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Your Grip Is Slipping


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Last weekend I was practicing on an all-steel stage and forgot to put on sticky-grip. Half way along a shooting string I realized my grip was slipping. It seemed my natural tendency was to grip even harder on the existing (distorted) grip. This made the gun track worse. I repeated the excercise and gripped as is, no better than the first. I tried to pause, reacquire grip then continue shooting...it seemed like an eternity to pause. Since I didn't have a timer I wasn't able to note actual time differences. One thing for sure, though, the more I tried to fight the slipping, the more I was fighting for control of the gun.

You guys have any thoughts on this short of re-applying "pro-grip"?


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Saul Kirsch is the grip master. He uses the best stuff (pro grip) and sells it too. But he uses something else that is way more effective: a custom grip. Your hands have a unique shape and a unique way of gripping objects. I never understood why so many people would just leave the grip of their gun the way it is.

Saul made his custom grip by sticking strips of two-component epoxy putty on his grip and shaping it by gripping his gun. When the grip has the right shape, he applies paint mixed with very fine grain sand. After the paint is dry, he applies another layer of very thin paint to make sure the sand doesn't come off.

I've made a grip like that for my revolver and I can safely say it is the best modification on my gun. I used Milliput (an epoxy putty you can buy at miniature modelling stores).

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I know where you are coming from. That has to be about the worst feeling I have had during a stage. I haven't had that problem in quite a while...but, I have plenty of skateboard tape on my guns know. In fact, I try to take a roll with me to Major matches...that is one thing I don't want to be without. (I haven't used Pro-grip forever now.)

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Sometime, I use magnesium powder, the powder that used by gymnastic guy. And also done the SVI’s grip by soldering-gun (actually my friend did it for me). But what I like most is just soaped and washed my hands before the stages begins or at list wipe my hands with a soaking towel.

The combination of clean dry-hand and the Scott grip are the most comfort and best shooting feel for me.


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Good point Erik, I may like people to call me Lightning-Hand someday. I never concern about the ease of magnesium burning; I just forget that fact. I will do some experiment by firing the powder and find out that its gonna burn or not. Probably it is not an exact magnesium powder but they just call it that way.

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Thanks guys. Flex nailed my problem.

I actually have grip tape on my grip and use some form of sticky grip during matches.

My problem is when I lose my grip when in the middle of shooting. I was wondering if you guys just keep shooting or take the time to re-adjust your grip...just curious (and hopping to get some interesting thoughts.)

Maybe because I'm also testing different loads for my gun. That's probably why I'm having this problem again.

One thing I've nticed though, once the grip slips, it seems all the focus suddenly turn towards it. Makes me wish I had a malf instead. :(

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Maybe it comes from tension...and just gets worse as the tension builds upon itself.

I'm not sure what the answer is.

I know that I would re-adjust my grip. I would also look to loosen up the pressure on my strong hand...because, by this point, I would end up milking the grip and pulling shot off (and making things even worse).

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actually, Roy, I its "magnesia", and that is magnesium oxide MgO. Magnesium carbonate will dissolve under the influence of acid (skin!), wouldn't want to use it. Neither burns, of course. Btw. Mg metal is not easy to ignite, you'd be just fine rubbing it on your grip...

I use it (in the form of ProGrip) only on hot humid days because I like adjusting my grip, too...


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actually, Roy, I its "magnesia", and that is magnesium oxide MgO. Magnesium carbonate will dissolve under the influence of acid (skin!), wouldn't want to use it.


OK, smart boy, explain this ".. 100% pure Magnesium Carbonate .." :) :) :)

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