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Shooting TV shows.....


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I totally agree with you on this. Shooting USA seems to be the best of all the shooting shows. Shooting Gallery is a close 2nd but most of the others just demonstrate piss-poor gun handling. That drives me insane. There was one where both guys were shooting M&P compacts and they were so unsafe it was disturbing. Luckily for us that nonshooters don't know much about safe gun handling but being shooters we're hyper sensitive to it. The Ninja-esque comment is dead on. At least we do have a night of "good" television though.

Oh, and does anyone actually like the torture tests????

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Shred...what discussion forum? This isn;t a rebuttal...really!

Just popping my head up to say my on-line "door" has alwasy been and is open. I was unhappy enough with my former production team at the end of last year that I fired them. New shows being edited now...including an intruduction to USPSA shooting with Mike Seeklander and Phil Strader...am filming with Todd up at Blackwater next week...

Head back down...

Michael B

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Shred...what discussion forum? This isn;t a rebuttal...really!

Just popping my head up to say my on-line "door" has alwasy been and is open. I was unhappy enough with my former production team at the end of last year that I fired them. New shows being edited now...including an intruduction to USPSA shooting with Mike Seeklander and Phil Strader...am filming with Todd up at Blackwater next week...

Head back down...

Michael B

Looking forward to it, Michael!

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I dunno there's some crap for sure, but from my standpoint it normally gets turned on in my house at some time or another. Then for however long everyone is BSing about shooting. To you guys it doesn't seem like much, but my father and brother are both casual shooters so it kind of gets their brains going and talking about guns. My girlfriend looks forward to it too, just because shes new to shooting and I think just likes to see all the different guns, toys and the like.

SO yeah I wouldn't really want to turn to it for how I want to shoot, but its fun sitting with some people and talking guns for a while.

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Well it happened! The Outdoor Channel (79 from my provider, Eatel) has been dropped. I noticed last week that 79 was just snow and thought it was a short term outage. I was wrong, it has been dropped. I intend to contact Eatel today (owner lives a few houses from me) and voice my displeasure, for whatever good that will do.

Wish me luck

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Shred...what discussion forum? This isn;t a rebuttal...really!

Just popping my head up to say my on-line "door" has alwasy been and is open. I was unhappy enough with my former production team at the end of last year that I fired them. New shows being edited now...including an intruduction to USPSA shooting with Mike Seeklander and Phil Strader...am filming with Todd up at Blackwater next week...

Head back down...

Michael B

Hell yeah, can't wait. :cheers:

I just watched the snubbie episode with Walt Rauch, and my GAWD!!! :rolleyes: is that guy a cure for insomnia. I know he's very experienced and all that, but let's coach and edit him so he presents better. Being a good shooter doesn't make you a good speaker or teacher. Some of the guests are interesting characters we're heard about and want to see, but some of them need.... some help.

But!!! Much as we kid, we do appreciate your efforts. General consensus is, yours is the best thing going

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just caught "SAS" on "Weaponology". Overall not bad, and we get to see some serious operators like Larry vickers, but the friggin' History channel gets the same crap wrong as Hollywierd.

My favorite was the cross eye dominant, with the super overwrapped weaver grip. Very sexy. :rolleyes:

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I've found the more I know about history, the more I realize the History Channel is frequently wrong.

As for the shooting shows, they are basically gun rags and I've never known a gun rag to be concerned with much more than pure sales.

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Well, instead of complaining about the shows, why don't we make some suggestions since Mr. Bane visits this site. This is what I would like to see in a 1 hour show since most of a 30 minute show seems to be commmercials.

1. The history segments from American Rifleman

2. The torture test from Guns and Ammo (that little chubby fellow is so mono tone that he makes me laugh)

3. Almost anything from Sightning in with Shooting USA ( I love how to segments)

4. More Jarret and Robby segments, heck why not get some Burkett action in there. What about BE?

5. Match coverage (always nice to possible see yourself on TV)

6. The Army shooting team segments ( always seem well layed out and is straight forward good info)

7. Trick shooting segments

8 The Midway segments with Potterfield (again, how to segments)

9. Less 1 on 1 interviews and more interviews while shooting. This is a shooting/gun show isn't it?

That all I can think off right know.

Feel free to add on to the list

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Oh, belive me I'd love to see them get it right.

Show somebody carrying some other way than PSYCHO Vest, or front pocket.

I am making suggestions; do more than one take. If a guy doesn't present or interview well, coach him and edit things to flow better.

If you are covering a match, do a little post production and give us a sense of "the race", maybe a leadboard with changes after every stage.

And for God's sake, when you have an instructor on, make sure they have a vauge idea of what they are doing and can shoot!!!

There are some high points:

I never thought I would like Clint Smith, in print he comes off wrong, but then again, I have the same problem here. Clint while still being a little defensive about modern techniques, does know how to run a gun while he's running his mouth. A little heavy on the tacti-clese and cliches for my taste, but not a bad spokesman for the concealed carry crowd.

Robbie and Todd are always a hoot, laid back, smiling and shooting so well it looks like a magic trick. These guys are comfortable in their own skins and have nothing to prove. They come off sooooooooo much more relaxed than the tacti-billies they featured on those shows most of the time.

The trick shot portions are entertaining. It's the same with high level pool, it looks boring and the public "understands" trick shots better.

I'd like to see better step by step explanation of GOOD, MODERN technique instead of so much retention, light-laser, house clearing, shooting through a car trunk to save your mom stuff.

Maybe some slow mo of a GREAT run on an IPSC field course with commentary of WHY it was a great run. "See the gun coming up early here, and just as my rear foot breaks ground I fire that first alpha. Watch my eyes snap to the next target and the gun follows, saving me a few 100ths of a second on the transition."

How about more in depth profiles of champions and up and comers? TGO, TT, TJ, J-Go, some of the new Army kids? Jake? Koenig. Mikulek. What ever happened to "The Burner".

AND my #1 New Year's wish from shooting TV shows: That they dispell the notion that top "teams" and SF guys are going to Tactibillies who teach 30yo technques for training.

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Just caught the latest "PDTV".

"In competition they train us to find the front site and follow it to the target" Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright. :rolleyes: Dick Metcalf should be banned from speaking about technique until he makes "D" class.

And believe it or not they are STILL teaching Weaver to those poor women at Gunsite. That poor "instructor", I wanted to hug her and tell her "it's going to be ok, modern techniques will help, don't be discouraged."

Edited by dirtypool40
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What? You don't push pull?

Shhh!! don't tell. :blush:

I was a little disappointed in the guns of the super squad tonight. They should of at least had the shooter holding the gun and explaining the setup in more detail than they did.

cool idea, woulda been nice.

Edited by dirtypool40
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Oh yeah, PDTV was a winner last night. They taught us how we need to practice at "real life" distances for self defense. We all need to work hard until we can get our splits down to at least .65 sec. on a three-yard target.

I just love how those schools teach "the scan" after you're done shooting. Simply break your index and swing your arms left and right a few times.

Another high point in many shows: Fast bolt work with a rifle!!! Those guys can do it! I just wish they would show the target after finishing such impressive bolt shucking.

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What was with the new pronunciation last night on Shooting USA? I would have like to heard the actual super squad tell us about their own guns and why they are set up that way. That segment could have been twice as long.

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