of the ordinary for me to shoot that well, but what can I say? I've been doing a lot of dry-fire and live-fire practice recently, and I guess everything came together for me today. Maybe this is the start of one of those "incremental improvements" after plateauing for a while.

    Let's just say for sake of argument that the Classifier was set up correctly, scored correctly, and recorded correctly, and there are no typographical errors. When averaged as one of the six highest of my recent 8 classifiers on file, it will be enough to bump me up to the next class, so that's not what I would consider an "adverse effect" to my classification (other than it makes me the newest small fish in the next's higher classification's pond).

    So, will it count? I guess I'll find out around the 10th of next month...


  13. If you want to see something really comical,watch a USPSA shooter spend most of there time at a IDPA match

    picking dropped mags up and trying to store them. Now, that's funny!!!

    That sounds like me at my first IDPA match after shooting USPSA for a while....

    On another note, I think I may have found one reason why we see more IDPA shooters in my area than USPSA. IDPA matches are held on Saturdays. USPSA on Sundays.

    Sunday = Church

    At least thats the common answer I get when I'm trying to convince an IDPA shooter to check out USPSA...

  14. Called S+A to order a magwell for a single stack. Very very nice people, super friendly and informative.

    Their steel magwell weighs 2.9 oz.

    Their aluminum one weighs 0.9 oz.

    They do not recommend the aluminum one for high volume shooters; the lips of the magazines really chew up the inside of the magwell.

    Again, good people to deal with.



    Thanks for posting the weights. Just curious, are those for the flat or arched magwells?

    I resorted to aluminum when I put my Trojan on a diet to make CDP weight, but I didn't have access to a scale at the time. OTOH, I did notice a significant weight difference when comparing the two. I was at 42 oz with a steel S&A, and your post confirms that I'm under 41 oz. so thanks for that.

    Incidentally, I only have a few thousand rounds thru the aluminum magwell, and it's hardly "chewed up". I'm guessing it'll last for quite a while.

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