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Tactical Team Match

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I’ve spent lots of time with guys who complain that the cops and military have all the fun. That if given the chance, civilians could compete just as well in team tactics as SWAT Teams can. Well here is your chance

Tiger Valley will host a Team Tactical Match June 27-28, 2009. Teams will be comprised of 4 shooters. All shooters must have both an AR type rifle and pistol with them for the match. One shooter must also have a weapon with optics for shots to 500 yards, and a shotgun must be available for breaching and target engagement. This is a tactical match, not Super SWAT. That being said, it is also not a Palm match. You should have the ability to move several hundred yards through obstacles while shooting safely. What type of obstacles? If you can climb a chain link fence, wood fence and enter an attic stair way you should have no problem. This match will stress accuracy, and thinking through problems. You will be given a situation and told to solve it as quickly as you can. Speed, the ability to think and shoot accurately will win the day. I would like to see some industry sponsorship for this event for teams competing. Team Larue, DPMS, Cavalry Arms…..

Cost is $150 per shooter

Edited by maduce
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  • 2 months later...

Planning on going to this one...


JUNE 27-28, 2009

Here it is, those who have hunted people for a living know that anyone can be taken, especially when alone. No matter how bad you are, you have to eat and sleep sometime. Lets say, just for the sake of argument that some terrorist sneaks into the country and sets off a nuke in a major city you happen to be living in. What do you do? If your smart you probably stay put. Getting on the crowded highways would be crazy, giving the fact that initially you won’t have any idea which way to run, or for that matter where to run to. Being alone you will have to contend with gangs of social misfits that are looking to gain an advantage with the current situation, much like the “LA” riots.

If you’re one of those who have thought through this type of thing, you have a plan. My plan is to gather up my close friends and move in strength, using small unit tactics. Your team should be small enough to move easily, but large enough to protect itself, hence the Tiger Valley Team match.

We will do 6 stages on Saturday and 3 on Sunday.

Stage #1 Neighbor hood assault

The goal of the mission is to move through the neighbor hood engaging bad guys as they appear. The 4-man team starts at designated point facing a low crawl. On the timer all members move through the low crawl, with all gear. After this they will climb through a window of a house and move into a yard where 2 shooters will engage pistol targets and 2 will engage rifle at 50 yards. After all targets are down all team members will move back to neighbor hood and climb the fence (8 foot tall) into the next backyard. After all members have gone over the fence they will move and engage pistol targets, (lots). Once all targets are neutralized unit will move back to the neighborhood and enter the attic. Once in the attic they will slide down the gas pipe and enter the last neighborhood where all bad guys will be taken out with rifles.

Stage #2 Member rescue

Team starts out with all members in start box. The goal of the mission is to rescue a downed team member who can’t walk. On the timer team will advance. While advancing, members will encounter several areas with hostile targets. Someone must engage hostiles for members to advance beyond each point. At least one member must engage targets, but how many is up to each team. Two members will move to shoot house, one will breach the door and the other will cover and engage any target available from outside shoot house. Member who enters shoot house will neutralize hostiles and start recovery of downed member. Downed member must be brought back to starting point for time to end.

Stage #3 Sentry elimination

Unit has to recover stolen food from gang members who have a fortified complex. Assault will start by eliminating a sentry in a 20’ guard tower 400-500 yards away. Once sentry is eliminated unit will move to a two-story building and eliminate all hostiles on both floors and surrounding the building. Once this has been accomplished unit will recover stolen food and head for safe area, (starting box).

Stage #4 Helicopter bug out

The unit has a chance to move to a new safer area by helicopter and must flee under fire. Unit starts in start box. On timer all members move to designated points and engage targets from 7 to 200 yards. On member moves to helicopter, but cannot engage targets until all members are on board. Once on board this member supplies support fire while helicopter lifts off, targets to 300 yards. Helicopter is on springs

Stage #5 Tank buster

The Soviets have taken advantage of the current situation and have invaded with armor. From the starting box, designated shooter will engage the tank commander and gunner of the scout vehicle and the commander of the T-62. Once this has been completed the entire team will advance and engage all targets they encounter while dragging a prisoner with them.

Stage #6 Low light engagement

Night has fallen and the hoards are assaulting your position. You will have to defend your position from hostiles while they are shooting at you. A radio controlled paint ball gun will track members as they move through obstacles, shooting bad guys.

Stage #7 Running man

The unit has been compromised and must evade and escape. Unit must move 120 yards through bad area as quickly as possible.

Stage #8 Zombies

The fall out has mutated some survivors. All team members will be on the 200-yard line and deal with the outcome of the crazy hoards…

Stage #9 blind stage

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<_< its just two weeks after Sportsman's Team Challenge nationals in San Antonio.

Naaw, no one would want to shoot with ....meee. :(

Im going to be out of the state that week, so all the emails can stop

Edited by AlamoShooter
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<_< its just two weeks after Sportsman's Team Challenge nationals in San Antonio.

Naaw, no one would want to shoot with ....meee. :(

Im going to be out of the state that week, so all the emails can stop

And I was ready to hit the send button...

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<_< its just two weeks after Sportsman's Team Challenge nationals in San Antonio.

Naaw, no one would want to shoot with ....meee. :(

Im going to be out of the state that week, so all the emails can stop

I would. Now to start looking for a team.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Will they have divisions like:



"the rest of us"

That would help the rest of us... <_<

No divisions that I am aware of. It is going to be interesting to see what types of groups show up to this thing. I think team work and commo are going to matter more than individual shooter skill.

This is definitely something new and different, still unsure what to expect....but that is half the fun ;-)

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That sounds like a ton of fun.

I sure hope no one gets shot.....


I'd be real careful of who I picked for my team! :)

:mellow: I can't think of any one I have shot with on a squad that I would not trust to shoot with on a team. Every one I can think of in the 3 gun events I have been to, is first rate with safety.

I guess you were joking

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I am joking Jamie, for the most part! :) I'd have no doubts about safety if I was on your team. (It was good to meet you at BRM3G, I'm the same Bryan that worked stage 4 w/ 'Wish.)

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Will they have divisions like:



"the rest of us"

That would help the rest of us... <_<

No divisions that I am aware of. It is going to be interesting to see what types of groups show up to this thing. I think team work and commo are going to matter more than individual shooter skill.

This is definitely something new and different, still unsure what to expect....but that is half the fun ;-)

Team Ramrod will be there! We're looking forward to it.

I definitely agree with you. I'm very curious as to how they're going to run simultaneous shooters, especially if there is movement incorporated. I don't have much worries as far as my team goes, I'm more curious on a safety level how they're going to accomplish it.

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TJ posted on another board that safety rules will be such that all shooters have to be in the engagement area before anyone can unholster or start shooting, and that no one will ever be forward of others while they are shooting.

sounds like a good :sight:

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I dont know who they were, but there was a crew from LA who showed up on the same floor I was on at the LT3G and one guy was handing out stickers that said "No whiners" akin to the Ghostbusters logo, those boys were a riot.

I hope they show up for this match.

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  • 1 month later...

This was a truly unique shooting experience. No other match in the country is anything like this. The physical challenges and dynamic environment made this a great match, and great training opportunity. This was great fun even though we are all covered in bruises, sun burned, and sore. This match raised the bar for the types of challenges I want to see in action shooting events.

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