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Posts posted by 2MoreChains

  1. Can I join this thread? This is something that I've been puzzling over since I shot my first match in Sept. My scores from subsequent matches are usually pretty close to the max points per stage, but my slow times are ranking me in the middle of the pack once hit factors were calculated. So yeah, I quickly realized that accuracy and speed were the hallmarks for doing well in this game. (DVC, eh?)

    But as a novice to USPSA (still trying to get classified) I'm afraid (maybe the wrong word) of picking up bad habits if I sacrifice too much accuracy for speed. I know there is a break point between speed and points, but call it a conceit because game or not, I want to hit what I aim at. As has been noted above, we first have to hit the target. No doubt this is doubly true when shooting steel, because hitting the plate the first time has got to be less time than taking two shots if I miss on the first. I took a class a long time ago where the instructor would look at my target after a string, and tell me to speed up or slow down, based on my accuracy. If I had nice tight groups, he told me I should be shooting faster. If my groups were loose, he'd say slow down. That must have made an impression on me, since I find myself still adhering to his teachings.

    So after shooting 5 matches, my competitive urges are whispering in my ear to speed up. But I've noticed that each time I try to speed up my shooting, my scores really suffer, and I realize I'm not ready for that type of acceleration. After talking to Aristotle over on another forum, I'm working on trying to be fast and efficient in my movement, and let my budding shooting speed mature on its own over time. With each COF I shoot, I can look back in my minds eye and make note of how I wasted effort (and time) in a number of areas. Simple things like footwork, reloads (I'm in SS Div, so I do a LOT of reloading), movement between arrays, or even the sequence of how I approach the arrays. I'm trying to pay attention for self-critique (I've re-read that chapter in BE's book a couple of times now). It's hard to tell with all the COF's being different, but I think my times over the last two matches are coming down. I did have to reshoot one COF a couple of matches ago because the timer malfunctioned, and dropped 2 secs through being more efficient in my movement (can I reshoot all the other's please?).

    I don't have a timer, but think I can probably shave 20-30% off my time for each COF by getting more efficient in the non-shooting skills, so am going to work on that, and try to fight the urge to rush my shots (and hit Deltas or no-shoots, or hard targets). I'm into pre-visualization (learned to do it in other sports), and try to do a walk through of each COF in my mind before I shoot, but then there's the part where my body won't do what my brain tells it to do!

    Am I going down the right path here?

    Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much (it makes bending over that much harder to do...)

  2. Welcom, me and my wife were shooting in the other squad at the steel match, you need to come out and play at my house..pm sent

    I got it. Thanks! We may take you up on the offer. See you at the Dec 6th Steel Match, if not before. Some practice shooting a Texas Star may be beneficial.... my first attempt on the star resembled a yard sale w/ empty mags and brass at my feet... but was able to keep it to just one mag by the last string.

  3. Welcome to the Benosverse! May your stay be long and fruitful.


    Would you be the same Duane Thomas who's articles I've been reading for the last 20+/- years? Wow. And thanks for the welcome! I've always enjoyed your writing. Can I have your autograph?

    Still into motorcycles?


  4. Hi. New guy here, and so far have shot 100% in Single Stack. I'm still working on the fundamentals, and have enough on my mind that switching from division to division would just be a major distraction. So it hasn't been hard to be monogamous.

    I also like SS if for no other reason it gives me an excuse for 40 second COF's!

    But maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment since I'm new to USPSA, decided to start out w/ a .45 acp, Major PF, and with a stock pistol.

  5. Thanks for all the welcome!

    Where are you located?

    Sorry, forgot to mention that. I live in the Nampa/Boise area, Idaho. Or in the USPSA parlance: Area 1. I heard yesterday that the Area 1 Match will be held at the Parma Rod and Gun Club in Parma, ID -which is about 30 minutes west of where I live. June 18-21 (or thereabouts). Hopefully I can attend (work may interfere, but maybe with some prior planning...). Maybe I'll see some of you there.



  6. Hi All.

    I discovered USPSA in September, and kinda got hooked. Folks over at 1911 Forum referred me to you guys when I first started asking questions about USPSA, and have been lurking for the last few months.

    I shot my 2nd match since getting my USPSA membership yesterday, and hope to shoot two more in Dec to get my official classification (Not sure why I'm in a hurry to get my 'D' classification, but for some reason I don't like being a 'U'). I shot three matches prior to joining just to make sure I liked it, but that should have been a foregone conclusion after the first match.

    Based on equipment, I chose Single Stack division since I had the most appropriate gear in that division... I guess I could have also shot production with one my Glocks, but seem to prefer the 1911 platform. I'm shooting .45 acp Major PF with a Kimber TLE, using 200 gr LSWC. It took me a few weeks to get everything (springs, bullets, holster, mag pouches et.al.) running smooth, but I got there.

    My wife joined up as well after shooting her first match two weeks ago. She's shooting her pre-series II Kimber in .40 cal, and is also in Single Stack. We spent a week or so of tweaking her springs, mags, and bullets as well, but we got there as well.

    Anyway, appreciate all the info I've got from reading on BE. I'll probably have more questions later, but for now just wanted to introduce myself and say hello.


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