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STI Eagle - .40 vs. 9mm


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Ok, I'd like to get an STI Eagle to use as mainly a gun for IDPA. I recently got an SV .40 for USPSA stuff and really like the feel of the 2011 style gun and want one for IDPA even though I can never load more than 10 rounds anyway. It will be a short dust cover, bushing gun with little to no mag well to fit IDPA requirements.

I've generally shot 9mm in IDPA since there is no penalty for it and the easier recoil means better shooting and the ammo is a decent amount cheaper.

However, for this I thought maybe to do a .40 since it could then serve as a backup for the Infinity should I ever need it.

So now my dilemma. 9mm or .40?

I will start to reload soon (getting all the gear for X-mas) so my questions become, how much cheaper is 9mm really when you get down to doing reloads for it? Secondly, when producing a .40 caliber minor load, how much heavier will recoil be, if at all, over off the shelf 9mm ammo? Can the gun be made to function reliably on both .40 minor loads (IDPA) and major loads if I ever needed to use it as backup for USPSA stuff?

Also, a question regarding USPSA rules. If I were to use the Eagle in 9mm, could I go to it as a backup gun in USPSA from my .40 in Limited IF I were then to ask them to just transfer all the final scoring over to minor so that I would not be gaining any kind of an advantage? Does that make sense?

Lastly, as a real out there question, I was thinking if I had the 9mm version and got the bug, some time down the road I could have an Open top end build for the frame, is that even possible, something to consider, or just forget about that altogether and not let it influence this at all?

Thanks for the help and sorry for all the questions but you guys have been an awesome help for getting into USPSA shooting. I still do IDPA because in my area, there is just more of it available to me. My USPSA will likely consist of 5-10 a year if lucky, so not even sure I need to worry about the backup idea.

Edited by jsykes
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I started my 2011 collection with a 9mm sti eagle I got from a friend. I then had a topend built for it in .40 and used it as my IDPA/USPSA gun, 9mm for IDPA and 40 for USPSA. As I got a better job I had a lower built for the .40 and had 2 complete guns. In my opinion if you have a 9mm or want one, its the best gamer IDPA gun. Cheap ammo and fun.

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Minor .40 is not bad at all. I think the best minor 9mm loads are better than the best minor .40 but other people think differently.

Minor .40 can run just fine in the same gun as Major .40 with a spring change, if the gun is built properly to begin with.

I think you would be okay dropping down to a 9mm, but that would require bringing along extra ammo in a different caliber. If it's a fly to match that gets to be a real hassle.

As far as switching it over to 9mm Open gun. If you're going to build a complete new top end it really doesn't matter the new caliber. The only thing you would save would be the ejector. If you wanted to convert the existing top end you could save some money by just threading the bbl and adding a comp.

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When you were running a 9mm and .40 upper on that gun, were you able to use the same ejector and have it run right, so you literally just had to change the top end? That sounds like a good way to go to eventually end up with a backup .40 gun.

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Hello: I have multiple top ends for a 2011 and a 1911. I can even switch them from the single stack to the double stack. The 9mm and 40 take the same ejector so all you have to change is the complete upper. You can use the 40 and make up loads that are softer than factory- much softer. I think for minor though the 9mm is more accurate at least it has been for me. I think you will have to decide how much of each type of shooting you will be doing. If it is 50/50 then I would get the 9mm. Start collecting brass now. Maybe a 45 top end for CDP? Thanks, Eric

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Actually, more likely that I'll use the Eagle at least twice as much as the Limited gun, if not three times as much. I just have more IDPA available to me that easily fit my schedule.

Does one caliber tend to be more reliable than the other in double stack 2011s?

Edited by jsykes
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Actually, more likely that I'll use the Eagle at least twice as much as the Limited gun, if not three times as much. I just have more IDPA available to me that easily fit my schedule.

Does one caliber tend to be more reliable than the other in double stack 2011s?

I hate to but in,but I am in the same shape about what to buy. I would like alittle more info on the 9mm eagle with a 40 top end. What kind of money are we talking about.That sounds like the best way to get the gun I want. Can we just order a top end from sti or does it have to be fit?

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Actually, more likely that I'll use the Eagle at least twice as much as the Limited gun, if not three times as much. I just have more IDPA available to me that easily fit my schedule.

Does one caliber tend to be more reliable than the other in double stack 2011s?

While the 9mm can be extremely reliable..IMO there is nothing in a 2011 as reliable overall as a .40. A .40 with 155 Precision Black bullets is a Very nice load for IDPA....

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I'd suggest the Eagle in 40 S&W with a bushing barrel. You can shoot USPSA Limited Major and IDPA ESP with the same gun, Just trim the sides of the standard magwell down and it will fit the IDPA box. Load 180's for USPSA major and 155's with the same powder/load for SSP. I think downloaded 40's shoot softer than 9's to me.

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Reloading is the answer for .40 and you have made that choice. I load 135 gr Berrys or Raniers at around 1000 fps and 9mm is never even a thought. Many use 155 gr loads with the same good results. Unless you are in a restrictive state, I would stay away from combo guns.

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I'd suggest the Eagle in 40 S&W with a bushing barrel. You can shoot USPSA Limited Major and IDPA ESP with the same gun, Just trim the sides of the standard magwell down and it will fit the IDPA box. Load 180's for USPSA major and 155's with the same powder/load for SSP. I think downloaded 40's shoot softer than 9's to me.

I use a SVI magwell and fits in the box, just barely...

I'd go with the 40 if you reload.

Go with the bushing barrel for IDPA.

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I should probably update this a bit.

I called and talked with Bob at Brazos Custom where I was buying the gun. He's also doing their "tune up" work on it before sending it.

Anyway, I was kind of set on the .40 after info here and in another thread and what people said was making a lot of sense. I talked with Bob for awhile though and based on the fact that this is going to be an IDPA gun mainly, I shoot 3-4 times more IDPA than I do USPSA, and some of the other pros and cons of each, he thought that the 9mm was probably the better way to go, which was my original thought as well, so that is what I did.

So that is what's coming, a bushing barrel 9mm in the Eagle 5.0 with the Brazos tune up package, a fiber front sight and their ultragrip stippled grip. Should have it next week.

He had both the .40 and 9 in stock and there was no pressure or feeling he wanted to steer me to the 9, just after a good long conversation about how I will use the gun and what I'll be using it for, the 9 seemed like better choice to both of us.

Anyway, we'll see how it works out.

Thanks a ton for all the input. I'll be using my SV .40 when shooting USPSA and the Eagle for IDPA and if the SV truly needs a backup, the better decision is to get another like SV so that holsters and the whole nine yards are the same for the backup gun.

Thanks again all.

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Although the Eagle I use for IDPA is a .40, if you don't reload, the 9mm makes more sense. Having Bob tune it for you is a good thing! Even though some people have had good luck running STI mags in 9mm, most people have had issues with them. My 9mm "open" gun only seems to want to run on SVI mags.

I think I still have 4, SVI, 124mm mags with aluminum basepads, that work with an STI, or, ICE magwell that I picked up for going prone with, but, I found that it's not possible for my crippled, old body to get that low. I was toying with the idea of getting another 2011 in 9mm, just to use the mags, but, that really doesn't make very good financial sense but, it may give me an excuse to get another gun.

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