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Should One Ask To Move Up A Class???

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I have been classified a C open shooter for about 4 months now. I usually don't have any good luck when it comes to classifiers. Usually gun malfunctions or the person behind the trigger malfunctions. I do very well overall in the matches. I have won several local matches where Master limited shooters and High B open shooters are attending. Ihave come in second a few times also. My question is should I ask to be moved up at least one class before I attend the Area 8 championships this year. I have also had people tell me I am sandbagging and deliberatly not doing well on the classifiers. This is not the case. Any input would help. Thanks

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I wouldn't,,,,,,If enough GM's show up at the match you'll be credit for a classifier and there will likely be a classifier stage. You'll get there in time,,,,besides, you may win your class if you stay put......never hurts to win. :)

I'm in a similar boat, I don't get to shoot many classifiers and the ones I have, I haven't shoot exceptionally well, but you know, I don't shoot every regular stage to the best of my ability either.

My classifier scores, mirror my regular stage scores in the sense that,,,,I rock on some,,,suck on others. Part of moving up in classes is becoming more consistent and being able to put together consistent performance, that will be represented over time as you shoot more classifiers since the take,,,what is it,,,,the best six or your last eight.

If you truly aren't performing consistently, then don't worry,,,,it is something to strive for. The classes exist for us to compete with people at our own levels,,,,,I know if I bumped up one class right now, on my best days I could compete very well with those guys, but that is only on my best of days,,,,I simply haven't been able to put together a full match of clean stages regardless of the speed.


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If you truly aren't a sandbagger, then don't worry about it...the classification system will catch up with you in due time. If you shoot 2 classes higher at a major match, be prepared for some really strange looks, lol.

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It's worth mentioning that most classifiers have very little in common with the freestyle stages in the rest of the match.

This means there will always be people who win matches and tank classifiers.

It would also be interesting to see the results if the classifiers were blind. I.e, we didn't know which stage was the classifier, it just got sent in secretly.


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I think there are a lot of shooters in the same situation. I too would say just enjoy the ride. I know it's tough sometimes because, if you're like me anyway, your ego gets in the way. The majority of the classifiers we shoot here locally are the quick ones that are very different from 95% of the stages you'll see at a major match. Even when I shoot what I call a "stand and shoot" (a classifier that has no movement) to the best of my current ability, it usually ends up nationally as a high A or at best, low M score. Whereas, at majors lately (Florida Open, SC Section, Area 6), I've dropped several shots in the match (not that I'm proud of that) but still end up with an overall low M score. Which, BTW ultimately goes in as a classifier score. You'll get where you're going, it'll just take a little while longer. The good thing about that is whatever classification you're holding at the time will be, IMO, more reflective of your overall current ability and certainly you're current ability to perform at major matches. While many of us have our own strengths and weaknesses, I think if a shooters strength is doing well on the "stand and shoots" that shooter will move up in class quickly. Whereas, if that shooter doesn't do as well on the stand and shoot stuff and is stronger on everything else, that shooter will move up in class slower but be much more likely to place or win in class at a major match.

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I agree with the others that said to simply ignore the people that are calling you a sandbagger. Even if you were to have your class artificially increased, you would likely draw the attention of some that would claim that you were "Grandbagging". You cannot please all of the people, all of the time, and the sooner you realize that simple fact the sooner you begin to focus on what really counts ... your shooting!

I was in the top 10 of "A" shooters for several months and often heard the "Sandbagger" title being thrown around, by those that pay attention to that stuff, despite the fact that it was not true. In an effort to appease the vocal few I made a conscious effort to do well on the classifers, rather than shoot them conservatively. I received my "M" card a few months later and the "Sandbagger" comments ended but the "Grandbagger" comments started from another vocal minority. You can't please everybody ... just try to please yourself.


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I too was at the top of the A class for several months, right along with a couple of other forum members. I recall one of the forum regulars making a light hearted joke about the USPSA "Top 20" A Class list reading like a Who's Who of Brian Enos.com. Well, I finally moved into the bottom of the Master class and now I have to put up with the whole "local hero", "big frog in a small pond", "grandbagger", crap. The classifier system is a no win situation and I often times think we would all be better off with no classifications and just divisions.

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Wow I'm pretty new at this forum and never thought in one day would get all these responses. I see that everyone so far is in agreement for me to stay put. I think after reading all your resonses that you are right. I do tend to take the remarks a little too literally and not just as jokes as I hope they are. L9x25 you are definitely right in the fact that I need to worry more about my own shooting and not what others percieve of me. One question to you guys and gals. What is "grandbagging", have not heard that before?

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Grand bagging is when someone reshoots classifiers on the same day until they get the score they want (higher than what they can do on demand). If they do that enough they will get a higher classification than what they deserve. Duane Thomas wrote a nice article in Front Sight a while back and I think part of it is here in the forum somewhere.

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Sandbagging is purposely doing poorly on classifiers to remain in a lower classification.

Grandbagging is triving to reach a classification higher than your on demand performance would justify.

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