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You know you are from Tucson when...


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From a friend and X-pat of Tucson now in Peoria, Az

1. You know how to pronounce the city name. It is Tu-son, not Tuc-sin.

2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Tucson has its own version of traffic rules...hold on and pray. There is no such thing as a dangerous, high-speed chase in Tucson. They all drive like that.

3. All directions start with, "Go down to Ina Rd."... Which has no beginning and no end.

4. The Chamber of Commerce calls getting through traffic a "Scenic Drive."

5. The morning rush hour is from 7:00 - 10:00 am. The evening rush hour is from 3:00 - 7:00 pm. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.

6. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot. When you are the first one off of the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid getting into any cross-traffic's way.

7. La Cholla Road and La Canada Road can only be pronounced by a native.

8. Construction on I-10, River Rd., and near the University of Arizona is a way of life and a permanent form of entertainment.

9. All unexplained sights are explained by the phrase, "Oh, we must be in Tucson!!!"

10. If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a defect.

11. All old ladies with blue hair in pink Cadillacs have total right-of-way.

12. The minimum acceptable speed on I-10 is 85. Anything less is considered downright sissy.

13. The wrought iron on windows in south Tucson is NOT ornamental.

14. Never stare at the driver of the car with the bumper sticker that says, "Keep honking, I'm reloading." In fact, don't honk or look at anyone.

15. If you are in the left lane, and only going 70 in a 60-mph zone people are not waving when they go by.

16. Sunrise Rd/Skyline Dr./Ina Rd. is our daily version of NASCAR (and all the same road by the way).

17. There are three Magee Rd.'s in Tucson, and in some places, one of them is called Cortaro, try not to be confused.

18. If you speed in Oro Valley, you WILL get pulled over and you will pay for the rest of your life!

20. One Hardy Rd. is a safe normal road. The other will take you on the edge of a dirt cliff with no guard rail and no way to turn around. Be careful which one you get on!

21. If you are driving and you keep seeing Nico's Taco Shop, you are not going in circles, there is in fact one on every corner.

22. There are no freeways running through Tucson, just the I-10 to the West, so always expect about a 45-minute drive to go anywhere.

23. If you get pulled over by a cop, make sure it is a real cop and not a gang initiation with fake lights because you will be shot.

24. Drive 45 minutes South and you will hit the Mexico border...turn around, Nogales is nothing special at all!

25. Tangerine Rd. will make you car sick...very bumpy, and lots of dips.

26. The intersection at Oracle and Ina is considered one of the most dangerous intersections in the southwest United States.

27. If the temperature is less than 100 degrees, Thanksgiving must be next week.

28. If you get a flat, do not ask ANYONE for help. Call AAA and lock your doors.

29. Bored teenagers in Tucson drive around for fun, weird, but watch out.

30. "Cruising Speedway" is a form of entertainment. If you are bored, drive down Speedway for a couple of hours and keep making U-Turns at Wilmot and Alvernon by the Empress Strip Club. Hopefully you will find it exhilarting too. :-)

31. Grant Rd. has been nicknamed "Suicide Lane." During certain hours of the day, the middle turn lane thingy allows traffic going different ways. Some hours it goes East, some hours it goes West, and other hours it is merely a turning lane. Make sure you know the hours or follow signs so you are not in head-on traffic.Smart, huh?

32. campbell is one of those roads that has no beginning and no end. if you drive down it you will come across over 1000 resturaunts.

33. You remember when the suicide lanes were still actually suicide lanes, and you know what times they changed back and forth.

34. You navigate by a mountain range (ex. the Catalinas for North).

35. You see air force jets more often than you see wild animals.

36. You know not to leave trash where the javelinas can find it.

37. You never need to check the weather because it never really changes.

38. You've seen (or put up) Christmas lights on cacti.

39. You know that there's no sand in the real desert, just dirt and cacti and some shrubs.

40. You hate Phoenix and can give at least 10 reasons why.

41.You need to go to eegees to try the new flavor of the month.

42.You don't care what the signs say, the speed limit on grant is 55.

43. Eggee's. Enough said.

44. The only place were you get a 4 day weekend for the rodeo, yet you never go.

45. U of A. Word.

46. Tucson has a year-round rollacoaster: Its doing 60 down River Road.

47. You crack the windows open when you run the swamp cooler.

48. Sweeping gravel out of your garage onto the driveway...where it belongs.

49. Smelling like ragweed after playing outside.

50. Temporarily stop playing outside until the storm cloud passes over you.

51. Ever built a camp fire in your backyard, frontyard, middle of your street?

52. Quartz and lava rock gardens.

53. You don't catch a cold from playing in the rain.

54. Those aren't little black birds flying around at dusk...

55. There are no sidewalks in your neighborhood.

56. The weather is BEAUTIFUL.....at 2am.

57. High school parties are held in the desert.

58. You are used to one road turning into another without explanation (Grant into Kolb, Tanque Verde into Wilmot, Pantano into Pantano Parkway, Tanque Verde into Redington)

59. Boones Farm wine in a wash was part of your high school experience

60. The best parking spots is in the shade, no matter how far away they are from where you're going.

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So do I want to take Tucson off my list of places I want to move too?


If I lived there I'd say yes. But I don't - so no. Tucson rocked when I lived there.


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When visiting Tucson, I always take at least 3 magazines… One to get into town and two to get out of town…

I once went to a bar in Tucson where the checked you at the door for guns and knives… If you didn’t have any they would loan you one…

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When visiting Tucson, I always take at least 3 magazines… One to get into town and two to get out of town…

I once went to a bar in Tucson where the checked you at the door for guns and knives… If you didn't have any they would loan you one…

Now that makes me want to put Tucson back on my list!

Why in the world does Tucson have bad traffic problems?

Poor planning?

Just curious!


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When visiting Tucson, I always take at least 3 magazines… One to get into town and two to get out of town…

I once went to a bar in Tucson where the checked you at the door for guns and knives… If you didn't have any they would loan you one…

Now that makes me want to put Tucson back on my list!

Why in the world does Tucson have bad traffic problems?

Poor planning?

Just curious!


The traffic is horrible because they have ONE major highway (I-10) for a town that is spread out. They have also been doing road construction in Tucson on this one highway for about 2-3 years now and it SUCKS!

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