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Migraine headaches


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Every once in a while, I'll get a migraine and at 2:02 this morning, I woke up with a real winner. A super sized dose of Ibuprofen and it's just now starting to fade. I hoped to be shooting plates in 3 hours but my left eye won't focus, at all. :angry: Downing super black coffee now and crossing my fingers. :(

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My mother used to get migraines and I used to get something like them, kind of a cross between a migraine and a tension headache which could last anywhere from a few hours to a personal worst of three days. No amount of over-the-counter pain killers could touch them - I just stayed in bed and tried to resist the temptation to drill a hole in my head and suction out the contents.

In the past 15 years, I have not had a severe attack. The problem appeared to be a combination of factors including sinus problems, stress and high blood pressure. Blood pressure medication has reduced the incidence of headache in general and virtually eliminated my "sick headaches", the last one only lasted an hour or so.

As to coffee, caffeine can be a headache trigger so it shouldn't help, but for some people it does -- goes to show how weird the body is. Regardless, if you have these often enough to comment on them and you have not spoken to a doctor about them, you should. Treatment and prevention have come a long way in the past few years.

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I hear ya man. Just started getting what the doc called "true" migraines a couple months ago. Pre-migraine aura and the whole enchilada. First aura scared the hell out of me; thought I was bleeding into my eye or stroking out or something.

At this point one of aspirin/acetaminophen/caffeine combo OTCs will knock it down in about an hour so doc isn't inclined to move me on to the heavier stuff, yet.

Pretty sure mine is triggered mostly by acute stress.

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I have had only three in my life. It is the strangeness of what it does to my vision that scares me. The first time I was 10 and you are not supposed to get them that early. They make me nauseous also. The last one was about three years ago and I can say I hope I never get one again. My boss gets them pretty regularly, about six-seven a year, and it just lays him out ! His last for days and all I can say is my prayers go out to all of you that suffer so much. I hope you feel well soon.


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When I get the aura I know IT is coming...I take two benadrylls and let them knock me out...I awake a few hours later...not sure if it cures the issue but at least it knocks me out...

This was all pre-heart procedure...which may have mine fixed...so far so good

Good luck with those!

Edited by hk_mtbr
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Thanks for all the comments. I went ahead and dragged my tail to the plate match anyway and shot rimfire/iron sight class. No BOOM, no holster, didn't have to save brass, etc. It's about the least stressful shooting I could think of. But then, my gun malfunctioned on 4 out of 5 stages. <_< Oh well, I was outside with good people instead of home alone, anyway.

The pain subsided about halfway through the match and I feel better now, just tired.

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My son has been getting migraine headaches for years, of course being concerned parents we had him checked out even CAT scanned. To make along story short, the only thing that the docs would do is 1000 mgs advil. I told my chiropractor about my son and he told me to bring him in, so I did and 5 or 6 visits later my son never gets those nasty headaches anymore. It's worth a try. Good luck, Dan

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I get them too... Did the doctor/neurologist/CAT scan/MRI shebang thing, all for naught. Couldn't find a damn thing wrong with me. Currently have a prescription for Fioricet which is, I believe, caffeine and acetominophen and a mild barbituate. Knocks me out pretty quick, dizzy within 15 min or so. Almost guaranteed to be out for at least 4 hours. Usually works in one dose, but not always. <_<

Something that I have found that works for me is getting my back and neck adjusted by my chiropractor. I can "tell" when one is coming on, so I get a quick appointment and get tuned up. I can usually dodge getting a horrible one and knock whats there down with advil.

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I used to get some really bad migraines. Some were so bad that I was taking 2 Tylenol #4s (1/4 gr. of Codine) every 2 hours instead of the 1 every 4 hours. Sometimes I would throw up. And that was not something that I wanted to do with the bad headache.

Funny thing is that shortly after I retired I quit having the headaches. :huh:

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I've suffered off and on over the last few years with migraines ( I get 3 - 4 a year). I was shooting an out of state match a couple years ago...woke up at 3AM...felt fine...woke up at 5AM and felt really sick (normally I get the aura about 30 minutes before the migraine hits...but I was asleep so I didn't get "early warning"). I shot like crap during the match...but one of my shooting buddies told me that his daughter suffers from them and they recommended Imitrex. I went and saw my doctor and got a perscription for it. Now when I get the aura....I immediately take one and it pretty much kills it down to just a normal light headache.

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I forgot to add I TRULY believe my number one trigger is MSG - it is the devil.

I avoid MSG at all costs and can usually backtrack to some odd food I had eaten throughout the day. You can't even trust ranch dressing anymore.

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I use to get them once or twice a year. Then about six months ago I started getting migraines 3 or 4 times a week. I finally went to the doctor about it and he gave some meds that helped. While I was there, he ran some blood work and found that my thyroid was not working. He started me on meds for my thyroid and the migraines went away (almost completely). I have only had one since I started the thyroid meds.

Migraines - It is the only pain that I thought could make me go insane; and only the second thing to leave me on the bathroom floor begging God to make it stop.

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Another option if you have neck problems and migraines is to find an orthopedic chiropractor. My guy used to have headaches and found out the blood supply into the head would get kinked and cause a pressure imbalance, right behind the eye. He has had to adjust me several times for this and each time the migraine is gone, instantly.....

Just another thought.....


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