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Booming "Music" at Intersections

Jack Suber

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I can't stand idiots that pull up to intersections in a $500 car, with $2000 rims, and a $4000 stereo system that almost rattles their P.O.S. vehicle to pieces. <_< Normally, I can hear them coming from a long way. I hate sitting at intersection and listening to this garbage. It gives me a headache.... :angry2: no telling what it is doing to the morons in the car.

Now don't get me wrong. I like music and I like to listen to it loud in my car. I have a nice system in my car. I also have the courtesy to turn it down when I am in traffic (even if the windows are up). I am sure there are people who don't want to listen to my music.

I would love to have some kind of EMP device in my car that I could use to fry the electronics in these idiots cars and see their expression as everything goes dead. :devil: I would find that very entertaining. I could patrol my community saving citizens from this sort of sonic assault!!!

I feel better....

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+1 any vehicle with subwoofers in the trunk should not pass safety inspection until they pay a $1000 fine and have them removed.

Easy there Hoss! I happen to like my sub to round out my music. It doesn't have to be cranked to the point of rattling the fillings out of peoples teeth in the car next to me. Will it? Oh yea. Does it? Oh no. Sure I can and do crank it up a bit when I'm on a trip and no one is around but not in the city. I DO like the fact that when some twit pulls up next to me at a light and has his/her system blasting out some thing I have the proper "weapon" to counter-attack! It didn't take long to discover that 99% of other people will turn there radio/system down when I crank mine up next to them and prove they aren't gonna drown out MY music! :roflol:

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+2 I'm in line and ready to collect on the fine. Especially from the little hood that goes through my neighborhood at 1 in the AM with a sub so loud that it actually rattles dishes in the cabinet. <_<

Do we live close together? Actually the problem we had was some azz hat on a Harley. :angry2: I live 5 houses from a Stop sign and this guy would rip the throttle every time he left the sign. I took care of that issue one night when I just happened to be getting home when he went by. I took off after him, parked the front bumper of my car about 2 feet off his back tire and just laid on the horn. He THOUGHT he could out run me... WRONG!!! I finally got him to stop and came up out of the car like I was gonna rip his head off and was planning on it! I think I scared the crap out of the guy when my 6' 185lb self came out of the car at his well over 6 foot and 250lb self! Sheer intimidation can be a good thing. NEVER heard him again.

I DO NOT advise the above approach. Most likely a good way to get shot! :rolleyes:

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I've pulled up behind cars at an intersection that have the bass so deep that I can actually see their rear window vibrating. Now my question is this... If there is enough manipulation of sound waves to cause a sheet of glass to vibrate, what exactly is that doing to their brain tissue..?

I am sure that this is not healthy.

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I've pulled up behind cars at an intersection that have the bass so deep that I can actually see their rear window vibrating. Now my question is this... If there is enough manipulation of sound waves to cause a sheet of glass to vibrate, what exactly is that doing to their brain tissue..?

I am sure that this is not healthy.

It's VERY hard on the ears. Low frequency pressure waves are very damaging to the ears. :(

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I have always wished that I could get away with it, casually walk up to the side window, pop a few 22's from a supressed (don't want to be too loud) pistol into the radio and walk away. I know, only in the movies, but would still be nice to do.

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I have always wished that I could get away with it, casually walk up to the side window, pop a few 22's from a supressed (don't want to be too loud) pistol into the radio and walk away. I know, only in the movies, but would still be nice to do.

My cousin did something close to that a few years ago. He is a Hulk Hogan look-alike, steroids, Fu Man Chew, just no doo rag. Some kid pulled up next to him with the music booming away, he asked the guy to turn it down, the guy wouldn't listen so he got out of this truck, reached his arm in through the window (his arms are bigger than my legs) and turned it off. The guy didn't do anything but sit there, though he may have wet his pants.

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