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As I got close to my home last night I noticed that some inconsiderate slob had tossed the remains of their McMeal onto the side of my road. (I stopped and picked it up) :angry:

What I REALLY can not comprehend are the people who treat the world as their ashtry. Beware! If I'm behind you in traffic and you throw your cig out the window, I will do everything in my power to return it to you. :ph34r:

Here! You dropped this. :huh:

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Ditto on the littering - I spend time every week picking up the same sort of trash and beer bottles/cans along my fence line. At near a mile of fenceline I have time to develop quite a burn by the time I get it done. :angry: As a smoker I guess I am not as sensitive about butts... :D When I was much younger I threw a beer can into a parked PU truck bed and had it "returned" to me at the next red light. I beat the assault charge that resulted..........Lesson learned - by both parties.

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I agree more with this than any other thread on this list. I been living on a main road for many years and the number of cigarette butts that would wind up on my front lawn was staggering. And they're not the easiest things to pick up, when there are thousands of them. They should pass a law against it... oh, there already is.


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We have a clear-cut reguluation in the codes pertaining to our apartment complex about littering with cigarette remains. It's dirty, it's hazardous, it's unsightly. I honestly don't care if people smoke; I do care if they start my common area beauty-bark mulch on fire!!

And that happened, actually: Was driving INTO the complex one summer day to see a woman stopped in front of me puzzled about what to do about a smoldering something-or-other in the bark. I got out, poked around in it (burning my fingers, as it turned out) to find flamin' hot coals (as it were) burning like mad just under the surface because--yes, because--some jerk had tossed a cigarette out of his/her car! It took--would you believe--several quarts of water and a lot of shoveling and burned fingers to stop this fire... which would've continued on and on and stopped traffic eventually, or spread to adjacent dwellings. Cripes!!! Was I ever pi**ed!! :angry::angry::angry:

As editor of the complex newsletter we repeatedly tell tenants over and over NOT to dump cigs in the brush or anywhere in the yard areas. And they still do. :wacko: Buncha jerks. The word respect just isn't in their personal vocabularies.

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I know a guy that hates cigarette butts more than everyone on this Forum combined. Get this:

The CEO of a company I worked for a few years ago had a zero-tolerance litter in the parking lot policy. If he found a cigarette butt in the parking lot, he would pick it up, check the brand, and walk around the building waving the the butt in the air until he found the poor SOB that smoked menthol Kools.

I am NOT making this up.

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I am SOOOO glad to hear that I am not the only one who HATES people who don't use their ashtray. If it is so bad that you have to get it out of you car so fast, than why the hell are you smoking them?

Last week I took my motor cycle out forthe last ride of the year. At the stop light about 1/2 mile from my house the car infrount of me tossed a butt out the window, and then pulled forward one car length as the light changed to red. This gave me the chance to fullfill one of the fantasies I have had for awhile. I put the stand down on my cycle, picked the butt up, and then walked up to the car in frount of me that had tossed the butt out, and pinned the damn thing under their wind shield wipper.

IL isn't a CCW state :( so I figured the guy couldn't shoot me, and wearing a full helmet, and head to toe Kevlar, unless he had at least a baseball bat I wasn't in much danger. He just kind of looked at me, like I was going to car jack him or something. As I passed him after the light changed the butt was still where I had deposited it. One down 10 million to go!

How about I take all the butts I have to pick up in my yard, and make "Butt Bombs" that I can them throw into the cars of people who use the world as their ashtray? Have to make sure they are stopped, so they don't run off the road, wouldn't want to further accelerate their trip to the great unknown. ;)

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I especially hate those smokers who do use thier ashtrays in thier cars then empty them at the first convient place they find - our parking garage has dozens of these little piles :angry:

Sometimes, I'll see them throw thier butts down 2 feet from a ashcan..

I've asked a few "I guess your mother's coming by later to pick that up?"

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I went fishing again yesterday, nice drift through Redding, fly fishing for Rainbows that come up to feast on the salmon eggs...

I was once again struck by the amount of litter and crap people throw into the river :angry::angry:

And the people that fish from shore, if they caried it in, carry it out! Would it really kill anyone?

This is even worse, when you get away from the towns into pristine areas and find a beer bottle! These people probablyl went there to enjoy the scenary, and they're leaving crap!

"relaxe deep breath, close eyes, you're on a river..."

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Hi guys,

The laws in Hong Kong changed last year and if you're caught tossing something even as small as a cigarette butt onto the ground, the fine is US$200. They used to catch about 200 people a week but, as word gets around that the laws are being enforced, you rarely see cigarette butts on the ground.

However my wife's found quite a few in my trouser pockets :wacko:

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That is a BIG part of the problem Vince. The littering laws are NOT enforced here and so people simply ignore them. :angry:

I once went to the local market for lunch with two ladies I work with. I noticed an ignoramus pitch their butt on the ground before entering the store in front of us. I picked it up as I walked by and heard one of the my co-workers say to the other "what is he doing?" the other replied "He's going to give that back to it's owner" which is exactly what I did. I walked up to the woman in the market and simply said "You dropped this" she held out her hand and I dropped the butt into her palm. The stupefied look on her face was priceless. THAT time I was nice enough to make sure it was extinguished before giving it back. I don't always feel so magnanimous. :ph34r:

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The laws in Hong Kong changed last year and if you're caught tossing something even as small as a cigarette butt onto the ground, the fine is US$200.

I just got a "flyer" with my registration saying it's a $300 fine. Judging by the amount of crap on my front lawn, I don't belive it's being enforce. Heck, if I set up video surveillance, I wonder if I can get a cut of the "proceeds" to pay for the equipment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mobile, AL used to have a "litter patrol" I think it was just eye-candy though. There was one patrol car with a magnetic sign on the door riding around a metropolitan area of more than 350,000 people. I'm sure they had folks looking out thier window to see if they were around before launching thier empty beer bottle!!!!

Vince, your comment about cig. butts in your pocket reminds me of when I was a kid. My Daddy smoked and I can still rememeber he and his pals using the cuffs of thier pants as ashtrays. When they finished a smoke, they would put it out, strip the tobacco and put the butt in thier pocket.


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