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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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You are right I have some expectations for the next month and a half, and we know what expecatations can do to a performance. :roflol:

I am thinking of going to ACC and shooting three guns in the steel match to clear the pipes of expectations and so forth and then be ready to roll on Sunday. Need a good round of practice this weekend.

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Everybody but the deer! :roflol:

You can deer hunt with it. Just don't get caught.

Looking forward to Sunday... Long distance does not look to be the challenge Sunday. I would say it will be movement.

How about mozambique deer hunting. One to the head with the open gun...two to the body with the shot gun :o Then everyone can be happy. ;)

Coach...you're getting all juiced about Sunday...I'm worried that you're starting to have expectations :lol::lol:

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Two thoughts --- and you probably have both of them in your head already.....

Steel good, but any hit on target rings and blows paint off. Practicing at distance rocks; IIRC Todd recommended doing most practice from 18-20 yards and out, specifically to train harder and get more confidence.......

Our club has a couple of Metric Target shaped steel. I've toyed with the idea of cutting the A-zones from a paper target to use as a template for white paint, and then spraying the rest of the steel target black....

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Riley Match June 2008

Mental Challenges and Mental Mistakes

The competitive season is under way and I'm looking for my competitive best. What aspects...what conditions put me in the best position to compete at my best? I've talked about the quiet and freedom I've been experiencing in the shooter's box. I have found a formula that I believe leads to that...but I wanted to test myself at the Riley match.

Mental Challenges

The mental challenge for this match was to change some of my "norms" and see how I would do. The Coach and I have been trash talking via email so that I could get a sense of what it would be like to compete with a little pressure. The other thing that I did was I removed myself from my husband's squad. I felt it necessary to go out on my own to see what that would be like. This was an experiment of change. So to sum up the challenge....shoot without the husband, and shoot with a little taunting.

Mental Mistakes

My intention was noble but my execution was poor. The biggest mistake I made was not mentally preparing for what it would be like to shoot without my husband. If I would have been smarter, I would have identified ahead of time those things that he brings to my shooting and then thought about how I was going to handle those things without him. Because I didn't do that work ahead of time, I was left with trying to figure it out during the match. It was good that I exposed some areas of mental weakness but it was bad for me competitively that it was happening during a match. <_<

The match results aren't up yet. Probably won open since I think I was the only Open gun out of 55 shooters. I wonder why people aren't shooting open??? :ph34r: The match between the Coach and me is too close to call. I appreciate Coach's support in pushing me to be all I can be. :cheers: One thing is for certain...the Coach is NOT afraid of me!

I'm headed to the range. As much as I love the steel, I'm going to put it away. I've mastered a very solid draw, first shot and transitions. MY PROBLEM is with the second shot. Nothing but shooting paper 2 shot progressions until I master the second shot the way I want it. I've got to stop and break down the problem and fix it. I'm seeing the Charlie/Delta's on the second shot...I just want to make them go away.

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MY PROBLEM is with the second shot. Nothing but shooting paper 2 shot progressions until I master the second shot the way I want it. I've got to stop and break down the problem and fix it. I'm seeing the Charlie/Delta's on the second shot...I just want to make them go away.

If the dot is not there, don't brake the shot. Do you have your mags set up to slide lock? If not load one round, draw and fire the first round and let the second shot be a dry fire. See where the dot is when the shot breaks, call the shot. Maybe slowing down is in order. I can do .85 first round shots, but it most likely wont be in the A unless I get lucky. It's NOT an aimed shot, and when the first one misses the second one will also. I found it was better for me to slow down a little and get a solid grip on the gun and insure an A for the first shot. That slows me down to 1.22 averages.

Granted, I'm not the caliber shooter as some of these others that give you advice, just sharing something from my own journey, and you know it comes from the heart. :cheers:

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I'm having that issue --- Alpha-Delta, Alpha-Charlie, or in an extreme case yesterday 2 Alpha (one down, one up that should have been a Mike). If you determine that it's a focus issue, it may help for one or two sessions to tape the A-zone border in Black -- as an aid in placing the sight where you need to......

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Thanks guys...

Just got back from the range...short session...200 rounds

OK..I didn't put the steel away. I kept the steel in the "V" formation with steel targets at 10, 15 and 20 yds. Then I placed paper targets beside the steel. So now I have a "v" of steel and a "v" of paper.

To work on driving that second shot into the A zone...the drill I did today that I think was teaching me what I wanted to see....was I used the par timer and drove in 4 shot strings into the A zone. The par timer gave me the pressure factor I needed and also allowed me to continue to practice an aggressive draw. I saw and felt some things I needed to. I'll go back to the range on Wednesday and see and feel more. I haven't put any real time into seeing and feeling the live fire aspect. I've done a good job of preparing myself using dry fire and steel....now it is necessary to really bump up my live fire rounds. ;)

I had some challenges at the range. Does anyone know what happens when you shoot an open gun under a wet tent? Yep...I got rained on. :lol: It's pretty funny to get misted every time you shoot a shot. Just another little mental aspect I got to work on today.

Also...I ripped a piece of flesh out of my hand (R base of trigger finger) which caused me to put a glove on my right hand. :( I already took some sandpaper to smooth out the area that was causing the problem... but I guess I don't have it smooth enough. Can I just repeat myself....I DO NOT WANT TO WEAR GLOVES! One of these days I'm going to get confident enough to become a mad scientist and develop my OWN GRIP design!!!! I'm like the Goldilocks of IPSC shooting....this grip is to big, this one is too small, this one is to rough....GRRRRRRRRR! :angry:

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What part of the gun is sharp enough to gouge you like that??? :o This is where a Dremel with a "not very aggressive" bit comes in handy - something like a Cratex bit or whatever that more polishes than cuts. If its metal doing it, you can use that combined with other implements to recontour the area and make it look decent. Definitely don't settle for a painful experience! :)

I guess its on the surface of the palm that you got gouged? If its on the finger, some 1/2" medical tape (the standard J&J variety) works pretty good, or a sturdy band-aid or something.

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On Bended Knee?

This is a journey...one that is titled "Training to Win". Along the way there have been many twists, turns and the occassional bump. I'm feeling a little bump today.

I've got 200 rounds loaded and about 300 more that I wanted to load today. My plan was a heavy range day today. I had everything set up and ready to go only to have my loader break. The tray that holds the primers fell off. I'm sure this is an easy fix....for DAVE...but I don't know how to fix it. <_< So it looks like only 200 rounds for me today. This is a disappointment. :angry:

I've found in my life when disappointment comes...doubt is soon to follow. So it's no surprise that I found myself standing in front of my loader with tears streaming down my face wondering what I was doing with my life. What am I doing? All this time...all this energy...why? For me this whole thing is not just about the shooting. There is a bigger battle within myself that I'm fighting and I refuse to give into disappointment, doubt or fear. Those things want to taunt and intimidate me, but I refuse to bow my knee to them. I will not! It's funny...the more I get pierced :sight: ..the stronger my resolve becomes.

So after a few tears shed...I redirected the engery into something I could do. I've begun the mad scientist experiment on my grip. During dry fire last night I found a vortex football on the floor. The vortex is a nerf football that has a winged tail on it. I picked it up and looked at the tail. The nerf material of the tail could work as a build up for my grip. After thinking about how to attach the material to my glove and coming up with no good solution...I moved on to attaching the material to my grip. I got blue masking tape out and taped it on. I'm going to the range in a little bit to try it out. I know this isn't a permanent solution...blue masking tape...but it's a start. If I like it the next thing I will do is tape it on with electricians tape and then cover that with skate board tape....again...temporary...but I'm not ready to stick on the epoxy yet. Goldilocks is going to make her own bed.

I know Saul and Henning build up their grips and both have verbally explained how to do so. What I need is a video instruction with a list of products used. ;)

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Here is a video slide show of my hand and the sharp areas I think might have bit me the other day. The tip of my pen is pointing to the areas. I took sand paper to the grip...but I may need to dremel/polish/gently dull down the metal sharp area.


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I've talked a lot about my grip. I wanted to make a video to explain and show exactly what I'm doing and why. Take a look. This was shot yesterday...which was a tough day.

I shot all my ammo yesterday....my loader needs a new part from Dillion....I have no ammo for Saturday's steel match....who came to the rescue once again....my brother....he had the part I needed. THANKS AGAIN BRO!!!


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"Deformed hand"... :rolleyes::lol: Everyone has different anatomy... the equipment is built for one person's idea of a "normal" hand, and its up to us to make it fit what we were given (or is that "inflicted with") at birth... ;) I like idea of playing around with different size shims (that's the quasi-technical term for what you're doing w/ those foam wings) and getting comfortable with what building up the grip can do before you launch into doing it.

Make sure you shoot it some weak hand only, too, so you know what that's going to be like ;) That said, you're only playing around with what I'd call a mild change to the gun, right now. I've seen some pretty huge build ups!

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Here is a video slide show of my hand and the sharp areas I think might have bit me the other day. The tip of my pen is pointing to the areas. I took sand paper to the grip...but I may need to dremel/polish/gently dull down the metal sharp area.



It just looks like a bit of blood, sweat and tears to me. Its part of the process.

I am not a fan of building the grip up, but Saul has a good section in his book on doing it. I like to keep everything set up as always so I react the same and use it with ease. That said if it works go for it.


I have a set of your "abnormal" hands too. ;)

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OK so maybe I don't have "deformed or abnormal" hands. :lol: You can quit laughing at me now. But I do think there is something to what I'm saying about my grip.

I was feeling pretty good about where I was with my shooting. Now I feel like I've taken several steps backward. I'm constantly stretching, pushing, looking, evaluating, re-doing, wondering, and questioning. When will I arrive at the "ta dah" moment??? I look forward to that day. In the meantime, I guess I will keep growing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dave says he misses my range diary entries. :wub:

Here's something I wrote last weekend.

Live Strong

I was shopping with my boys and we walked by a bright yellow tee shirt that said "Live Strong". I considered buying it but passed on it related to price and I don't look good in yellow. <_< However, the shirt made me reflect on what it means to live strong.

I think living strong means standing up to the bullies in your life and overcoming them. I'm sure when I said the word bully many of you thought of a person. I was thinking more of fear, anger, discouragement, oppression, depression etc. It's those nagging negative spirits that try to weigh you down, lie about you, and steal your glory. Living strong to me means standing up to them and calling their bluff.

I haven't been running the last few years because of hip, knee and feet problems. I've been working out using low impact exercises but I WANT TO RUN. My youngest son wants to run. Kids make fun of him at school because of his weight. He's got a stocky build and you know how kids can be. :angry2: I want to run with my son. I want to teach him: how to lean into a hill and not stop till the top, how to pace himself and control his breathing, and how to finish a run even though everything inside of you says quit. Yet I've listened to this voice in my head…you're 42 years old, you're going to get hurt. Well I say HORSE HOCKEY! I'm tired of that! I want to run with my son and I will! Live strong. Those negative thoughts are trying to steal a very special time with my son and I won't have it. I've got the resolve of Danica Patrick storming down pit row ready to rumble. You will not pull me out of this race! I’m going to run with my son! I'm going to live strong!

To be victorious I believe you have to stand up to the bullies in your life.

I'll have an update on my Indiana State match soon. ;)

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I Got Your Back

I just got back from a run with my son. My feet, knees, and hip are still intact without pain. In fact, I feel great! What an incredible, rewarding time with my son. We ran a wooded trail that crossed a creek multiple times. Experience used the stones to cross the water. Youth chose to splash right through. Wet feet later slowed his pace to a walk. I had to smile. He is SO like me.

Later in our journey we faced an enormous character building hill. I followed my son up the hill with the Stevie Wonder song "For once in my life I have someone who needs me" playing on my Ipod. I thought to myself…"I've got your back son." We made the journey together and that was the reward. Today we lived strong. :cheers:

Next up....the report on the Indiana State Match. ;):)

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I Got Your Back

I just got back from a run with my son. My feet, knees, and hip are still intact without pain. In fact, I feel great!

Two words = good shoes

If you plan on making this a habit please go get good shoes that you'll use only for running. If you plan on doing any real (whatever that means) mileage, seriously consider getting two pairs that you can rotate. Your knees, ankles and feet will love you for it.

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I Got Your Back

I just got back from a run with my son. My feet, knees, and hip are still intact without pain. In fact, I feel great!

Two words = good shoes

If you plan on making this a habit please go get good shoes that you'll use only for running. If you plan on doing any real (whatever that means) mileage, seriously consider getting two pairs that you can rotate. Your knees, ankles and feet will love you for it.

Good shoes, orthotics, chiropratic adjustments every other week, Ibprofen, ice, stretching before and after ;)

Stand up to the bullies....slay the giant...but when you do....take wisdom with you. ;)

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Indiana State Match Report

I had a solid match. I rocked on Stage 2 with a 6th place finish out of 53 open shooters. That was probably the highlight of the match and I'm very proud of that performance. I finished 25th in the match out of 53 open shooters. I shot 72.15% of a GM. I redeemed myself from last year's State Match performance. I handled the heat and match stress MUCH better and competed very well finishing strong. Once again I feel like I'm on track.

I'm deep into my head right now testing a bunch of things out in competition. I'm learning alot and I feel like I'm developing a very solid mental management system. There are still a few bugs to work out but I'm getting close to rock solid.

Area 5 is coming up. I'm shooting with an all open squad of A class shooters. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I'm curious to test my mental management system with them. Area 5 will close out my second training cycle. Once A5 is over, I will re-evaluate and plan my third training cycle that will lead me into Nationals.

This training cycle has been interesting. I thought this cycle was going to be about skill development but it hasn't. I haven't worked on skills at all. It has been TOTALLY MENTAL! I'm confident that I'm developing into what I need to become but it's not happening quite like I thought. I've matured a little from the journey because I'm finding myself just going with the flow and accepting where I'm at. It's OK. I've got a peace about it. :)

Shooting at Riley this weekend. I've got one more thing I want to test before A5 and I think I might have to shoot with Caspian 45 to get ur done. Hope you're shooting on Sunday Tony. ;)

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Congrats on High Lady in Open Jane! :cheers:

... and on the running / bonding with your son. It is a special time in your life, and you'll be glad you were there with him later in life.

Keep up the great shooting & I'll see you at AREA 5! ;)

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Thanks Chris :cheers: There were 5 total lady open gun shooters. Each year I am seeing more and more women competing in this sport :)

I only saw one other woman shoot and I liked what I saw. I saw potential for Gloria to develop into a very competitive shooter. Hope she keeps at it. ;)

Certainly it is nice to walk away from a match high lady. In the beginning of my shooting career that was an important part of building my self image and at Nationals that CERTAINLY is the goal. However, when I put the gun around my waist and step onto the playing field the concept of male and female disappear in my mind and there is only shooter. Somewhere along the journey the concept of women competing against men or visa versa is gone. Sure that is what is happening...but in my mind...we are all equal....shooters without sex. Shooters without sex :lol: That's pretty funny! Certainly I don't want to be a shooter without sex...I don't think Dave would like that either...You all know what I mean! ;):)

There are times when my femininity come into play in the match which I find irritating. For example, taking my gun off to pee. I could tell you stories of how this simple fact has cost me competitively, but it's early in the morning on a weekend and I don't want to get all worked up and grumpy this morning. ;) But I am going to say this to any lady shooter who may be reading this...Ladies you HAVE to manage your fluid intake during a match. Have your 8 glasses of water in you BEFORE you hit the range and then drink so you pee at least every other stage. It is a pain to take the belt off, find the safe table, re-gun etc...and you may have to leave your squad early and not paste as many targets as the boys. Feel no guilt! Go pee! It is what it is!

Nuff said....thanks again for the kudo. B)

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