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Graham Smith

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Everything posted by Graham Smith

  1. I'm familiar with it and there is nothing in there that requires that non-contiguous shooting areas to be connected. As long as all targets can be seen and engaged from each shooting area. You can specify where a shooter starts by the requirement to have their toes on a start line or such.
  2. Midway increased their shipping (and handling) charges a couple years back. It let them keep prices down a bit but in doing so they basically turned the shipping dept into a profit center. To me, that's a counter productive way to run things, but I don't run a multimillion $$ enterprise either.
  3. The amount of powder in a pistol round is relatively small, so unless all your brass is very close the same weight, you probably won't be able to find any over or undercharges. You can get closer if you sort all your brass by headstamp and weigh it that way, but I'm not even sure how close you will get that way.
  4. I think that I asked this before but can't seem to find the thread. Is it legal to create two separate areas and make the space between them Off Limits? IOW, you can start and finish in only one of the two areas but not cross between them? All targets would, of course, have to be visible from either area. The idea is that one area might make it easier to get some targets but harder to get others. For example, a popper tied to a swinger. The popper shot is easy from one area while the swinger shot is easy from the other. Not sure where I'm going with this. Just one of those random drive by thoughts while working on a stage design.
  5. Here is a a more or less final post on this. All in all, for the price, this is a decent little Netbook. That said, I am completely underwhelmed by Win 8.x and it's attempt at being both a tablet and a PC. I think that the engineering team got more things wrong than they got right. While version 8.1 has fixed a lot of the technical problems, the user interface still suffers. One good thing is the ability to use a mouse with the tablet interface - that offers some real advantages sometimes. As far as usefulness, this little machine is proving to be a valuable addition to match management. We still use EZWS in combination with PractiScore and this gives us a very good platform to work from. I have not had the inclination to attempt to install BlueStacks on it yet to see if I can get PractiScore going, but may give it a try.
  6. If you want to take the time to make up your own targets, then you can create some targets with 1, 2, and 3 MOA zones. You can create these for any distances you want to shoot at.
  7. Stupid is as stupid does. That range put profit over common sense and everyone is going to pay the price for it. There is little question that this is going to result in an ATF/FBI investigation and a push for new regulations.
  8. If you are working on load development and are trying to get the tightest groups possible then you need to eliminate every possible bit of movement in the rifle. That means sandbags, lead sled, braces, rests, etc - anything that will keep the rifle as steady as possible. One problem with this with an AR is that shooting like this makes it nearly impossible to hold the rifle the same as you would if you were just shooting it. And when it comes to a proper consistent cheek weld - it's tough. As to the scope, 24x is way more power than you will ever need or want on that rifle. You would be well advised to swap that scope off for something in a more reasonable power range with more on the low end and less on the upper. 24x belongs on a heavy prone or bench rifle. My suggestion is to forget about trying to shoot tiny groups and shoot the rifle as close to possible as you would normally. People get hung up on the idea of shooting tiny groups and forget that the rifle won't shoot the same under anything other than bench conditions.
  9. There are actually two sensors on the trigger. One activates the laser when you "prep the trigger" and the other when you pull the trigger. I've never tried to increase the force it takes to prep the trigger but if you are used to a light trigger, this may be all you need to use. The only thing is, that there's no trigger break. Actually, when it comes to trigger break force, I have an airsoft that's pretty good for that. Just gas it up and leave the mags empty and I can mimic shooting fairly well - absent the recoil of course.
  10. The only issue I have with the SIRT is that the trigger is quite heavy even when adjusted down as far as it will go. I've been using mine to improve my point shooting and that has helped me quite a bit.
  11. How to clean your brass for reloading with Jerry Miculek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5y_dsP3dsM
  12. It depends a lot on how many more years you expect to remain an active member. Three and Five yr memberships are $35 per year. Do the math. Under 55 that's just under 15yrs of dues. Over 55, it's about 10yrs.
  13. Graham Smith

    Slide Cuts

    Just to cover all the bases, you can't add slide cuts to a USPSA Production division pistol.
  14. Almost any stock can be retrofitted with a DBM but getting a stock with integrated DBM and mini-chassis is going to be less bother. Manners and McMillan both make excellent stocks. If a pistol grip appeals to you then the AICS is a good choice. If you are on a budget then an HS Precision can be fitted with a PTG DBM by any competent gunsmith.
  15. I hadn't thought about that. But taping in 17 A's, etc, for each shooter... You're right, not ideal.
  16. AFAIK, PS does not have a method of putting in score totals (e.g. 17 A's 3 C's, 4 D's, etc) the way EZWS does.
  17. In order to retire EZWS, there has to be something that can be used to replace it 100%. So, you need something that can take input from paper scoring the same way EZWS does. And there really should be a PC version of it since everyone currently using EZWS is using it on a PC. The alternative is to tell every club that they have to invest in electronic scoring and get at least one iOS device to act as the master and have some kind of wireless network access. That means a significant investment in technology - money and expertise that some clubs may not have.
  18. Just bear in mind, that barrel is going to heat up pretty fast.
  19. Gunpowder doesn't contain oxygen, per se. It contains an oxidizing compound. Early black powder was made of Sulpher, Charcoal and Potasssium Nitrate. The first two are the fuel and the latter is the oxidizer. Modern smokeless powder is much different but it's still basically a fuel and an oxidizer.
  20. As already mentioned, kind of speed may be beyond the capability of a significant percentage of the internet sources out there. IOW, you are frequently not limited by the speed at your end but the speed at the other end. Just doing a speed test is not going to tell you much. Odd's are that streaming Netflix is not going to be a whole lot faster. As an example, I only have a fairly low speed DSL at home and a much faster Cable connection at my beach house. But it takes about the same amount of time to start watching a Netflix movie and I still get the occasional delays. Data providers play a little game when it comes to speed. They tell you that you will get speeds up to XYZ mbps. That means anything from 0.0001 to XYZ mbps. And they frequently have govenors built into their systems that allow brief spurts of full speed but then slow things down if you are streaming a movie or something. So, you may test fast but not see that translate into everyday use.
  21. Whatever this was, it was there and gone in 24hrs. Part of the problem didn't crop up until the next day. After several failed attempts, GMail blocked all access to the email account until the next day. I had to go through a three step validation and reset the password the next day to get back into my account. This is actually a good security precaution to help stop brute force hacking, but in this case it was a problem between GMail and Thunderbird that was causing the problem in the first place.
  22. Think of it as two separate things. Those things that happen during shooting and those that happen during scoring. Shooting: If the stage is 12 shots and you take 13, then there is one procedural for taking an extra shot. It doesn't matter where that shot goes or what it hits. You can only have 12 and you took 13. Scoring: If the stage description says you can only have two shots on a target and there are three on one, then that's a penalty. You would get this same penalty even if you only took 12 shots but put three on one target and one on another. So, it's not a double penalty. It's two penalties because it's breaking two different rules.
  23. <sigh> I give up. You guys are all correct - we should all do it your way. I'll just crawl back into my hole and stop reporting "bugs".
  24. "There can only be one Master." I understand this all too well and deal with this all the time in my work (try writing a computer routine to figure out if two mailing addresses from two sources are the same when each end has the ability to change the data.) There are ways to deal with all of this but it means doing away with the Freestyle approach that's been the rule so far. Of course, I would argue that they way WE do it is the RIGHT way and everyone else should do it like WE do. And if I were King of the World, it would be a simpler place to live. But I'm not and it isn't so we all just have to do our best to muddle along. My post was simply to point out that, if someone is using a basic system with a Master and Slave Nooks that there is a potential problem to be aware of.
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