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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Not mentioned previously: I run extra power striker springs in all of mine. Either Taylor Freelance or Arredondo mag extensions to play in Limited with 22+1 or 23+1 rounds.
  2. Thanks, guys. No chance for a 147...I've never loaded those. Also no chance for a squib. It was his 5th shot and thre previous 2 targets each had two holes and the third target had just one hole. 100% sure it was an over/double charge and 99% sure it was mine.
  3. No... Look carefully at that picture of the brass, and it tells the tale (if the cracked slide wasn't also a clue). A normal round fired out of battery will act much like any other case failure - it'll tend to blow out the mag, and blow out the case. It might cause some minor damage to things and might sting your hand a little, but that's about it. What you have here is obvious over pressure damage. The case head is fully seated below the hood (which suggests the gun was in battery, BTW), and the lower half of the case head is highly deformed (usually, this kind of case damage wouldn't happen if the gun was out of battery, either - the pressure wouldn't be contained enough to let it build like that). Heck, the case head has been blown out so hard, it conforms to the breechface! (look at the squared off left side of the case head...). Unfortunately, this is what a double charge of fast powder does, not a gun firing out of battery If you were so inclined, and had a vise and a rubber mallet, you could probably get the gun apart.... Dave...Thank you! That is EXACTLY the kind of information I was looking for!
  4. Does it look like it could have fired out of battery? Several people on his squad said it didn't sound any different than the previous 4 rounds. I'm not looking to place blame, I just want to figure out exactly what happened. Regardless, I am being much more careful about my reloading, now.
  5. It would probably be 2 - 2.5 hours but we are planning to have a 3-gun match near Augusta that Saturday.
  6. It would probably add about 3 hours to your trip, but the drive from Johnson City, TN down through Asheville, NC and then into SC is really pretty. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Harrisburg,+PA&daddr=36.39765,-82.48659+to:34.52447,-82.49795+to:Hilton+Head,+Hilton+Head+Island,+SC&hl=en&ll=34.633208,-81.815186&spn=6.633147,14.227295&sll=34.626428,-82.702332&sspn=1.658877,3.556824&geocode=FSSHZgIdPtZq-ymXnge4FsHIiTHVRo0SyEJuuw%3BFVJiKwIdwloV-ylhC2PTPIpaiDEr8PluE40Kfw%3BFTbNDgIdYi4V-ymtqtEulRNYiDGcE-3alwRlDA%3BFems6wEdtKww-yF2JqQlIrxtNw&vpsrc=6&mra=dvme&mrsp=2&sz=9&via=1,2&t=m&z=7 It would also get you to Greenville with the option of hitting this: http://www.wheatonarms.com/3-gun-events.html They try to put on one the second Saturday of each month but when time gets closer I would check to make sure.
  7. Another reason for posting all of these pics is to make sure that it does indeed look like a double charge and not firing out of battery. I do use extra power striker springs but I also use stock recoil springs (approx 1.5 years old with approx 5000 rounds through this one). Also, if I don't send this to S&W, any suggestions on getting this thing apart? As you can see, it won't go forward enough to go into battery and allow the slide to come off. Should I just take the pin out and try to lift the sear block out of the back?
  8. My only reason to send it back to S&W would be to see what, if any, parts are still usable. At this point I am hoping the Apex Sear and Firing Pin Block would still be usable in another. No chance it was 9mm Major. I also seriously doubt it was WWB. When it happened it blew the mag out of the gun and it landed on the ground with the remaining 6 rounds still in the mag. I have become more lax in my reloading. A few years ago when I started I had 2 squibs. Since then I have had no problems in the last 150K or so rounds. I will definitely be much more careful, now. BTW, here is what 9.0gr of TiteGroup ( a double charge of 4.5) looks like in a 9mm case:
  9. LOL...it will take more than that to slow him down. The next day he shot 3-gun: http://csrapistol.com/MultiGun/Pinetucky_102311_3gun.htm
  10. My 13 year old was shooting this M&P in a match Saturday when it went Boom. It blew the extractor out and put a very small cut on his hand. My best guess, as much as I hate it, is a double charge. It was defintely not a squib as it was his 5th shot and he had 2 on the first tagret, 2 on the second, and this one on the third. He was shooting a combination of my reloads (MG115FMJ, TG 4.5, 1.125 OAL) and some left over WWB. Again, I have to assume it was one of mine that went boom. Not sure what to do with it. Is there any point in sending it back to S&W?
  11. Hmmm, it doesn't say "facing uprange" which is defined in the glossary as: ...so I don't see why you couldn't turn your head. I thought there was an NROI ruling that more clearly defined that but I can't seem to find it right now.
  12. I think that last "may" allows you that flexibility.
  13. Cool! I had ordered a few when they happened to be out of stock. Do I need to reorder?
  14. I would recommend: Striker assembly Slide stop assembly Takedown lever retaining spring (not likely to break but easy to lose) I have ended up swapping to extra power striker springs on all of my M&Ps. I would also suggest keeping an eye on the sights...several people have lost them on new Pros (I had the original front sight fall out of one of mine). If you ever start having failures to reset, look into / check if you have the older model with the smaller sear plunger and spring. If you haven't tried them yet, the Apex sear and firing pib block are great, as is their forward set sear and trigger kit.
  15. Need any help figuring out which box you packed the likker in?
  16. If you're an RO, I highly recommend it. I did it last year and actually enjoyed it more and learned more working the Multi-Gun Nationals than I did shooting the Handgun Nationals. I would have gone to help again this year but just hand what is hopefully the last surgery on my jacked up leg. If someone would like to go help but the airline cost is too much this late, I have $400 Delta Dollars that I doubt I will be able to use before they expire. If I can transfer those, anyone willing to go help is welcome to use them. ETA: Just checked, they are transferrable: http://www.delta.com/help/faqs/suspended_travel/index.jsp#dldol
  17. Thanks, that makes sense...it is still "available for engagement".
  18. I vote no penalty. Unless the stage briefing explicitly said, "Don't shoot through the walls." I don't see how that would count as not following the written stage briefing. Since walls are assumed to be hard cover, I've never seen a stage briefing explicity tell you not to shoot through them. Since they were apparent;y paper targets, this applies: So not counting the hits that you could tell went through the card cover sounds correct to me.
  19. Those do sound like disappearing targets to me. From Appendix A3: Yes, re-shoots or delete the stage:
  20. For matches: http://www.palmettogunclub.org/ For a decent indoor rangle with plenty of stock to peruse: http://www.atpguns.com/
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