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Chris Conley

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Thanks Dave . If you are going to Area 1 I will like to meet you. Perhaps we can do a WOD at the campsite. :):sick:

Holy Moly Jake, thats a world class time. Yeah I would take that as well... :roflol:

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I passed on Murph today and did the filthy 50, scaled to a filthy 35. I think I'm going to be one sore puppy tomorrow. 29:35 .... I started with the box jumps and then the jumping pull ups and I was thinking..... not so hard, maybe I should have just done the 50 count.

Well, let me tell you my friends, I thought I was going to flat pass out on the last 10 burpees or so.


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Thanks Dave . If you are going to Area 1 I will like to meet you. Perhaps we can do a WOD at the campsite. :):sick:

Will be at A1 ;) Not sure my back is going to be together enough to handle a workout at that point, but if so... you're on ;)

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Well I woke up this morning feeling like I got hit by a train. DOMS much? ummmm....ya.

Yeah... Murph is Angie's bigger brother, so... I imagine today is even more entertaining, eh? :D

Lots of pressing today, arms feel like jello. ;)

I take you figured out the Press Jerk?

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Forgot to post my elizabeth time: 7:35. Did the hang cleans w/ 55# and subbed bar dips for the ring dips at 1.5x. Yoga today so no time for the run. Besides I'm fighting off some sinus thing and didn't want to get full blown sick before the Texas Open.

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Squat cleans from the ground are specified btw, although hang cleans are cool if not a bit harder.

Harder to move the weight to rack, yes - but it eliminates the squat from the exercise... ;)

In the meantime, I can hardly move from my workout on Monday - first in a month. Finally got cleared by the PT to do body weight stuff... ;) Something about a total of 95 each burpees, ball slams (w/ 4# ball for me), squats, and pushups makes for soreness for some reason... ;)

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Damn Carina, not bad. Time to add some weight and rings to that one. ;)

Squat cleans from the ground are specified btw, although hang cleans are cool if not a bit harder.

Well, since I am a total noob at the oly lifts, I followed GardDawgs advice from the brand x site:

I would prefer starting with the hang power clean version. This avoids any problem with the poor deadlift back position in a metabolic workout due to excitement, fatigue or concern about beating the clock. It's safer for the new person. Finally the original intent of the workout is clearly a short quick metabolic workout that rivals Fran. Turning it into a slogging workout that takes 10-15 minutes is defeating the purpose of the workout.

So, the leader board at Brand X records times for Hang Power Cleans and Power Cleans.

Do the Big Dawgs do these workouts with full cleans? Yes. But they have the technique and fundamentals to pull it off

The hang cleans went well - the first set of 21 I knocked out in 3:00...so yeah, it's time for more weight. And Dave, I think I did do some squats with the hang cleans... :P Before you get all impressed with the bar dips, I did 1.5x instead of the prescribed 2x sub - I also did them on a gravitron at 60% body weight as I could only clear 3 unassisted. I should have gone 70% though as my triceps really aren't all that sore today.

Today I'll do yesterday's run. I don't want to smoke my shoulders and hams right before the TX Open.

BTW, welcome back to the festival of pain Dave. :roflol:

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Anyone know what might have occurred to make my knee cap sore....really sore....? I did a PR on deadlift and a bud said he heard something "pop". I got the weight up pretty easily yet it is pretty stiff today. No swelling, just a little warm to the touch.

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The hang cleans went well - the first set of 21 I knocked out in 3:00...so yeah, it's time for more weight. And Dave, I think I did do some squats with the hang cleans... :P

You usually do end up with some squat trying to get under the bar. Jake's point about hang cleans being harder to execute is true - you must really drive hard with the hips to get the weight up, and that usually means pulling under to some extent to make the catch (for most of us, anyway...). My point was simply that, over the course of the workout, the full squat part of the workout tends to fatigue the legs in a fashion you don't get with a power clean (ie, one that doesn't involve the squat)..

Actually, there are four different types of cleans - combos of hanging vs. normal (ie, from the ground), and power vs. squat (catch the weight while you're standing vs. catch the weight in a full front squat). The "squat clean" (start on the ground, catch in front squat) is generally the "easiest" in terms of lifting larger weight. The "hanging power clean" is the hardest to catch with a similar amount of weight. Squat cleans w/ 135#, for instance, are do-able for me. I can't do hanging power cleans with more than about 95# and make it through a workout...

But.... in terms of metabolic action, because you're utilizing so much more muscle to execute the movement, the "squat clean" can actually be a bigger metabolic hit than a "hanging power clean". If you were doing "hanging squat cleans", you're somewhere in the middle of those two...

Anyhow, for whatever that's worth... :D The important point is that you got out there and did them, one way or another :D I'm not trying to take anything away from you, there, just pointing out the difference in challenge that the different types of cleans give you... The advice from Brand-X is probably good, especially if you don't have a coach handy to keep your form looking crisp.

BTW - it would do you some good to take a couple of lessons on that stuff, at some point, if you're going to keep this up :D You have a few CrossFit gyms in your area - I'm sure one of the coaches there would do 1-on-1 w/ you to get you up to speed....

BTW, welcome back to the festival of pain Dave. :roflol:

Monday's workout just keeps on giving to me... :D Just screwing around, I did 8 ring pullups before the workout. I was impressed, as that indicates I really didn't lose much strength while I was out. Today, three days later, I can feel the pullups.... my lats are toast today. Legs are getting better, though... :lol: Yeah... hoo-boy... need to be careful with whatever I do tonight, so I can move on Saturday :D

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Anyone know what might have occurred to make my knee cap sore....really sore....? I did a PR on deadlift and a bud said he heard something "pop". I got the weight up pretty easily yet it is pretty stiff today. No swelling, just a little warm to the touch.

Try searching on the CrossFit forum? It could be a lot of things, in the end, some serious, some not... I have no experience w/ knee injuries, at this point, so....

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Anyhow, for whatever that's worth... :D The important point is that you got out there and did them, one way or another :D I'm not trying to take anything away from you, there, just pointing out the difference in challenge that the different types of cleans give you... The advice from Brand-X is probably good, especially if you don't have a coach handy to keep your form looking crisp.

I didn't think you were minimizing anything. I was just being a smart a$$ because it sure feels like I did a squat or two. :lol:

BTW - it would do you some good to take a couple of lessons on that stuff, at some point, if you're going to keep this up :D You have a few CrossFit gyms in your area - I'm sure one of the coaches there would do 1-on-1 w/ you to get you up to speed....

Actually that is on my "to do" list (along with about 600 other things <_< ), there is a wednesday night oly lift class that I want to sign up for if I can get my hubby to shift his dojo schedule.

BTW, my run today got postponed because I work with mouth breathing idiots...I may still go do it after dinner tho....once the laundry is finished.

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Anyone know what might have occurred to make my knee cap sore....really sore....? I did a PR on deadlift and a bud said he heard something "pop". I got the weight up pretty easily yet it is pretty stiff today. No swelling, just a little warm to the touch.

I found this on the CF forum...not certain it applies to knees tho....You might also search the starting strength site.

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Forgot to post yesterday's WOD. I've never done a max effort deadlift so I kinda worked my way up. 75/95/95/105/105/115/115

I was kinda hoping I could at least do my body weight but it was a challenge to start the 115 moving off the ground. Once I got it off, it went fine. I tried 125 but felt my form wasn't there so I didn't lift it all the way.

Cindy today?! I kinda did 3 rounds of Cindy plus back extensions, KTE, and sit ups yesterday as my warm up!

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Today my wife made an appt. for a knee doctor as it feels "loose" and the knee cap is still sore. Perhaps some peace of mind in the knowing. Thanks for asking! :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

I know today was an off day but did 5000m on the C2 rower for the first time tonight. 34.06 was the time. Not too gamey but I finally made it. Holy crap I'm smoked now. :)

Hat's off to Thomas Moore. I saw him at Indiana State at the match hotel parking lot. Didn't even know it was him till the next morning. Looking great dude keep it up!!!! :bow:

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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I'm finally getting back into the swing of things after my back "fun". Still sore, but healing well, it seems. Our gym moved to a new location, just up the road from where we were. Its totally bad-ass in the new place. Much bigger, with better set up for kicking ass. They're working on bringing in new gear, now, to fill the place up... building platforms, all of that.

I know I'll see Anders at A1... anyone else?

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