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I don't have to worry about this happening to me. The president of my bank whom is also my father-in-law wants me to advise him in a few gun purchases.

The VP of the bank is also a gun enthusiast, USPSA competitor, open gun shooter, and most importantly, my wife!!!

Yeah, this problem will never happen in my bank. It's privately owned and operated.

An Open shooter is VP of the bank? I would change banks. :)

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I don't have to worry about this happening to me. The president of my bank whom is also my father-in-law wants me to advise him in a few gun purchases.

The VP of the bank is also a gun enthusiast, USPSA competitor, open gun shooter, and most importantly, my wife!!!

Yeah, this problem will never happen in my bank. It's privately owned and operated.

An Open shooter is VP of the bank? I would change banks. :)

Yeah but she is a 1911/2011 fan. The red dot just lets her get her blaze on!

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Dave, check the MN statutes on signs that ban guns. Chances are that sign has no legal grounds and does not have to be abided by... Just a few of the necessities listed:

Black Arial font, 1.5" tall letters

There is a certain height it must be mounted (but I forget how high)

Must specifically say "[name of company] bans guns on these premises" or something along those lines - look it up - it MUST say exactly that phrase.

and many more stipulations...

If all of the conditions are met, the penalty for carry out of bounds - $25.

I know it's their policy that goes against your principals - but, if you are happy there, I'd stay. Stupid people, and stupid policies are everywhere. Pick your battles and avoid stress :cheers:

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Here in SC it is state law that you cannot carry into a bank.

I seem to recall hearing that Walmart posted "No concealable weapons" signs at one time and took them down when enough people complained.

If your bank is confident enough that posting that is the right thing to do, I think you should post the bank's name so that other customers can (hopefully) voice their opinions with their feet the way you did.

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I'll have to look into the Federal regs, but as far as state is concerned KY is awesome. A "can't carry guns in here" sign is merely a suggestion. Ignore it unless it has a KRS##### attached to it. ToysRThem has huge signs banning guns on their property. I ignore them too. If I'm "made", they can ask me to leave and that's it.

I completely agree with your reasons to leave your bank.

Now, about the Post Office. From what I've read (a year ago), there is a difference between the front (Public) and the back (government). Carrying in the front, good. Carrying in the back, bad. There are NO signs on the front of my PO that restrict CCW's. I would ask the PO staff, but considering they don't know their own rules on SHIPPING guns (their JOB), I don't expect them to know the laws on carrying within the PO. The only way carrying inside a KY PO is illegal is if it's a federal law. The PO is not on the KY list of prohibited places to carry.

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I found nothing in SC State Laws that prohibit one from carrying a concealed weapon in a bank, but I did find this interesting. Sorry OP if this is a hijack, but put here simply for educational purposes, it was mentioned by a previous poster.

SECTION 23‑31‑220. Right to allow or permit concealed weapons upon premises; signs.

Nothing contained in this article shall in any way be construed to limit, diminish, or otherwise infringe upon:

(1) the right of a public or private employer to prohibit a person who is licensed under this article from carrying a concealable weapon upon the premises of the business or work place or while using any machinery, vehicle, or equipment owned or operated by the business;

(2) the right of a private property owner or person in legal possession or control to allow or prohibit the carrying of a concealable weapon upon his premises.

The posting by the employer, owner, or person in legal possession or control of a sign stating “No Concealable Weapons Allowed” shall constitute notice to a person holding a permit issued pursuant to this article that the employer, owner, or person in legal possession or control requests that concealable weapons not be brought upon the premises or into the work place. A person who brings a concealable weapon onto the premises or work place in violation of the provisions of this paragraph may be charged with a violation of Section 16‑11‑620. In addition to thepenalties provided in Section 16‑11‑620, a person convicted of a second or subsequentviolation of the provisions of this paragraph must have his permit revoked fora period of one year. The prohibitioncontained in this section does not apply to persons specified in Section 16‑23‑20, item (1).

SECTION 23‑31‑235. Sign requirements.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any requirement of or allowance for the posting of signs prohibiting the carrying of a concealable weapon upon any premises shall only be satisfied by a sign expressing the prohibition in both written language interdict and universal sign language.

(B) All signs must be posted at each entrance into a building where a concealable weapon permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealable weapon and must be:

(1) clearly visible from outside the building;

(2) eight inches wide by twelve inches tall in size;

(3) contain the words “NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED” in black one‑inch tall uppercase type at the bottom of the sign and centered between the lateral edges of the sign;

(4) contain a black silhouette of a handgun inside a circle seven inches in diameter with a diagonal line that runs from the lower left to the upper right at a forty‑five degree angle from the horizontal;

(5) a diameter of a circle; and

(6) placed not less than forty inches and not more than sixty inches from the bottom of the building’s entrance door.

© If the premises where concealable weapons are prohibited does not have doors, then the signs contained in subsection (A) must be:

(1) thirty‑six inches wide by forty‑eight inches tall in size;

(2) contain the words “NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED” in black three‑ inch tall uppercase type at the bottom of the sign and centered between the lateral edges of the sign;

(3) contain a black silhouette of a handgun inside a circle thirty‑four inches in diameter with a diagonal line that is two inches wide and runs from the lower left to the upper right at a forty‑five degree angle from the horizontal and must be a diameter of a circle whose circumference is two inches wide;

(4) placed not less than forty inches and not more than ninety‑six inches above the ground;

(5) posted in sufficient quantities to be clearly visible from any point of entry onto the premises.

All of this is from the South Carolina Concealed Carry website and your specific State might be different. It's always best to know your own State laws.


A Concealable Weapons Permit (CWP) holder is prohibited from carrying a handgun at these locations:

Premises of private or public school, college, university, technical college, other post-secondary institution (without express permission of person in charge of premises)(Section 16-23-420)(Felony - $5000 and/or 5 years imprisonment)

Inside public-owned buildings of any kind, except at Interstate highway rest areas (Section 16-23-420)(Felony - $5000 and/or 5 years imprisonment)

Inside an establishment licensed for on-premises consumption of alcohol (Section 16-23-465)(Misdemeanor - $2000 and/or 3 years imprisonment)

Into a private residence without permission of owner or person in legal control or possession, as appropriate (Section 23-31-225)(Misdemeanor - $1000 and/or 1 year imprisonment)

A place where carrying is prohibited by proper sign (Section 23-31-235)(Misdemeanor - $200 or 30 days imprisonment)

A CWP does not authorize carrying a firearm:

Into a law enforcement office or facility

Into a detention or correctional facility

Into a courthouse or courtroom

Into a polling place on election day

Into an office or business meeting of a governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special purpose district

Into a school or college athletic event not related to firearms

Into a day care or pre-school facility

Into a place where carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law

Into a church or other established religious sanctuary, except with express permission of the appropriate church official or church governing body

Into a hospital, medical clinic, doctor’s office, any facility where medical services or procedures are performed, except (employees of the facility) with express permission of the employer

Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor – not less than $1000 and/or imprisonment for 1 year and revocation of permit for 5 years.


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I'll have to look into the Federal regs, but as far as state is concerned KY is awesome. A "can't carry guns in here" sign is merely a suggestion. Ignore it unless it has a KRS##### attached to it. ToysRThem has huge signs banning guns on their property. I ignore them too. If I'm "made", they can ask me to leave and that's it.

I completely agree with your reasons to leave your bank.

Now, about the Post Office. From what I've read (a year ago), there is a difference between the front (Public) and the back (government). Carrying in the front, good. Carrying in the back, bad. There are NO signs on the front of my PO that restrict CCW's. I would ask the PO staff, but considering they don't know their own rules on SHIPPING guns (their JOB), I don't expect them to know the laws on carrying within the PO. The only way carrying inside a KY PO is illegal is if it's a federal law. The PO is not on the KY list of prohibited places to carry.

Bro, it's a Government building, that falls under Federal law and is the same in every state. Front door or back door doesn't matter, the Fed owns both doors, even the front steps. It's not worth the penalties in many cases and most law enforcement doesn't even know the laws put forth by the Fed. gov't or the State. I once had a State Trooper try to take my gun in an open carry situation a mile from my house. I was on my way to the range and stopped to get gas. I was pumping when he came up to me in civilian clothing and identified himself asked me to surrender my weapon. I refused and politely as possible asked him to call his on duty commanding officer and have him show up. He stood there and looked at me all pissed off for a minute and started to walk away, but then turned and wrote down my license plate number and said "I'll get you, sooner or later".

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Can you find a link to the federal reg that lists PO's specifically? I'm not trying to be arguementative, but it's always been a grey area for anyone I've asked.

As for your Trooper...man. What a douche! Handled it excellently I must say. Fake badges are easy to come by. Right after he made his thread you could have proceeded differently (Badge number mother ****Er!, make threats to me you piece of ISH...). Sorry, that just rubs me the wrong way. I love cops. But I hate A'holes.

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Well he IS a State Trooper. I ran into him again later. He was on duty this time, and he stopped me for a window tint violation. I showed him my paperwork from the State stating that I could tint my windows to whatever degree I feel comfortable with, then I told him if he ever stopped me again, he better have his commanding officer on the horn as I was going to have my lawyer on mine.

The guy is a real splooge, and that opinion is shared by many folk around here.

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My father-in-law, in all his glory, God I love this man!


It is not against the law to bring a gun into a bank (unless I do not know the law) but the practice is discouraged, here and by most bankers I know. The problem is this: I would not be bothered by you or most folks wearing a gun into the bank, but I would in the case of some. I would object to those ‘some’ and then it would be easy for them to claim I was discriminating.

There used to be a guy around here who wore his six-shooter, slung low on his leg most everywhere he went. He got a lot of attention when he came in the bank. I never spoke to him about his gun but I did tell him he could not bring his dog in with him. That made him mad and he left us. That was fine since the dog had wet the floor at least once that I knew of.

Have a good one.

Jud 081119

Hope that helped.

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Inasmuch as Oregon is a shall-issue state, and a mellow place in general about guns (despite the erroneous "hippie" reputation it has), the gun/carry question came up a few years ago regarding my own bank. There was no signage posted, I just took it upon myself to ask the bank manager what their policy was vis-a-vis the state statutes that allow legally licensed gun owners to "tote" at large. We had a very nice discussion about it and she admitted that the state law was the valid, overriding law, but that the CORPORATE policy on their private property did not happen to allow guns in the bank building. But--and this is important--she said, "...well, concealed carry means concealed, and if I don't SEE a gun, I have no idea there IS a gun..." Sort of an out-of-sight-out-of-mind thing. Or what-they-don't-know-probably-won't-hurt-them thing.

But there never was a sign posted to that effect and still isn't. Which is fine with me. I'd be obliged to be pi**ed off every time I saw it if they did. And I'd probably be obliged to bring up the topic to them personally. And I could do that comfortably because I've been banking there for 15 years. B)

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Wow, alot of great responses to this thread, Thank you. I mentioned earlier that I do not have a CCW, and do not plan to get one. I have argued my reasoning for this with losts of people. Just so you know, this was not about my right to carry in this bank. Today I got a letter from the anti- gun bank, concearning my closed account and that the interest rate had went up. My new bank gave me almost .75% better rate, on my new account. I guess this change is going to be a little easier now :P

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NC also prohibits carrying into any financial institution.

The specific code referring to financial institutions and "Conspicuous Notice"

§ 14‑415.11. Permit to carry concealed handgun; scope of permit.

© A permit does not authorize a person to carry a concealed handgun in the areas prohibited by G.S. 14‑269.2, 14‑269.3, 14‑269.4, and 14‑277.2, in an area prohibited by rule adopted under G.S. 120‑32.1, in any area prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 922 or any other federal law, in a law enforcement or correctional facility, in a building housing only State or federal offices, in an office of the State or federal government that is not located in a building exclusively occupied by the State or federal government, a financial institution, or on any other premises, except state‑owned rest areas or state‑owned rest stops along the highways, where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises. It shall be unlawful for a person, with or without a permit, to carry a concealed handgun while consuming alcohol or at any time while the person has remaining in his body any alcohol or in his blood a controlled substance previously consumed, but a person does not violate this condition if a controlled substance in his blood was lawfully obtained and taken in therapeutically appropriate amounts.

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