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Who In The Benosverse are Working Photographers?

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Looking at starting a small business and want some info.

- Basic equipment setup

- Marketing Tips & Tricks

- Do's & Don'ts

- Etc.

Basically, I've sold a couple of simple stills that I've done of buildings and landscapes, and am curious as to how this is done on a different scale. I'm not looking to get rich, just maybe get paid for stuff I'm already doing.

Any information is appreciated.



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Looking at starting a small business and want some info.

- Basic equipment setup

- Marketing Tips & Tricks

- Do's & Don'ts

- Etc.

Basically, I've sold a couple of simple stills that I've done of buildings and landscapes, and am curious as to how this is done on a different scale. I'm not looking to get rich, just maybe get paid for stuff I'm already doing.

Any information is appreciated.



I was for ten years... shot events. Got out of it, sold the gear and started this. :)

One I did of Tom in concert some years ago... I can tell you all you want to know about low light stuff. I can also help you get a pass to shoot. :)


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I was a pro advertising/editorial/medical photographer/photojournalist for over 20 years, and still shoot on rare occasions for my advertising design business. You're asking reasonable questions but, as they say, the answers to those question fill many books :D .

If you'd like, PM me sometime and we can set up a time for a phone conversation and I'd be happy to toss a few ideas your way that may help you in your journey, particularly on the business end of photography, which is where most people go wrong.

Best of luck,


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Still doing part-time photography for local clients, archival resource and the chamber of commerce:

--real estate (commercial, residential)

--architecture in general

--progressive construction projects

--local color (parks, recreation, people ambience)

--seasonal color (fall, spring)

--product photos (guns, knives, small object tabletop-sized stuff)

--(discontinued my aerial survey service due to expense)





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Xre is a working photographer as well. Maybe he will chime in soon.

Ummm.... Working in the sense that I get some paid gigs, yeah... but its not my full time thing :D

Actually, Rich sent me a PM, so I responded there with a suggestion to start off by absorbing a bunch of info on the web. The Flickr discussion groups actually have a lot of useful info - and are more helpful than the various other photo forums, IME (kinda like these forums vs. say, GlockTalk....). The info he's asking for is a wide topic, and there's a lot of ways to go about it, so...

One thing I suggested was to think about the market he wants to hit first, and how he's going to get exposure there. Its tough to be everything to everybody - start with what you know best at the time, and work from there.

Rich, once you've got some research under the belt, hit me back with more specifics, and I can help from there ;)

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