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Crossfit training

Chris Conley

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Thanks for the advice. I don't think that jumping is an option where I am, but I will look a little harder. Once I return home I will have different, hopefully better options. I have been breaking the sets into sub-sets and will continue to do that. Thanks again.

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Do you have a regular pullup bar where you're at, or just the Gravitron machine?

If you have a regular bar, all you need to do is stack something underneath - a milk crate, some kind of box, weight plates of various sizes, etc... Be creative ;)

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I just have the power assist machine. I don't think its the Gravitron brand. I'm going home next week, though. Things are nicer at home. I can go to a real gyn and dry fire with a real gun. :cheers::cheers::cheers: It's been a long time since January 9 when I left.

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Fran today. I scaled it because my left forearm is tender. I think the overweight tribe member I hauled around on stage 5 at DTC gave me an ow-ie (that ungrateful dummy). 35# thrusters and gravitron pull ups (100#) 21-15-9 reps completed in 7:40.

From the Brand X website

Fran done well is a 3-5 minute workout

Let's put that in the category of goal. :bow::)

And Xre, I gotta say since I saw you last year, all your hard work is paying off. You look fit. Congrats! :cheers:

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Woot! A triple whammy today....I did my 90 minutes of hot yoga and a double CF WOD - one full RX - I thought it was two fully prescribed but my husband "accidentally" had us do pack instead (he hates back extensions). So the times for Tuesday's WOD: four rounds of 800m - 5:20, 5:05, 4:53, and 4:34 with 1:30 rest in between. Wednesday's WOD was scaled but I did five rounds instead of four cos it seemed too easy. Five rounds of 20 sit ups and 15 Glute Ham Back extensions completed in 8:20. During the warm up today I cleared 6 kipping pull ups! Yay! :D Now I need a bath and protein shake!

Edited by carinab
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I did Angie on Monday... 28:34, IIRC. Ouch. No, I mean physically... Ouch.

Yesterday we did an interesting one.... 5 rounds of: 10 Power Cleans, 10 25m sprints (with jog back to start). Weight was RXed at 135# for men, 95# for women. 17:04.

Thx for the comments, Carina ;) You're lookin' good, yourself. This stuff works ;)

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Fran tonight in 8:40 - about half a minute faster than last time. Also, my Angie on Monday was 3.5 minutes faster than the last one. Awesome ;)

Digging back through this thread for notes, I was really weirded out... There's this "Putty" guy mixed in there I'd never heard of before... Then I realized that Anders (Sandoz) change his ID :D

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Took a week off, had probs recovering. Hit Fran today for an 9:45 which is 5 minutes better than the last time.

Thinking I should take the prescribed 3 on, 1 off than my current 5 on, 2 off.

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One of the primary reasons that athletes are performing better today than ever is recognition of the role of sufficient recovery between maximum efforts. At my age (57) the more recovery I need. I can really only benefit from 2 maximum effort workouts every 7 days. I

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yes, I am finding out the hard way, at 45yo, that recovery is where I need to focus more. Just felt bone sore all the time with a decline in performance. Have a mindset that if I do not push it hard, everyday, that I will minimize gains.

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I'm making good progess on Starting Strength. I wish I had done a few months of it a few years ago when I went from pure endurance sports to starting to dabble with Crossfit.

From reading the boards at Crossfit.com, I see that a lot of folks are drawing the conclusion that it's better to develop strength before developing strength endurance. For example, if you are a guy and having to scale back the WOD because the weights are too heavy, then I suggest thinking about doing Starting Strength for a bit. Once you plateau a few times and have made the "easy" gains that will come when first starting a good strength training program, then that's the time to get back to doing the WODs. Who knows what's going on with the brains behind Crossfit, but the WOD seem to be evolving toward more maximum effort days anyway.

Starting Strength is very basic routine of squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench and overhead press. The book "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe is worth buying to learn how to properly squat and deadlift even if you don't plan on following the routine.

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Back doing Crossfit full time yesterday. I start back about 3 weeks ago but came with the flu. It wiped me out pretty bad. Lost a bunch of weight that I didn't have to give. It's almost like starting from scratch.

Rode my bike today for 10 miles and did 15 min on the slosh pipe. Stepping up on milk crates with that thing is shear misery. It's one of the hardest excercises I've ever done. I only had 2 gallons of water in it. It was plenty.

Can't wait to work out tonight during lunch.

Chris C.

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I hit an awesome set tonight. Pulled a CF workout off of Plano Crossfit's site.

800m run

30 pull ups

5 swings (basically a version of Thruster with a kettleball, or in my case a dumb bell since I didn't have a kb)

25 pull ups

10 swings

20 pull ups

15 swings

15 pull ups

20 swings

10 pull ups

25 swings

5 pull ups

30 swings

800m run

Two words: PAIN DANCE! :surprise:

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I hit an awesome set tonight. Pulled a CF workout off of Plano Crossfit's site.

So, a pullup/KB swing ladder, w/ a total of a 1 mile run? Sounds nice and relaxing ;)

(basically a version of Thruster with a kettleball, or in my case a dumb bell since I didn't have a kb)

FWIW, done correctly, a KB swing is a bit different than a thruster, though - make sure you had the right technique going.... I can see where you'd make the comparison, thoguh. They're more uncomfortable w/ a DB, simply cause the DB is harder to hang onto. KB swings take on a whole new level of effort when you get to 1.5 pood (24 kg or 53 pounds) and above - that's where the differences between the swing and the thruster really become apparent (when you have some real weight to manage). Thruster is simply a squat and a press, with some momentum helping the press if you do it right. The swing demands more out of your delts and core, and less out of your legs and traps than thrusters (at least, by how I get sore from them). Hips are critical in both for lifting large loads, as that's the basis of your power. I find swings easier - but usually we do them with less weight than we're pushing in thrusters, and we're basically not lifting body weight along with the weight for a swing, so its a lot less effort on the lower body - that means you can maintain a higher metabolic rate on them, typically, too... ;)

Be sure your form is good - its easy to get out of whack on swings - you want your back and arms straight all the time! You should be generating some hip drive, and opening those hips at the top to punch that weight up. The vid on the CrossFit site of OPT doing a 6:59 Helen shows great KB swing form, IIRC.

Trying swinging 2 poods sometime for even more entertainment :D Keeping that sucker from dropping on your head, and keeping its centrifugal force in check is a whole new level of fun....

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Adding.... I'm on R&R for a little while. Tweaked my back a month ago with the CFT, and things still haven't recovered. So, some time off to rest it up and let it heal. Had some good, deep massage, and doing some acupuncture - should be back in the "swing" (heh heh...) in a week or so, hopefully, but playing it by ear....

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Yeah, like I said, basically like a thruster. :lol: I was too blown after that workout to post anything more substantial. :wacko: I learned all about the proper form on the swings a while back when, instead of using my hips and pulling the weight UP, I was swinging the weight from behind my legs up over my head - my lower back hurt from that for a week or so.

My calves kept cramping up on the last 800m, and ended up having to alternate between walking and jogging, so that I didn't go flying off the treadmill - which would have been fairly embarrasing. :goof:

This was a toughie! I'll save it for a rainy day and hit it again because in a sick way, it was kind of fun.

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I learned all about the proper form on the swings a while back when, instead of using my hips and pulling the weight UP, I was swinging the weight from behind my legs up over my head - my lower back hurt from that for a week or so.

I can imagine :D

My calves kept cramping up on the last 800m, and ended up having to alternate between walking and jogging, so that I didn't go flying off the treadmill - which would have been fairly embarrasing. :goof:

BTDT... that sucks, cause you want to finish strong, and your frickin' legs just give out on you (hard to run on calves that are like bricks). Flying off the treadmill would probably have been worse, though.... :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

hmmmmm. Maybe!

Did the WOD from yesterday today ... I could press out the thrusters pretty easily, but the pullups are kicking my ass. I'm doing "jump" assisted PU, really working on holding it on the way down.

Got in 5 rounds in the alloted time.


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hmmmmm. Maybe!

Did the WOD from yesterday today ... I could press out the thrusters pretty easily, but the pullups are kicking my ass. I'm doing "jump" assisted PU, really working on holding it on the way down.

Got in 5 rounds in the alloted time.


GJ Catfish! Thats pretty damn good for a noob. Took me 6 months to even do a jumping pullup. Me and my bud, whom has kicked me arse on every WOD had a challenge on this one. I got 9 he got 8. Finally got him....

I was aerobically ok, my muscles just kept failing later in the cycles.., same with you?

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I was aerobically ok, my muscles just kept failing later in the cycles.., same with you?

I'd get pretty gassed after the thrusters - I'd press them out pretty quickly. But yeah, I'd get my heart settled down on the pullups and like you said, my arms just flat gave out on the 5th cycle, took me 3-4 attempts to crank that 10th pullup out on the last set. Beat the buzzer by a coupla seconds. ;)

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Murph was tough today, coming on the heels of the last workout. I broke it up into 20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats with a Rx of a mile run before and after. Had to do jumping pullups at the half way point and ended with a lousy time of 1:15. Got a little barfy but no pukie. :sick:

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1:15:00 isn't horrible, dude... and the Cindy style breakup is definitely the way to go... You just gotta keep sloggin' it out on this one....

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