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Now I Can Shoot Worry-free

SiG Lady

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Only because I made such a fuss on the Friday Flamer about it... X-rays today indicated there's NOTHING wrong with my hip implant. At all! Got a case of tightened tendons is all... that need stretching. Heck, I can live with that. And I can even FIX that.

Now I can take that tactical class I've been wanting to take. Yessssss!!! :P:P

PS--I won't complain about my hip any more unless surgery is required. :rolleyes: (Stuff like this sure can scare you, though......) :ph34r:

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Yes, the tactical class is now taught regularly on a monthly basis (we just started it last month) and will require that I ask specifically what kind of bending and moving we'll be doing. From what I heard of the last class, it was not like IDPA or anything... ;) So, I'll have time to decide on whether I CAN take it, or how much preparation I might NEED to take it.

But I WAS counting on it and would still like to do it.

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Good news on the hip, SiG Chick! Whew!

I'm taking a couple of defensive/tactical classes this summer too. I don't know whether I'm more afraid of the heat or the exertion or the exertion in the heat. If I get tired, I'll just rest. On a giant block of ice. It'll cool me off and slow the inflammation! :rolleyes:

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Heck, I can live with that.  And I can even FIX that.

SiG Lady,

are you going to borrow Lynn's signature ("If it ain't broke, I can fix it") ? :lol::D

Seriously, glad to hear you're "loaded and made ready" ;)

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Total hip replacement, $26,000

Dr.'s visit with X-rays over false panic, $250

"If it ain't broke, I can fix it!", Priceless. :lol::D:lol:

Friend of mine describing sensations during a tactical shooting class (relative to his earlier observations about hip strengthening exercises):

"It's good exercise! Useful too. I've always found that you don't feel like a wuss when jazzercising - if you do it while holding a deadly weapon."

Hey, I'm looking forward to THIS!!! :lol::lol:

Now, what 3quartertime said to me about hip exercises was equally as "useful" but I can't print it on this Forum. ;);)

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Well, EUGENE, Oregon has certainly never been the same...! And it hasn't seen the last of me. I have thousands more rounds set aside for Eugene, Oregon, that's for sure. Oregon's got a lot to learn.

Meanwhile, Dr. 3/4-time sez I can have as many (prescription) refills as I want. Yesssss!!! :D:wub:

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