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Graham Smith

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Everything posted by Graham Smith

  1. As I understand it, a thumbs up helps the program narrow down what you like. It should mean that you will hear more songs by that artist and similar artists. I've been reading about creating stations and one of the ways you can tailor it is to start with one artist and then click the Add Variety button and start adding other artists. There is also a way to create a station starting with a single song and then adding to that but I haven't explored that yet. Right now, I'm in the process of just creating stations based on particular artists and seeing what Pandora comes up with. I'm not sure what the algorithm uses for data but it has to be extremely extensive. I'm finding songs show up that I never would have thought of but that fit quite well. It's quite interesting.
  2. That is an AR15 caliber rather than an AR10 so it likely wouldn't fit with what the OP wants. But it is a very interesting load if you put it next to other AR15 calibers. If you put it next to a 6.5 Creedmoor or .260 (which can use the same bullets as the Grendel), however, it looses the ballistics battle once you get past a certain point. There are also a lot fewer builders who will build a Grendel so it gets tough to find one that is built as well (and as accurate) as even a .223 might be.
  3. Since this thread has come back, it's worth mentioning that Chrome is currently rated as the slowest browser on almost every platform. There have been frequent reports on Windows of it eating CPU time like circus peanuts with no way to slow it down. Apparently it has one or more background jobs running constantly. It's entirely possible that combining Chrome with a full AntiVirus program that scans everything the browser is doing could create something akin to wading through an electronic tar pit. While I don't make much use of it, there is one solution rarely discussed that can offer a lot of protection - Sandboxie. A sandbox creates something akin to a virtual work space in your computer that you can run a program (e.g. browser) within. If you do happen upon a malicious site the sandbox can contain most or all of the damage. Sandboxie is "nag ware" - it is free (with some functional limits) but will "nag" you to buy the full version. It's not without it's downsides but it does what it is supposed to do. Here is a brief run down: http://www.ghacks.net/2013/12/11/sandboxie-review/ I have a paid copy on my computer and have a sandboxed version of Chrome running in it. The install of Chrome is plain vanilla - no addons, no nothing and can be dumped and reinstalled in a heartbeat. It gets used anytime I have to do a broad search for something and am not sure where I am going; you can run into some odd things out there. Two weeks ago I had something try and crawl up my internet connection while I was looking for information on water softeners (of all things). AVG and the sandbox locked it up tight and clearing the sandbox removed any traces.
  4. What bothers me about that is how the thumbs down works. It's a bit confusing but giving the same artist a thumbs down for two songs in the same station will remove that artist from that station (for you). Still a lot to learn.
  5. One thing I did notice for the first time yesterday is that some of what they play are live versions of songs. I've got nothing against live music but if it can be a distraction when you are working along and a familiar song comes on that is not familiar. The first I noticed was Otis Redding "Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay." Drove me nuts that the tempo and phrasing wasn't the one I'd heard a million times.
  6. I've had a Sirius radio for years and it's on in my office whenever I am there. But the fact is that they have gotten into a real rut with their stations, playing the same stuff every day. So, I decided to finally dump it and try something different. I spent a week listening to various stations on Pandora Free and decided that there was enough stuff I liked to give it a go. One thing in particular I was drawn to is the ability to create custom stations by combining several different groups. Pandora does a fairly decent job of finding a selection of similar music. They also have a PC desktop app as well as apps for iPad, iPod, Android, and Windows Phone (plus a couple more I may have overlooked). Subscriptions to the paid service are cheap enough to give it a run for a while and see if I like it or not. Anyone have any interesting suggestions for music to add to my collection. Bear in mind that this is music to work to. I'm 65 and if you mention Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, or Justin Bieber, I will ridicule you to no end.
  7. Tell her you got it on sale. I've been told that getting something on sale makes it OK because of all the money that was saved.
  8. We've run into this on a couple occasions. There should be a way to clear the entire score for a shooter. It should probably require some kind of double/triple verification so that it cannot be done by accident, but it needs to be there.
  9. I sort of get the feeling that this was a show designed to get a much larger segment of the female audience than a war drama normally would. It ran four seasons and was a critical success, won a number of awards, but never managed to do that well in the ratings. It could never make it in today's cutthroat market.
  10. I'm still sorting out the differences between a full version of Win8.1 on a desktop and a hybrid such as the ASUS. So far there are fewer than I would have suspected. One annoying problem is the "Battle of the Cloud Drives". The ASUS transformer comes with both MS SkyDrive and the ASUS WebStorage and I already use DropBox. Of course, the MS software is hooked to SkyDrive and, so far at least, I haven't found anything linked to the ASUS cloud but I haven't pushed all the buttons yet. And, for a gesture enabled tablet, Internet Explorer isn't very well designed. I may have to skip it and install Firefox instead.
  11. Win7 isn't a problem but MS did a lot of work in Win8 regarding drivers. And since this program uses a fairly old ODBC driver, I wasn't sure what to expect. As I said, it did install and seems to be working OK. As might be expected, the version of Win8.1 on the T100 is the 32bit version, so there's no issue about the 32 vs 64 bit versions of the ODBC Administrator.
  12. Just ran across this: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-suppressors-nfa-regulated-item/wVgXbqP8
  13. The Transformer is the full version of Win8.1. But some programs are reported to not work well on tablet computers. The question I had is whether or not it would actually run correctly. The program uses an old version of SQL Anywhere and ODBC and the drivers may or may not be compatible. I got a chance yesterday to test it and it does seem to work. Still some experimenting to do but it does seem to be possible.
  14. Update... I haven't had as much time to really get into what this thing can and cannot do but in a nutshell I find that it works better as a PC than I might have expected. The screen is a bit small as is the keyboard, but it's easy enough to plug in larger versions for serious work. The memory and processor are a bit limited and I'm not 100% certain how Windows vs Tablet applications make use of the memory. There is 64gb built in and you can add a second 64gb SD but that's storage space as opposed to the RAM where Windows programs run. I should probably dig into this more but at this point I'm more concerned with seeing how it does. I've installed a couple programs I use and they seem to run just fine as does Office 2013 that comes with it. The fact that this is included in the price is a plus when compared to some other Windows tablets that either have a trial version or some kind of cloud software. One thing I have yet to attempt is to load EzWinScore on it. Where I'm running into some issues is with in trying to use this as a Tablet. The Windows apps aren't that easy to use without a keyboard and mouse and the tablet apps aren't very interesting - at least, not much of anything I have tried. The tablet comes with a lot of stuff that's just of no interest to me and right now that seems to just be cluttering things up for me. Adding and removing tiles from the start screen are easy enough with a mouse but not quite so easy without. Of course that may just be because I prefer a mouse.
  15. I wasn't watching much in the way of TV at the time this show ran. As a result, I didn't really know much about it. It may have gone into syndication, but if it did then I missed that too. Since that time, I've heard some good comments about the show and have been keeping my eye out for the eventual DVD release. Well, it's out now and Netflix has it and I rented the first disk. I won't say that I didn't care for it, but I will say that it just left me flat. The acting was good but there wasn't much to the stories that I haven't seen many times before. Basically all I saw was a cliche filled show about the emotional problems of three (four) women in Viet Nam. So, my question is, does it get better than the first three episodes?
  16. As I already noted, I haven't read the books and I have stayed away from any discussions from those who have. As a result, I'm constantly surprised at what happens. The 2014 season ending wasn't as big a shocker as the 2013 season but it was about as dramatic as it gets. I keep thinking that at this point, just about everyone is a "red shirt" - which is exactly what the author is going for. The idea that a lead character is "safe" is right out the window. More than any show ever done, this show seems to reflect the reality that was medieval Europe. It was not a nice place to live. Of course, the same was true for Asia and eastern Europe. And in some parts of the world, it hasn't changed that much. We may think that there is a lot of rancor and discord and back stabbing in Washington, but it doesn't hold a candle to the 15th Century.
  17. This is going to be a continuing problem as people try and move from EZWS to PS. The big advantage of uploading the data to USPSA is that it provides an easy way for shooters to get their results at any time without the need for a club to maintain it's own web site or Dropbox, etc. I have yet to see any compelling reason to switch to PS as the sole software. Quite the contrary. Granted, there are issues with EZWS but until PS can fulfill all the needed functions it provides, it's going to be hard to justify making the switch.
  18. The marketplace should (I repeat should) sort that all out in time, but I'm not holding my breath. I have avoided Hulu Plus and a couple other services for exactly the reasons you mention. The content they stream is dictated by deals with the content providers which means that you are still limited in what and how you are going to get it.
  19. Recoil and felt recoil are not necessarily the same. Without digging into the mechanics and physics, a heavier bullet going slower will generally have less felt recoil than a lighter bullet going faster. Compare a 9mm minor to a .40 minor and you will definitely feel the difference.
  20. I agree with Mark about the barrels and the swingers. Props, like walls and barrels, are generally considered to be hard cover and are best used as vision barriers, so that the shooter has to move to see what's behind them. Having a swinger coming out and back with a hard cover barrier can create some really scoring problems. Bullets can go thorough and hit a target or be deflected off the side of a barrel and hit something - messy.
  21. You don't say what you are loading and that does make a difference. If you are reloading small quantities of precision rifle, then a turret press is a good choice. Otherwise it is going to become tiresome after a while. You could consider starting with a Lee Classic Turret. It does a good job on pistol calibers and is relatively inexpensive so when you outgrow it you won't feel so bad about relegating it to a spot in the corner where it will get rarely used.
  22. I may have the answer to this. It matters less where the DB files are than it does where the program thinks they are. EZWS runs on an old version of SQLAnywhere which uses ODBC connections (yes, I know, too many abbreviations). Open Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Data Sources (ODBC) You should see an entry for MasterName, double click that and go to the Database tab and check to see where it says the database file is. Change it to match the file location.
  23. If you delete an entry after there are others, then one competitor number will be missing, but I'm not sure if that matters or not. But if it does then, I could probably renumber them. For that matter, I could probably also sort them and renumber them in sorted order. Or squad them then sort them. Etc. As long as no records are created elsewhere, I can probably do whatever I want.
  24. I didn't film the stages during the "official" walk through, it was done before the match even started. If the match hasn't started, then it's not really a walk through is it? Now, I'm being a rulebook lawyer here but there's no (USPSA) definition of a walk through other than what's in 3.2.4 and that is done after the WSB is read. This is one of those picky non-safety rules (which may have once been a safety rule but no longer is) that just ends up in needless debate. We all understand that it means, "You cannot walk around with a gun or something that looks like a gun freaking people out while you take sight pictures." Why complicate it?
  25. FWIW, I can connect to the SQLA database with a database tool and clear the Competitors table. I'm not 100% sure that entering a record in Registrations only creates records in this table. As far as I can see, it doesn't, but I could be wrong and creating a new database takes 5 minutes, so what the hell.
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