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Racetrack crash video posted by a shooting buddy


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Here is the link to the YouTube video of a shooting buddy totaling his racecar at Summit Point Racetrack during something called "HyperFest 2008" :

or try

His car is (was) a Nissan 240 from the 90's - a rare stick-shift model. He walked away OK & he has a couple more 240s he could race; they are apparently really low budget racers.


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Did he ever figure out what made him break loose? The car seemed to be handling well up until that point.

As for unbuckling from an upside down position, I rolled/flipped a jeep once and forgot I was upside down while I was unbuckling. It sure reminded me which way was up. :surprise:

Glad he was okay.


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Hello: I have done a little road racing myself and do instructing as well. He was driving beyond his skill level (that is not meant to be mean). This saying is one he should take to heart-"You lift you die" As he began his spin he lifted and then around it came. I am glad to here he is OK and hope he keeps doing Driver Eds. He may want to get some instructing in the future. It always helps and even the pros have coaches. Keep the shinny side up :cheers: Thanks, Eric

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Coming out of turn 4 at Summit is a problem area for fast cars.

At about the time you are done exiting you will want to be on the brakes.

the two together tend to make small errors in car handling (driver, shocks, tires) look worse.

most times, mistakes in turn 4 result in completely blowing the line in turn 5.

I guess this video kinda illuminates that ...


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Looks to me like he sees his exit, he gives a bit of power and then lifts, weight goes back then front.....a light rear end and still turning at the limit and viola! fronty-backy thingy. I could be wrong if the video and audio aren't synced well.

Anyway, he got out of that thing like he'd done it before. I would have sat there stunned for about an hour!

Edited by TMC
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His car is (was) a Nissan 240 from the 90's - a rare stick-shift model. He walked away OK & he has a couple more 240s he could race; they are apparently really low budget racers.

240's make great track cars. They're relatively lightweight, rwd, cheap to acquire, and have tons of aftermarket go fast parts.

You can make a seriously fast track toy for $15-$20K.

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Coming out of turn 4 at Summit is a problem area for fast cars.

At about the time you are done exiting you will want to be on the brakes.

the two together tend to make small errors in car handling (driver, shocks, tires) look worse.

most times, mistakes in turn 4 result in completely blowing the line in turn 5.

I guess this video kinda illuminates that ...


That was my favorite spot to pass. Get right behind someone and at the apex they would move to right to setup for 5. Head down the left side and hold your line. To me 5 was a "throw away" corner, it made no difference how you took it, you were going to come out about the same speed. I also liked 6A and B, poke your nose in there next to someone and see if you could make them back off. Lotsa fun, but damn was it expensive.

Hows the young one Douglas ? Are you getting any sleep?


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Hi Bruce262,

turn 5 is a good place to pass someone.

I have a friend who likes outside passes there.

by blowing turn 5 I mean coming off the track any where around 5.

being outta shape also will get you passed no doubt.

I recall the one lap that I finally realized turn 4 is pretty wide

and can be taken at close to full throttle( in my car....)

the very next lap, I zoomed around 4 yeeeah haw!

I got on the breaks for 5 ... late?

so I skipped turns 6 and 7....

back to our friend in the video,

I think he turned in early,apexed early and tried to fix the exit....

from there I can't tell what he did,

If he lifted he did not anticipate the back stepping out...

He stopped stearing after he went past the first quarter of the spin.

having spun in the rain I can tell you things are better if you can keep steering.

but the first few times it is hard to keep your wits.

I don't think I'd have done much better in that Z.


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Thanks everyone for the insights! I will give my friend a call & get the low-down on what happened; he is sure to tell me more & we can piece together what went wrong & why.

He has 5 other YouTube videos of him racing posted; just click on his name & you can see them. I think he said he'd gotten his lap times down to fairly consistent 1:28s at Summit. I only raced motorcycles there & don't know if a 1:28 in an old 240 is fast or not? Also, the track's been repaved several times since I last set rubber to asphalt. Looked fast to me on the video.

As for me? It's 2:39 AM & she <seems> to be asleep (for now). Sleep you ask? I have forgotten how that feels. But as tired as I am, I have never been happier; our daughter is our pride & joy! Reminds me I need to post some photos in the other thread & thank everyone for all the kind words.


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