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Strength vs. Flexability

Chris Conley

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Rip out 150 burpees for time. ;)

Tomorrow, my friend. Tomorrow... I'll have plenty of time... Time to play w/ my new Dynamax med-ball, too :D Incidentally, I got to attend a clinic w/ Jim Cawley of Dynamax... Lots of good ideas for using a med-ball to increase sprint speed and such... I think I've convinced my bro-in-law to come throw the thing around with me, so that'll make some good post-WOD work, and with no equipment, burpees just might be the ticket.... :D

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Awesome. I've heard though that Jim is kinda against crossfit. You read that at all off him?

I need to get myself some Dynamax balls as well.

Burpees are usually what I do when I'm without equipment. If that isn't enough, doing walking lunges till I fall over works too. ;)

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Awesome. I've heard though that Jim is kinda against crossfit. You read that at all off him?

He definitely has his opinions ;) Apparently, he's encountered a bunch of folks who buy a 20# ball as their first equipment purchase, thinking they're going to go right out and do Karen like nobody's business ;) Jim knows an awful lot about putting together a solid training plan, trusting his athletes to adapt and learn, etc - he doesn't subscribe to some of the CrossFit teachings, and his opinions disagree with some of the results that CrossFit has produced (even in folks that I know). So, take that for what its worth. I learned a lot, either way :D

I need to get myself some Dynamax balls as well.

They're totally the shizzle. They're tough, they're big, and they bounce just right...

Burpees are usually what I do when I'm without equipment. If that isn't enough, doing walking lunges till I fall over works too. ;)

Yeah, both of those are cool :D Push-ups, sit-ups, handstands, sprints, etc... Creativity helps a bunch. I've used boxes of bullets to weight down buckets to replace dumbells and KBs and stuff, bricks are useful as well. Good stuff... Eva T posts a bunch of body-weight only workouts to her blog every so often.... http://skievat.blogspot.com/ - those are good for some ideas, too...

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Guess I'll finally have to join a gym. I don't have a C2 rowing machine and you have to have one to make this thing work. I priced them online and the run about $1200. Let's buy rowing machine or start building new single stack? Tuff choice.....

Chris C.

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Guess I'll finally have to join a gym. I don't have a C2 rowing machine and you have to have one to make this thing work. I priced them online and the run about $1200. Let's buy rowing machine or start building new single stack? Tuff choice.....

Chris C.

You can sub running for rowing - run the same distance as prescribed on the row. Also, if you check Craig's list, etc, you can frequently find a used C2 with the better computer for $600 or so... sometimes less. One just sold in Austin for $250... Not having a rower is absolutely no excuse ;)

pjb45, you're describing what we call a sprawl. A burpee is similar, except that you sort of jump into it from a standing position, so that you're kicking your legs back as you go into a pushup position, then you do a pushup, then you spring back up and jump 8" or so... That's one rep.

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I don't even have weights. I have to modify every exercise I do so that I can do it with bodyweight. Get yourself a set of rings, a pullup bar, and a kettlebell or two. You won't be able to do the WOD as rx'd usually, but you will have so many options that it will tide you over until you can get equipment.

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Rip out 150 burpees for time. ;)

Tomorrow, my friend. Tomorrow...

As promised... 15:59.50... JUST kept it under 16 minutes... Quads were complaining nicely, and feel done about medium or so now... Good little workout. No equipment required. No excuses, Chris :D heh heh...

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Good job. I met pukie about 3/4s of the way through it when I did it.

Nice :lol: Kinda negates the time.... I'm not at a point where I can push that hard on burpees - I stop being able to push myself back off the ground and/or jumping off the ground before I can get there...

Quads were pretty well done after that and a round of tabata squats.

Yeah, another 4 minutes of trashing ought to cook 'em up nice... I figure a Mashup of burpees and squats would be nice, too... :D

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Guess I'll finally have to join a gym. I don't have a C2 rowing machine and you have to have one to make this thing work. I priced them online and the run about $1200. Let's buy rowing machine or start building new single stack? Tuff choice.....

Chris C.

You can sub running for rowing - run the same distance as prescribed on the row. Also, if you check Craig's list, etc, you can frequently find a used C2 with the better computer for $600 or so... sometimes less. One just sold in Austin for $250... Not having a rower is absolutely no excuse ;)

pjb45, you're describing what we call a sprawl. A burpee is similar, except that you sort of jump into it from a standing position, so that you're kicking your legs back as you go into a pushup position, then you do a pushup, then you spring back up and jump 8" or so... That's one rep.

Understand. I'll start looking around for one in the morning. I have the weights, bike running shoes etc. I have to find some kettle balls and one of the other ones. I really like this system. I had to go out of town this morning so I got up at 0330 hrs and did wind sprints (focused on leaning into the start), pushups 50x4 situps 70x3 and dips 15x4. Tried not to take too long of a break in between each of them. Gotta go check and see what's up for Thrusday's WOD.

Thanks for getting me on the right track. I've read alot of posts on this board about fitness but this one have definately enlightened me.

Chris C.

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The sorest my legs have ever been though was after 400 meters of walking lunges. Whoever thought of that did so while ruling the citadel of hell.

Greg Glassman is curator of the 6th plane, I'm told... ;)

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I have to find some kettle balls and one of the other ones.

Kettlebells are actually a weight - like a steel ball with a thick handle on it. There are a few different places to find them online - if you can find them locally, you might save some on the shipping....

Medicine Balls - http://medicineballs.com is Dynamax's site - awesome med balls. You can beat the snot out of them and they keep on going... Not cheap, but awesome. I have a 6# - will probably get a 4#, 12#, and 20# eventually, for different sorts of things....

I really like this system. I had to go out of town this morning so I got up at 0330 hrs and did wind sprints (focused on leaning into the start), pushups 50x4 situps 70x3 and dips 15x4. Tried not to take too long of a break in between each of them. Gotta go check and see what's up for Thrusday's WOD.


Five rounds, each for time of:

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups

50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

;) Wish I could do a CF Total at some point.... hmmm....

Thanks for getting me on the right track. I've read alot of posts on this board about fitness but this one have definately enlightened me.

Now just do it, man :)

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Here's a video demo of burpees.


If we are talking Crossfit, we have to mention Mark Twight :surprise: and www.gymjones.com, because I think Mark T may have trained with BE. At one time Mart T shot USPSA. I don't know if he still does.

(A little background - Mark Twight - the famous mountaineer - was once a Crossfit affiliate, but had a falling out with the CF founder. He has been accused of intellectual property theft. He is name is mud with the Crossfit diehards, who are very defensive about who created CF-style workouts.)

My only complaint about Crossfit is that it is light on long aerobic efforts. No matter what Crossfit says, it's not adequate preparation for 40 minute+ efforts. Mark T incorporates much longer endurance efforts, so I've now started molding my workouts after his.

I still did the 150 burpees on Christmas Eve, though. :devil:

(Then I ran 7 miles. Very slowly. :goof: )

Edited by Leozinho
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(A little background - Mark Twight - the famous mountaineer - was once a Crossfit affiliate, but had a falling out with the CF founder. He has been accused of intellectual property theft. He is name is mud with the Crossfit diehards, who are very defensive about who created CF-style workouts.)

I don't know much about the falling out that occurred, and there's only speculation on the CF site. From my perspective, it doesn't really matter, either way - Mark is also a highly skilled trainer and athlete.

My only complaint about Crossfit is that it is light on long aerobic efforts. No matter what Crossfit says, it's not adequate preparation for 40 minute+ efforts. Mark T incorporates much longer endurance efforts, so I've now started molding my workouts after his.

If you're an endurance athlete (marathoner or Iron Man type), you'll definitely need sport specific training. Even with a Gym Jones style workout (which are modeled on the CF style workout, but typically seem to involve higher standard weights, longer efforts, and little to no opportunity to rest unloaded), I suspect you'll need a good amount of sport specific training for those efforts. Mark logs his workouts on the Gym Jones site - you'll notice an awful lot of pure bike training in his regimen....

Actually, as it pertains to shooting, doing long aerobic efforts only really doesn't help your sport specific stuff - you'll be in better shape, and carry less spare weight, etc, but that's it. It doesn't develop the explosive power you need for the short sprint stuff we do.... ;)

I still did the 150 burpees on Christmas Eve, though. :devil:

(Then I ran 7 miles. Very slowly. :goof: )

Yeah, no doubt :D

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Rip out 150 burpees for time. ;)


OK...I can only do 10 burpees! Maybe if I pushed really hard 20. 150!!!! Wow! You guys are strong! I want to be strong too!

Jake...I think you have helped me spend my Christmas money. I'm considering the rings. ;) I think I might be able to incorporate them into my training.

Thanks for the great thread and inspiration!

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Glad to hear it Jane. If I could only pick one piece of exercise equipment, it would definitely be a set of rings.

I've frequented Mark Twight's site a lot for the last year or two....the quote in my signature is even from him.

Also I think the reason Mark has been doing so much cycling is because he has started competing in that field.

For me personally, I don't want long aerobic work outs and I think their benefit for you as an all around athlete is much less than most people think.

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Rip out 150 burpees for time. ;)


OK...I can only do 10 burpees! Maybe if I pushed really hard 20. 150!!!! Wow! You guys are strong! I want to be strong too!

Jake...I think you have helped me spend my Christmas money. I'm considering the rings. ;) I think I might be able to incorporate them into my training.

Thanks for the great thread and inspiration!

You are probobly plenty strong and will get stronger....it's getting through and working while in the uncomfortable anaerobic zone.

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OK...I can only do 10 burpees! Maybe if I pushed really hard 20. 150!!!!

I can't do 150 in a row without stopping for quick rests. Not by a long shot. Judging by the comments on the Crossfit board, 20 minutes to complete 150 burpees seems to be pretty average. If you can only do five before having to rest a bit and it takes you 30 minutes to complete 150 reps, then so be it.

Some of the Crossfit workouts can look daunting, but the difficulty can be scaled back by reducing the prescribed weight, or in some cases substituting one exercise for another, or by taking longer to finish.

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