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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Starting my new job....


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I managed to achieve two certificates of achievements while attending the academy, but glad the eight weeks are over. I am working in one of the largest prisons in the state, housing around 2300 inmates. Did a cell entry on a "cutter" my first night on the line, so got broken in quickly. The family and I have settled in Los Lunas, NM right next to Manzano Mountains. Beautiful scenery. Now hopefully things will settle down so I can get back to shooting!


Backyard view of our new place....




Edited by Rocket35
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Even though we are only a county jail facility (no long-term inmates beyond one-year sentences), we have our occasional share of "incidents", though thankfully not too often. The strategic and psychological approach training our deputies receive has served them well and defused some potentially dangerous situations with just the right words or approaches--without necessarily relying on physical force strategies... not that the occasional cell extraction hasn't occurred...... :D or that the occasional restraint chair hasn't been employed...... (mostly to keep inmates from hurting THEMSELVES.)

Have fun. Do well.

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Is it just me or does that last photo look like the scene from Star Wars episode IV (without Luke of course)?

There are some amazing views out here and I haven't even been to the really scenic places yet! All I need to remind me of why I am here is to walk out on the back patio and take a look. This picture was taken shortly after dusk. What is weird is that there is sometimes a 2nd "moonrise" around 10:30 pm. I think all the aliens are down by Roswell though. :surprise:

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