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Soaring GASOLINE PRICES/ Energy dependent?


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Unbelievable soaring gas prices. WHY???????? EPA regulation? too much dependent on OPEC/energy dependent from other countries ? We are a superpower and why can't we produce our own energy. Build more nuclear plants ? Dig in Anwar, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Coast??? We have a large supply of coal !!! Why can't we use this as source of energy??? Like France, their source of energy for electricity is coming from their nuclear plants which is 90 percent.

When did we built our last oil refinery (RIGS)/ nuclear plant??? maybe 30 years ago???

Why do we have to suffer as consumers to pay high gas prices/utility bills??? I just don't see any justification at all.

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As much as anything ...stock market dweebs drive the price.

We have the oil....people with an agenda prevent us from getting it.

We could and should produce most if not all of our power with nuclear power plants.

Same people same agenda prevent it.

Just take the east cost off heating oil...replace with gas or electric....oil shortage reduced a bunch

This issue is just the tip of the iceberg.....we should be worried

Jim :(

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Why ??

Because people LOVE makeing MONEY !!!

Whether the prices are agreed upon, the refineries are closed on purpose, or drilling is

intentionally derailed (both sides working for same people) !!!! Bottom line is that if

the consumer keeps buying it, the price "CANNOT" go down (supply and DEMAND)...

With the current price of bullets a lot of people have switched to lead which "may" give

prices a chance to lower on FMJ's but when was the last time you said, " I dont think

I'm going to fill up this week because the price is too high, I'll try something else" aint

gonna happen... No one is going to help the consumer because too many people in a position

to help are benefiting from the high prices...

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I say we tax the hell out of the evil oil companies!!!!!!!!!!!! That'll help. Cause then they will charge us more to recoup.......wait never mind.

So your saying that capitolism is evil, huh.. :o:D Money, money, thats what we love!!

I think the problem is.... lets just say the oil companies are selling "crack" :lol: and we have a really bad

Crack Habit !!! If they double the price of our Crack next week, we are still going to try to get our fix..

We might even have to rob someone to pay for our crack !!!

see link !!! B)

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To some extent you can blame the environmentalists as to why we don't have more refineries and nuke plants. IIRC, we have either 103 or 133 nukes.

Again, IIRC, after the 3 mile island near disaster, the nuke plants that were deep in the middle of being built (cha ching $$$) were immediately shut down never to see construction start up again.

(on the plus side though, I have heard that some high speed low drag government agencies/military unitis/ contractors have been using the abandoned nuke plants for training. That is probably a very good thing. :ph34r: )

WRT to coal, hmm... I'm in ILL-annoyed and we have so much coal we don't know what to do with it.

Oh wait... the greenies already figured that out for us. That's right. Our coal has too much sulfur, which causes polution and acid rain.

Forget about all those hundreds if not thousands of Illinois coal miners who were laid off because of that. :unsure:

Yeah, so we have to ship in lower sulfur coal from a placed called the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana. Yeah, that makes economic and environmental sense to blow the money and resources on shipping it in from some place thirteen hundred miles away....

(oh and 'nother thing about that PRB coal, it's dust is even more explosive than our Illinois coal. This has caused some accidents in which power plant workers have actually been killed.)

Hmmn.... I wonder how many coal barges have accidentally sunk coming down the Mississippi River. I would imagine that coal and whatever other bad stuff it might carry could be bad for the Mississippi River ecosystem.

Ohh... and IIRC, didn't Bill Clinton sign some sort of treaty or agreement with some foreign country (Indonesia, maybe?) about coal or coke.

Maybe we should start a betting pool here on what a gallon of 87 octane will cost come Memorial Day weekend?

And then again on Labor Day weekend?

I'm guessing $3.75 will be the national average for the "cheap stuff" by the end of May.

$4.50 come Labor Day?

Anyone... anyone??

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Why do we have to suffer as consumers to pay high gas prices/utility bills??? I just don't see any justification at all.

A few people get rich(er) with the oil prices rising like this. Some of them are so powerful they can influence the prices with international politics.

Look for the person who will benefit... :)

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spook wrote:

Look for the person who will benefit...

Well, gee, spook, you're starting to sound like this guy:


From this movie:


Donald Sutherland's character X said:

... don't underestimate the budget cuts Kennedy called for in March of '63 either - close to 52

military installations in 25 states, 21 overseas bases, you're talking big money. You know how

many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam? About three thousand so far. Who makes them?

Bell Helicopter. Who owns Bell? Bell was near bankruptcy when the First National Bank of

Boston approached the CIA about developing the helicopter for Indochina usage. How 'bout the

f-111 fighters? General Dynamics in Fort Worth. Who owns that? Find out the defence budget

since the war began. $75 going on a hundred billion ... $200 billion'll be spent before it

ends. In 1950 it was $13 billion. No war, no money.

IIRC, Mr. X also went on to say something too that also tied back to either Haliburton or Kellog, I suppose of Kellog Brown and Root (sp?) fame.

Not too bad of connection (too today, 2008) for a movie made in 1991, now is it?

Oopps... gotta go... I left my tinfoil hat in the other room...


Script Link

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I say we tax the hell out of the evil oil companies!!!!!!!!!!!! That'll help. Cause then they will charge us more to recoup.......wait never mind.

So your saying that capitolism is evil, huh.. :o

see link !!! B)

Sorry, I thought the sarcasm was obvious enough. I forgot to indicate my heavy sarcasm mode was on. :)

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I remember an article not so long ago. Now my memory might not be 100% but I think I recall the main points.

Basically it was blaming the environmental lobby. Seems that the number of refineries in the US has decreased dramatically over the last couple of decades due to their lobbying. Plus they have managed to create a system of "boutique" gasolines that causes even more problems. Seems that everytime a state passes a law requiring specialized gasolines, the formula is different from all the rest. So during the run up to and during the summer, the gas companies are forced to shutdown refineries from producing the regular gasolines we all love, and produce batches of all these special gas mixtures. Then they added the whole ethonal mess. Seems that prior to the last couple of years, the ethonal used in gas mixtures was a waste product of the oil cracking process and so was very cheap. Then they passed laws that it had to be corn ethonal and suddenly the price skyrocketed.

So in the name of a major lie called "Human Created Global Warming" we have basically be sold a tin of wormy flour as top shelf goods.

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spook wrote:
Look for the person who will benefit...

Well, gee, spook, you're starting to sound like this guy:

Look for the person who will benefit is something Lenin said. Sometimes it makes things easy, sometimes it doesn't.

Some well know world leader=Oil dollars. Starts a big war in oil-country. Oil prices skyrocket. Who gets the dollars?

It's not so bad to pay a few $s more to refuel your car if you get paid billions in the other pocket :D

Gotta go put my tin foil hat on too... ;)

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Maybe we should start a betting pool here on what a gallon of 87 octane will cost come Memorial Day weekend?

And then again on Labor Day weekend?

I'm guessing $3.75 will be the national average for the "cheap stuff" by the end of May.

$4.50 come Labor Day?

Anyone... anyone??

We're around $8.55 over here.

A Dillon 1050 is under $1K though, so that evens it out for me ;)

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Please tell me that is what it equates out to when you do the gallon to liter conversion and then the weak US dollar to Euro conversion.

NOT $8.55 per liter?!

Hopefully, more like $8.55 per four liters.

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Please tell me that is what it equates out to when you do the gallon to liter conversion and then the weak US dollar to Euro conversion.

NOT $8.55 per liter?!

Hopefully, more like $8.55 per four liters.

I didn't know howmuch a US Gallon was exactly and I recalled it was about 3.8 liter.

$8.55 is the price per 3.8 liter. The liter price is about E1.50 or about $2.25

Still a lot though. I'm glad my boss pays my fuel :)

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A Dillon 1050 is under $1K though, so that evens it out for me ;)

Heh -- sent an email to SVI last week, asking about build times, and he replied that they've been swamped with business....A lot of it foreign, because of the weak dollar. If this keeps up, we're going to have to order from stores...in Brussels! :surprise::)

On topic -- everyone has his or her favorite boogeyman.

IMO, two major issues are reflected by the prices at the pump:

1) Global oil prices and demand thereof.

2) Weak US dollar.

The 'why's' of the items above are what's interesting.

Edited by boo radley
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I'm with Jim on this one. We haven't built an refinery in the us since the late 70's -early 80's, we are buying some gasoline from foreign countries, yes gas not oil because we can't refine it here. There are over 50 different blends of gas in the US, if we just had one that would cut the price of gas in many places.

Here an CA a few years ago some enviro group came up with the bright idea of putting MTBE in gas. Oil compaines spent millions updating the refineries (which they passsed on to us). Then they find out MTBE gets in the water many places and is causing health problems. The legislature that requied the oil compaines to get MTBE in the gas in 2 years gave them 3 years to phase it out! :huh:

I remember the first time drilling in Anwar came up in 200-2001 and the one of the big arquments at the time was, "well it will take 4-5 years to make a differene, and we need oil now..... well its 7 years later, I think it would be making a difference wouldn't it? We have really short sighted politicians who won't do this becauce it's unpopular with some groups in the short trem and these guys don't see past the next election.

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I'm with Jim on this one. We haven't built an refinery in the us since the late 70's -early 80's, we are buying some gasoline from foreign countries, yes gas not oil because we can't refine it here [....]

Here an CA a few years ago some enviro group [....]

I remember the first time drilling in Anwar came up in 200-2001 [....]


Gasoline inventories are at a 14-year *high*.

If refining capacity is such a bottleneck, why is supply abundant? Why aren't there lines at the pumps? There were MORE refineries in the late 80's than today (219 vs 149).

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Gasoline inventories are at a 14-year *high*.

If refining capacity is such a bottleneck, why is supply abundant? Why aren't there lines at the pumps? There were MORE refineries in the late 80's than today (219 vs 149).

And CNBC announced that our gasoline EXPORTS were at a record high last month. Does this make any sense to anyone who is not a speculator? Demand is decreasing but prices are increasing.


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I'm with Jim on this one. We haven't built an refinery in the us since the late 70's -early 80's, we are buying some gasoline from foreign countries, yes gas not oil because we can't refine it here [....]

Here an CA a few years ago some enviro group [....]

I remember the first time drilling in Anwar came up in 200-2001 [....]


Gasoline inventories are at a 14-year *high*.

If refining capacity is such a bottleneck, why is supply abundant? Why aren't there lines at the pumps? There were MORE refineries in the late 80's than today (219 vs 149).

Guess I'm misinformed

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ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY !! When things dont makes sense as to why something is done

a certain way the anwser is always with the money, ALWAYS ! Even adding MTBE was smoozing

of a person of power by the company that produces it !!

The price is never going to go down again, get used it. In one corner we have the people obsessed

with making money, and in the other corner we have ," eviromentalist quote" let it get to 8-10 dollars

and then they wont be able to use it anymore!! Its like in Europe, they tax the crap out of it partly

bacuase they like the revenue but also as a deterent to overuse. And I"m not taking my hat off !! :lol::P

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