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Battery Assist Device (BAD)

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Update time, finally got out to a range to try out the new toy. So far it's a failure, going to be removing the Phase5 extended bolt release and letting it grow cobwebs in a dark corner of the gun locker. It failed to hold the bolt back on the last shot on 7 out of 20 tries. Sometimes after it failed to hold the bolt back, manually racking it while holding up on the lever it would hold and then slip releasing the bolt as soon as you let off the lever. No bueno.

It's a good thing Magpul finally released it's BAD a couple days ago, going to order one as I really like the concept and the way the controls are placed with the lever. Magpul's is also half the price at an msrp of $29.99.

Hope others have better luck with the Phase5 than I did.

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It failed to hold the bolt back on the last shot on 7 out of 20 tries. Sometimes after it failed to hold the bolt back, manually racking it while holding up on the lever it would hold and then slip releasing the bolt as soon as you let off the lever.

I also purchased the Phase 5 Tactical EBRv2, but have not test-fired it yet.

I was looking at the way it was built (after I received it), and the first thing that came to mind was "weight & leverage". (Emphasis on the weight).

It feels heavy. And adding leverage to the equasion, I figured that it might accidently activate if jarred or bumped hard enough.

I was talking to my shooting partner, and mentioned that a lighter device would probably be better. (Delrin, aluminum, or even TITANIUM).

I have not use mine yet, but I bet a stronger BOLT CATCH SPRING would be in order for this gizmo. (The existing spring was made for the smaller, ORIGINAL, bolt catch...and not the longer EBRv2).

Magpul also came out with their B.A.D. device this weekend. It uses the 2-piece, screw on type, design. (CLICK HERE)

I'm a bit leary of any 2-piece design. But then again, if it is secured properly, and if it is stiff and light enough, then it will do what it was intended to do.

Below are a few pictures of my EBRv2, as well as my unfinished lower.

In Christ: Raymond






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According to Magpul's newsrelease, the BAD will start shipping to retailers next week. Magpul is not taking orders directly unless its from someone redeeming a discount for attending a Magpul class. The retailers I've heard mentioned so far in discussions are Brownell's and Raineer. I'll probably go the Brownell's route for the discount, just have to come up with a few other items to make the shipping worthwhile.

I fired off an email to Ken at Phase5 to see what his input is on the problems I had today, I'll keep everyone updated on the outcome.

I can't say enough about how much I like the idea of having the bolt catch/release lever in place, it just feels much more natural to me. Made my AR a whole new rifle in reguards to ease of use.

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... Sometimes after it failed to hold the bolt back, manually racking it while holding up on the lever it would hold and then slip releasing the bolt as soon as you let off the lever. No bueno.


Hope others have better luck with the Phase5 than I did.

On my main gun, manually racking bolt and using the lever to hold it back works (it locks back the bolt). It doesn't slip back once I let off pressure on the lever. It stays locked back. I haven't tested the other guns.

I would suspect it works on live fire. I'll do some drills next time I go out to see what it does.

You might want to try different magazines. You might also want to verify that your gun is getting enough gas. It may not be going the full stroke.

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The retailers I've heard mentioned so far in discussions are Brownell's and Raineer.

I heard that Brownell's was going to be first to get them. I hope it happens soon. I also ordered the Phase 5 Tactical EBRv2 and I just got it. I have not installed it on one of my uppers yet. I will install it this coming week and report back.

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... Sometimes after it failed to hold the bolt back, manually racking it while holding up on the lever it would hold and then slip releasing the bolt as soon as you let off the lever. No bueno.


Hope others have better luck with the Phase5 than I did.

On my main gun, manually racking bolt and using the lever to hold it back works (it locks back the bolt). It doesn't slip back once I let off pressure on the lever. It stays locked back. I haven't tested the other guns.

I would suspect it works on live fire. I'll do some drills next time I go out to see what it does.

You might want to try different magazines. You might also want to verify that your gun is getting enough gas. It may not be going the full stroke.

Pretty sure it's not a rifle or mag issue, but there is always the possability. The extended bolt release is the only recent change to the rifle, and it's run without issue for about 1800 rounds so far. I am using Wolf ammo, but I'm on the latter part of my second case of it, and again no problems before this. Mags were a couple fairly new 20 rd P-mags, think I've used em for about 4 or 5 mags full before todays trip. Everything was lubed enough that oil was weeping out of the pin holes on the lower, I run it wet. Only failure I've ever had with this rifle was a stuck casing due to a dirty chamber using the crappy Wolf ammo, no other issues gas related or otherwise.

I'll try to head out next weekend if I can with the stock bolt catch and see if it goes back to running 100%.

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I use Wolf ammo. Wolf ammo is weak sauce. I wouldn't be surprised it does the same thing with the Magpul.

I would buy Wolf being the problem if I had just started shooting it, but this rifle has never had anything but Wolf with no issues in a couple thousand rounds. The only change to the rifle before the bolt hold back issue is the bolt catch. The ammo I used to test it is even from the same case I was using before the bolt catch install. This rifle has run perfectly, apart from the one stuck case due to a dirty chamber (didn't own a chamber brush before the stuck case so over 1500 rds of wolf without cleaning the chamber properly), it has never had a jam, FTF, or FTE. Rifle was cleaned and lubed generously before the issue popped up. Wolf is a known quantity here, this rifle loves the stuff.

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Another update, recieved the following E-mail from Phase5 last night.

I am verry sorry that you are having problems with the EBRv2. We have not experianced any thing like this before, sounds very strange, and frustrating for you i am sure. Please let us take a look at it. I will send you a new one ASAP! There must be something wrong with the angle or catch portion. What ever it is; we will replace the item. Please give me an address to send a new one out to you asap and I will include a return lable in the package so that you can send the old one back to us. Mike S. is the weapon specialist here at Phase5 so in the future, if you have any technical questions please let him know. You can email tech. questions to him at:


We have signed up on the "brians forum" but were unable to reply to your post for some reason. Please let people know that we are going to do what we can to fix the problem.

We all thank you for your write ups and your emails. Customers like you really do help us serve our customers better.

Thanks again,

I sent Phase5 a link to this thread when I first recieved my bolt catch, as I like to communicate with companies especially when it is a new product so they get some straight up response from customers. I'm not known for sugar coating things as you can probably tell, just my nature I guess, only problem with that is sometimes letting my frustration show when something doesn't work like I think it should. Phase5 is on the case, and will take care of it, and I'll update again to keep folks in the loop. On the bright side, I look forward to Phase5 joining the board here and becoming a part of the community as he has been exceptionally open to input and welcoms opinions of his gear in order to provide us with a better product in the long run.

My lesson in all this is not to post when still hot, sweaty, and frustrated after a range trip that didn't go so well, simmer down, contact the company, then post. I also had a bunch of issues with an SKS I was shooting for the first time that day, so 2 out of 3 rifles were giving me fits, I won't let it get the better of me again.

Edited by kwrangln
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Being that Travis was the guy that initially designed the BAD, I will wait until there are some available from Magpul. To me it seems like the right thing to do. I could add more but I won't.

Chris C.

You know what they say................imitation is the highest form of flattery. ;)

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Ralph Arredondo had one of these on his rifle at DPMS. I was trying to talk him into making one for sale. It was slick as heck and worked great.....Ill have to e-mail him the link to this thread.

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Travis Haley(ex SF).....now CEO(I think) of Magpul has been running one of these on his rifles for about the past 2-3 years(or more). He brought the idea to Magpul when he merged his training company with Magpul Dynamics and they did some rapid molded prototypes of the design for testing and it is just now reaching the commercial market. Travis called it the B.A.D(Bolt Assist Device)

So....I'd venture to say.....if someone else had one it was a result of Travis' idea that had been circulating the internet for the past year and a half or more.

But also to my knowledge.....Travis never secured his idea by the way of Patents or Trademarks.

None the less.....it was a phenomenal idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got my new lever in today from Phase5, this thing is slick. Newest version is skelatonized, so should be lighter.

Wish I had a postal scale or something to compare weight between the old version and this new version to see how much difference there is. One thing for sure, there's a lot less steel in the new one, but it's still a good strong piece, I didn't get it to flex while messing with it so far.

I'll update once I get a chance to talk to Ken at Phast5, and I'll try to get some pics up.

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Anybody know where I can get the Battery Assist Device (BAD)? Is it even available yet? Anybody have and/or used one? Is it any good?


I primarily need it to quickly lock back the bolt. A match that I am gearing up for doesn't allow you to run with a round chambered. So after a shot I need to lock back the bolt and I am looking for a better/smother way of doing it with an AR. Any other options out there other than the BAD and DPMS Tactical Bolt Catch?


I am a little confused...if a match wants you to move around the COF with a unloaded rifle then will just locking the bolt to the rear solve the problem/challenge? I would vote to remove the magazine and eject the round to the ground and move on...am I missing something here? If you just lock the bolt to the rear and while moving the bolt gets jared or something won't you get DQ'd?

Thank you for listening...



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Maybe, but I doubt it. If they see that it got jarred back I think they will just shout at me to lock it back again.

I don't think they required the shooters to remove their magazines. Just lock the bolt back.

The match is a precision rifle match. They are sort of levelling the playing field by requiring semi-auto shooters to lock the bolt back when moving. But IIRC they actually require the bolt shooters to move with their actions open as well.

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Anybody know if any of these will work with a CTR02 upper?

I PM'd the guy in Cal Guns about the one piece... no reply yet.

No, the Magpul BAD does not fit with a JP CTR02 upper, there is not enough space to work.

I wish it would work, because I really like idea of the BAD.

With a normal upper the BAD worked fine so far. Only slight wobble back and forth because of the play of the bolt release. The BAD did not distract form shooting or releasing the magazine. I was only able the "accidentally" engaging the BAD by holding the rifle at the far rear of the magazine wall and putting my hand on the BAD.

I only fired a few magazines but so far I like it a lot.

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Anybody know if any of these will work with a CTR02 upper?

I PM'd the guy in Cal Guns about the one piece... no reply yet.

No, the Magpul BAD does not fit with a JP CTR02 upper, there is not enough space to work.

I wish it would work, because I really like idea of the BAD.

While the Magpul BAD and other bolt on levers may not clear the CTR02, it seems the Phase5 one piece lever will clear since Religous Shooter tried it on his and it cleared and function checked just fine.

I got mine today too.

I installed the one piece by Phase 5 on a BM and Oly lowers. With both brand lowers they function check with my CTR-02 (e.g. thick) upper. Haven't live fired it yet.

I'll get some pics of the new lever up today so you can check it out, there's hope for an extended bolt release on your CTR yet. ;)

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OK, got some pics of the new lever, this thing is the latest version, hot off the presses. Not even sure how many folks have even seen them yet, let alone recieved one.

In my opinion, refinements like this shows us that Phase 5 is here to stay and not throwing in the towel since Magpul finally released their BAD. Phase 5 fills a niche that Magpul's BAD does not, it's one piece design will fit applications such as billet recievers where a clamp on lever just won't fit, giving users of high end AR's the ability to take advantage of a revolutionary concept. It's been said before that the extended bolt release such as the Phase 5 and Magpul BAD are going to be like magwell's on a 1911, a simple concept that becomes a mainstay of the market. In the next few years I wouldn't be suprised to see fewer and fewer AR's out there without some type of extended bolt release on them, they improve the ergonomics of the platform that much.

Think I'm going to hold on on installing it in hopes of finding a cheap scale somewhere so I can weight the new and old versions. I won't get a chance to shoot with it for a while anyway since work want's me out of town for a job for a month. Anyway, on with the pics.




Now for the lightening cuts, this thing went on a serious diet.




I can't wait to shoot with this thing, I have high hopes that this newer version corrects the problems I was having with my first lever. I have to thank Ken at Phase 5 for standing behind his product and taking care of his customers, truely a stand up guy with the intent of providing the best product possible.

I'll update with shooting results when I get a chance.

Edited by kwrangln
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