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What about exercise???

Chris Jordan

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there was some discussion about fitness and strength excersises when the new forum started. I wouldn't know where to start looking for it though!

I feel I shoot better when I have committed the time to some weight training and cardio work, but I have a feeling that the benefit comes from the psychological boost that commitment gives me rather than much in the way of physical improvement. My job keeps me pretty fit anyway.


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It's obvious that a stronger, more flexible person does better on field courses than the couch potato.

Better-than-average cardio-vascular capabilities may not provide much of an advantage, unless there are extreme running distances of 50yds, or heavy objects to drag (dummies).

I think the muscles associated with the torso are the most important.  Engaging multiple targets to your left and right while your moving down a "hallway" really puts those muscles to the test.  To swing your upper body 160deg and stop dead on target quickly will save you lots of time.


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I don't want to wade too deep into these waters...I could be here all day.

1.  I am a big proponent of resistance training.  

2.  Cardio work should help your shooting.  It helps bulls-eye shooters anyway.  Less heartbeats/minute means a greater window of oportunity to press the trigger.  If you ever shoot for more than 6-10 seconds on a stage then you are pulling on oxygen in the blood to help fire the muscles.

3.  Yoga, Thi-chi (sp?)...or similar exercises would benefit an IPSC shooter.  Flexibility, stablization at wierd angles...relaxation...

I'll find the old link and post it too.

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As I'm writing this and waiting for the computer to do it's thing I've just pulled the plastic wrap off the new book "Warrior Speed".  It's a book on increasing speed in martial arts but some guy on Glock Talk swears it'll help shooting.  I'll read it and let you all know.

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I've incorporated a variation of an exercise called the Russian twist into my workout with the thought that this would greatly enhance my speed in indexing the weapon from target to target.  Grab a couple of dumbbells and hold them in front of your chest with arms extended, but elbows not locked.  Then rotate from side to side as far as possible.  Helps with both strength and flexibility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I finished the book "Warrior Speed".

It didn't pretain much to shooting other than the mental part, which wasn't my style, and plyometrics,which for running and stopping you might be better off getting a specific book on it.

The book was good for guys who train in martial arts.

It did have a motto about mental and body tension:

If you want to go 100%,  only "try" to go 98%.  

In other words just let it go and do it.  "Trying" too hard only causes tension and remember, true skill requires no effort.  

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I don't know about you all, but I had famdamly over for a week plus during the holidays, and I missed my workouts, and was feeling like sh...poop.  A week after starting back up (okay I took most of the month off For finals, and over time at work in addition to the family) and I am getting my energy back.   Sometimes when I don't have time to get a full work-out in I find even ten minutes of stretching before bed can make a big differance in how I feel.  Which I attribute to being a mental good feeling that crosses over to a physical well being, and I wish I could follow my own advice everyday.

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