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.38 Supercomp


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Im about to order some Zero bullets from Shooters Connection and Im thinking of trying JHP's. I've heard the benifits are less lead build up and increased accuracy. Is this true?

This is my first Open gun so I have no experience. Only the things I've read in this forum. The first load I worked up was 124 Star FMJRN / 1.245 OAL / 9.7 VV 3N38 / WSR primer. I got a 172000 PF. It seemed fine but like I said this is my first Open Blaster. I'd like to experiment a little more. Im using a Limcat with a .355 KKM barrel / Turbo Comp.

I just picked up a pound of Hogdon HS6 and I think Im going to try IMR SR7625 next. Any suggestions ?

Also Do JHP's tear-up your feed ramp?

Also what would the benifits be with a 115 bullet?

Jim A44594

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Maybe less leading, maybe more or less accurate, no on the feed ramp.

I've used almost nothing but JHP since my gun was new and I still have some lead build-up in my comp.

Everybody's gun is different so you'll never know what's accurate until you shoot groups.

The benefits of 115s are a flatter shooting gun, more powder to work the comp, and a snappier feeling cycling. A lot of people went to 115s when the USPSA Major power factor was lowered to 165 because the heavier bullets felt sluggish at 165-170 PF.

I don't think you'll like HS6, too harsh. It should feel 180 degrees different than 3N38; these two powders are respective epitomes of harsh and soft. If you like 3N38, you'll like 3N37, but most people think it's dirty. Then there's N350, which is good but not as soft as the 3Nxx powders. Honestly, just pick one and stick with it. There's a lot to learn about shooting an Open gun and you should be learning instead of chasing loads around.

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Thanks Eric-

I want to just pick one and work with it. Wise words. But here's the story. I worked up this 3N38 load. I bought 1lb. That only loaded about 650 rounds. I was all set to go back and get more but the shop I bought it at is out of it. They'll have more in 2 weeks!!! I've called everywhere in NW. Indiana. Alot of people haven't even heard of it. I guess it's a newer powder.

Here's my dilema. This Sunday is the last outdoor IPSC match of the year (BORCC). After this it's over to Illinois for Indoor IPSC. I was really looking foward to this outdoor match so I picked up the HS6 to try out and shoot this weekend.

About the only complaint I can make about VV3N38 is the price $22.00 a pound. And I guess availability. :(

Sorry about the WHINING :D


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When I bought the HS6 I was going back and forth between it and SR7625. Did I go the wrong way? Sounds like it.

I didn't check the prices on IMR powders. Are they cheaper than VV powders? I got a pound of HS6 for $17.95. The 3N38 was $21.95. I guess that's a good price. :D

115 JHP's and SR7625 look like a good choice but I wonder what the presures like? Looks like SR7625 is alot faster than 3N38.

Thanks for the help. :)

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If you're that price conscious, perhaps you should be shooting production division! :o

Seriously though, don't forget if you are price calculating, you need to also consider how much you use per round. A more expensive powder that takes 7 grains, may be cheaper then a cheaper powder where you are using 11 grains.

Personally, I like the IMR 7625. Unfortunately, I like the older lot of 7625 before they changed it about 5 years ago. I still have a can of it, and I use it at the big matches, and use the newer lot stuff for practice and local matches.

Honestly, my favorite powder (as far as shooting wise) is AA#7. Problem is it is way too dirty and abrasive.

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i've been shootin imr7625 for over a year now. i love it. i shoot 8.1gr pushing a montana gold 115 gr bullet. of course my load is for my gun, you'll have to work your own load up. my load work out to 168 pf. the mean average is about 5.

i agree with bucky about AA7. i switched from aa7 to imr because the powder messed up my dillon charge bar giving inconsistant charge.

lynn jones

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We (kid & I) use VV350 for the open gun. I won a pound of 3N38, but I haven't touched it yet. I like what Erik said about sticking to one powder for now and work a good load with the one powder. You won't go wrong with 350. We use 115 JHP's Montana Golds with it. I'm not the kind to experiment all the time. I set the old 1050 up and don't touch a thing till I have to. I let others experiment and I will test fire their loads. I use VV in all my handguns (open & limited). Its clean and worth the extra $$.

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Zero 125 FMJ with IMR 4756 works great for me. I've tried VV N350, 3n37, N340, HS7, AA7, and IMR 7625. I haven't tried 3n38 due to the price. I heard that VV N105 works well. BTW I'm using an Infinity non hibrid gun with a lightened slide. Just a comp and that's all I need.

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What do you mean by shoot well? Accuracy? Dot bounce? Soft or harsh feeling?

Lighter bullets require more powder. More powder creates more gas. More gas works the compensator better. A better-working comp makes the gun shoot flatter. Lighter bullets also tend to make for a faster, snappier cycling feel. All of these are why the majority of .355" Open shooters use 115-124 gr bullets. But there are people out there who are happy shooting 135, 147, and even heavier (160?) bullets.

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I think you have answered my question - even if I didn't know exactly what it was... ("shoot well") I have shot a Total of about 1000 rounds through my open gun - still don't know what it is all about really. :wacko: I have some classifiers in open div. - every one shot with my Limited pistol.. Just trying to get a load worked up when I happened across the bullets for sale - seemed cheap - now I know why.


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Thanks for all the help-

Im going to order Zero 115 JHP's. I wish I would have got SR7625. Luckily I only bought a pound of HS6. The shop I was at had 2 8lb. cans of SR7625 so I don't think I'll have a problem with availability. From what the dealer said I guess it's also great in shotguns.

I think Im going to work up a load with SR7625 / 115 JHP's and if it feels right Im going to stick with that.

Would 1.240 be a good OAL to start with 115 JHP's?

Tonight Im going to load with HS6 and tommorrow I'll chrono it / see how it feels.

If I could have got 3N38 I would have stuck with that but since I can't get any for 2 weeks I'll have to experiement a little. Aaaarrrrggggghhhh! :angry:


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SR 4756 is slower and slightly dirtier than 7625. It also fills up the case a LOT more, and can cause spilling problems in your press.

About 5 or 6 years ago, Jerry and Todd both switched from 4756 to 7625. At the old power factor, BOTH powders would show pressure signs early and often. Proper barrel headspacing and freeboring was important.

The big benefit of 7625 was how quiet the rounds were, especially compared to W540 or HS6, which are loud as hell. :huh:

Haven't tried it with the lower PF. I still like Vectan SP2 with 115 Federals. 3n38 is a close second place, much more expensive though.

I think the more holes I had ported through my barrel, the more I would want to try the newer 121grain bullets. Less powder, less blast.

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It seem's like what everyone is saying is that Hybrid ports run smoother with 124-5's. My barrel is a non-hybrid. Specifically it's a KKM barrel with a Limcat Turbo comp (4 ports on top / 2 ports on each side). Would it be correct to say a non-hybrid barrel would run better with 115's?

Well today I went to chrono my HS6 load. I got the load from a freind and reduced couple tenths. Ended up a little on the hot side. 183000 PF.

124 Star / 9.5 HS6 / 1.245 OAL. I shot about 40 rounds total. I also had about 70 rounds left of my 3N38 load. I was in a hurry (daylights wasting). But I couldn't really tell much difference in the two. That surprised me seeing that the HS6 load hit a 183 PF and the 3N38 load only at 172 PF. One thing I did notice was that the HS6 load shot sparks (flash). It was cloudy out but it would probally be a big flash indoors.

I checked all the case's (HS6) about 40 and found 4 cases with very slight primer smear (slightly out of round). Im going to drop 2 tenths and see what PF I get with that Saturday.

Thank for all the advice,


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We have a lot of Limcat Turbo-comp gun shooters around here. 115s are popular with them, as is N350. ShooterGrrl uses that combination, but she's got some extra holes in the top of her barrel.

But I couldn't really tell much difference in the two.

That's why I said pick one and start shooting. It's going to take a while to develop a feeling for the gun.

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