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I have nothing against German cars. I think the BMW, Audi and VW are superb. The Germans have a flare for building technically advanced automobiles.

They do have some limitations however that seem to be outside the understanding of a certain female of the blonde variety. She seemed to think that her VW Jetta has the ability to steer by itself while cornering, leaving her free to send text-messages to her boss. Needless to say she was wrong; A fact driven home quite forcefully when her car slammed into a lamp post. Prior to this she was driving behind me at a distance of about 18 inches (speed about 35) then dropped back and drifted twice into the other lane before making the turn after me onto a slip road.

The roads curves.

She did not.

I saw the entire thing in the rear-view mirror and threw my car into reverse and backed up to see if she was hurt. She was not injured but did seem to be a tad unhappy. She told me she was fine, and please just leave her alone as she had to get somewhere. I told her this would be a tad difficult as the left front wheel was pointing to the left (not normally a problem but the other wheel was rather stubbornly pointing to the right). This information notwithstanding, she tried to continue to drive on her way, meandering left and right up the slip road.

At some point what little grey matter she had between her ears sparked into life and Barbie realised that she was not going anywhere. So she donned her white-frame sunglasses (just like the ones that Paris wears), told me she would be fine, not to call a tow truck or anything else and please just drive away. She would call her boyfriend (probably Ken) who would apparently fix everything.

So I left her there.

I drove off to the supermarket (about 4 miles) and called the cops, they told me they had already received several calls and units were on the scene already.

I think there may be a moral to this story that readers may wish to share with their tween-age off-spring.

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The kid across the street did this and trashed his father's pickup on a pole in the mall parking garage. He compounded the matter by telling the responding officer (New car with free one year Onstar - airbag deployment initiated an call to the local PD) he was texting and was cited for reckless driving.

Three lessons:

  1. OnStar is not always your friend, and it can cause police involvement in no-injury collisions that require a paper report be filed from a position of comfort and detached reflection, but does not require an on-site police report. It is doubtful a paper report would have resulted in a citation.
  2. If you volunteer the fact that you were driving like an idiot when talking to police, expect to pay the price. He increased the chances of being cited increased astronomically by volunteering that he was texting and, even if he was destined to be cited - he undermined his own defense with his spontaneous confession of reckless driving.
  3. Don't forget that the entire Miranda business does not apply to civil infractions.

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Texting just baffles me. I think we need to invent a new device that, instead of writing, would allow us to talk to one another over long distances. I think tele-phonics will be the next big thing.

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Texting just baffles me. I think we need to invent a new device that, instead of writing, would allow us to talk to one another over long distances. I think tele-phonics will be the next big thing.

Gee, I thought I was the only one who just didn't get it. Other than passing notes in class I can't see texting, unless one really needs to communicate less with more trouble than talking?

High Tech Social Entropy?

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High Tech Social Entropy?

You Betchum Red Ryder :devil:

Actually the PRK has another NEW law that goes into affect on Jan. 1 about it being a citeable offense to be texting while operating a vehicle. This comes on the heels of a couple rather nasty fatality wrecks, on on a highway project in my district :angry:.

The only thing that I see that it will do is give them another offense to cite after the fact.

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Not really thread related, but shows the growing effects of text messaging with the younger folks.

My 14 year old daughter hit a milestone.

10,000 texts in one month!!!

You can imagine how I glowed with pride...

Assuming 8 hours of sleep per day that's only one every three minutes. She can do better! :roflol:

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