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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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Deer Stalking

I'm sitting at the kitchen table eating my breakfast this morning and I look out in the field behind our house and there is a big doe standing there. My first response....annoyance because those deer know it's not hunting season yet, second response.....admiration because she was a beauty, well put together, lots of muscle mass, elegant, and I admired her through the binocs. My last response was....you idiot!! Go and see if you can stalk this deer and get a shot! No I didn't take a gun with me...but I did ease out the front door in my PJ's and slippers and made my way to the side of the house. I chose the east side of the house (deer was to the south) hoping that my scent wouldn't be detected. I made it to the side of the house and eased my head around the corner. Then we played the stare game. She looked right at me and just stood there....I stood there and looked right at her. She eventually put her down and then I advanced a few steps behind a post. Her head pops back up and we begin the stare game again. I decided that I would try to ease my arms up and act like I was going to take a shot using the post as a rest. Just as I began to do that my husband pulled the car into our lane and the deer took off.

SO... I get deer stalking points. I was able to make it out of the house and get into a position that would allow me a shot. She was arround 75 yards away.

You know I thought visual patience was hard to learn shooting pistols. But the patience required to hunt is mind blowing hard. You have to wait and wait and wait and wait and then even when you know you're going to shoot you have to wait and wait some more....and then that percise, tiny window opens and BAM you have to take it quickly. It really is fascinating and I never really understood it. This hunting journey really is interesting to me.

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That must have been a cool experience. Was your heart racing??? I almost exclusively hunt on the ground. I like to be mobile in case the wind changes. I used to hunt out of stands but for me I got bored with it. So I started stalking and hunting on the ground. Alot of fun and you get to know the "lay of the land" better. Some things that I have learned is deer only see really well went something (you) is moving. There eyes are more tuned for night. I have taken a knee on a logging road before and had 7 does cross about 15 yards in front of me. Granted I was down wind but I didn't move and they didn't care. So if a deer is looking at you, don't even blink. Be leary of the does. They are not slap stupid like the bucks are this time of year. I've noticed over the years that a lone doe is usually a scout for the rest. That buck will be on the downwind flank not far behind. So be ready!

I truely think that a deer can hear you heart beat if they are close enough. I have been told that they can hear like 100 or so times better than a dog. I believe it. I've played with them while they are in front of me. I once popped one knuckle at some does where about 50 yards off. All 3 of them shot their heads right back at me. If you do decide to do some stalking get a real easy to use turkey call. I use it to make my movement. Turkeys make a hugh racket in the woods and you won't believe what you can get away with while trying to sneak up on one. If you have to make some noise while crunching a bunch of dry leaves give the turkey call a cluck or two. Indians used to do it all the time. Just don't go over board with it. It's also a good way to sneak in to your stand in the afternoon. Don't do it in the morning cause the turkeys are not out of the roost yet and it seem out of place to the deer.

Good luck,

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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I like the turkey call trick! I have always hunted from the ground also, and in those dry leaves of the fall there's just no way to be quiet. The deer can't even do it. So if you have to (or want to) move on the ground just don't sound like a person! A couple quick noisy steps and then stop and wait, and wait, and wait, before taking a few more. The most exciting thing in the woods is to be literally in touching distance of a whitetail and have them try to decide what you are and how you got there!

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Jane, I need to send you a bow. With a little practice a 75 yard shot isn't that hard at all. You could then be the silent predator. Nothing quite compares to hunting with a bow. I've killed birds, fox, coyote, squirrel, deer, alligator, armadillo, raccoon, bobcat, and wild hogs with my bow so far. If there were more game here to bowhunt I'd be all over it.

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That must have been a cool experience. Was your heart racing??? I almost exclusively hunt on the ground. I like to be mobile in case the wind changes. I used to hunt out of stands but for me I got bored with it. So I started stalking and hunting on the ground. Alot of fun and you get to know the "lay of the land" better. Some things that I have learned is deer only see really well went something (you) is moving. There eyes are more tuned for night. I have taken a knee on a logging road before and had 7 does cross about 15 yards in front of me. Granted I was down wind but I didn't move and they didn't care. So if a deer is looking at you, don't even blink. Be leary of the does. They are not slap stupid like the bucks are this time of year. I've noticed over the years that a lone doe is usually a scout for the rest. That buck will be on the downwind flank not far behind. So be ready!

I truely think that a deer can hear you heart beat if they are close enough. I have been told that they can hear like 100 or so times better than a dog. I believe it. I've played with them while they are in front of me. I once popped one knuckle at some does where about 50 yards off. All 3 of them shot their heads right back at me. If you do decide to do some stalking get a real easy to use turkey call. I use it to make my movement. Turkeys make a hugh racket in the woods and you won't believe what you can get away with while trying to sneak up on one. If you have to make some noise while crunching a bunch of dry leaves give the turkey call a cluck or two. Indians used to do it all the time. Just don't go over board with it. It's also a good way to sneak in to your stand in the afternoon. Don't do it in the morning cause the turkeys are not out of the roost yet and it seem out of place to the deer.

Good luck,

Chris C.

I think you may be entirely right. As I was watching this doe through my binocs...she turned and went towards the fence. I saw something in the woods behind her move...and I thought...there is the buck....but I didn't see him. And by golly...that would have been her flank AND down wind!

I'll keep the turkey call thing in mind. :)

Bow hunting...hmmm...maybe next year. ;)

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Could be that a buck was behind her. I saw a young buck with a doe last week in a open field. Something about a hot doe that just drives them crazy. :wub: I kinda liken it to a women's perfume. It's common sense, if I were a deer and I only had a chance once a year that's were I'd be. :D

When you see a hot doe you'll know it. She moves funny and that tail does weird things. :blush:

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Why don't women shooter's do better?

There is a thread that is quite active right now that is getting quite a bit of input on why women shooter's don't do better. I really do know better than to get all offended about this topic, but I can't help myself from placing my comments here.

Testosterone and Aggresssion

Does a woman have to have testosterone and aggression to be successful in this sport? I would have to personally disagree. One of the myths that I tried to swallow was that I needed to be more aggressive to be a successful competitor. During my journey over this past year I found that to be untrue. Trying to be something you're not is never a good formula. The power for me was not found in BEING aggressive. I found the power was in being in a quiet non emotional state, and allowing myself the freedom to attack stages. The power is in letting oneself go...not in pushing oneself forward. I write this for women as a testimony that they don't have to turn into an aggressive man to be a successful shooter. Be who you are and shoot from that power.

Successful shooters are "tom boys"

I have heard Kay and Lisa described by men in many different offensive ways. Why is it that if you are a successful woman in this sport you are labeled as some sort of tom boy...something less feminine? To have a love for this sport and to be good at it as a woman does not deserve a brand of masculinity. We are women. We are OK with being women. We have husbands and families. We can shoot guns and love it and not have to try to be like you. We are extraordinary women. I wish you could meet the women who are coming to the ladies camps. They are incredible individuals with incredible stories.

"I believe it is finding the combination of natural talent, mental toughness, and the will to succeed that has not emerged in a female shooter yet"

I have to again respectfully disagree. There is natural talent, mental toughness, and the will to succeed out there and being displayed all around you. It hasn't come to fruition and produced a lady GM but it will. I'm tempted to email Kay, Lisa and Athena and get them fired up about getting a GM card! I would like to see it happen in 2009 by somebody.

Ladies....the power in shooting is not found in aggression, testosterone or a gender. When you can get past the male and female thing and only see yourself as a shooter, that's when your ability to really succeed and progress will flourish. When you can allow yourself to let go of the things that are holding you back, and see yourself as the incredible shooter you can be, that's when the men will be in trouble competitively. At least that is what I have found from my experience. ;)

Flex is right....it is mental. :cheers:

Don't get lost in the sex wars....be who God created you to be....and live in that freedom....allow yourself to succeed.

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"I believe it is finding the combination of natural talent, mental toughness, and the will to succeed that has not emerged in a female shooter yet"

I have to again respectfully disagree. There is natural talent, mental toughness, and the will to succeed out there and being displayed all around you. It hasn't come to fruition and produced a lady GM but it will. I'm tempted to email Kay, Lisa and Athena and get them fired up about getting a GM card! I would like to see it happen in 2009 by somebody.

And I respectfully disagree ma'am. If the talent, mental toughness, and will to succeed were there, we would have a lady GM by now. It's not like Kay, Athena, or Lisa just started shooting. Yes, they are the best there is right now in ladies competition, but when you compare them against the male GM's (which is how the classification system works), it's just not enough to keep upor make them a GM. In the other thread I mentioned that women can do just about anything a man can do, I don't know that they can do everything a man can do. In some arenas a woman will peak out sooner than a man. It's been my experience coaching women shooters in archery that they progress faster than men, but they plateau out before reaching the top level where a man will catch up and pass them.

No one wants there to be a lady GM any more than I do. Classifiers are where it's at, and I hope soon someone makes it.

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If any woman makes GM any time soon, it will be Jesse Abbate.

Jessie is an incredible shooter and is a very good addition to our sport in many ways. I would also include Rebecca and Megan. I predict they will continue to progress and reach higher levels of classification without a doubt! You go girls!!

However, I have to respectfully disagree with her being the first to hit GM. She is sitting at 78.79% in limited and 65.9% in L-10. That's quite a way from 95%.

In Open

Kay 90.50%

Lisa 87.93%

Athena 86.11%

The facts are these ladies are closer to the mark and most likely have the best shot at hitting GM first.

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If any woman makes GM any time soon, it will be Jesse Abbate.

Jessie is an incredible shooter and is a very good addition to our sport in many ways. I would also include Rebecca and Megan. I predict they will continue to progress and reach higher levels of classification without a doubt! You go girls!!

However, I have to respectfully disagree with her being the first to hit GM. She is sitting at 78.79% in limited and 65.9% in L-10. That's quite a way from 95%.

In Open

Kay 90.50%

Lisa 87.93%

Athena 86.11%

The facts are these ladies are closer to the mark and most likely have the best shot at hitting GM first.

Jane, you must consider that it could be easier to classify higher in Limited than in Open. All the above ladies are Open Division shooters. It's quite possible that it could be easier to excel in Limited.

Do you think Kay or Lisa have reached their prime yet? They're both basically full time professional shooters. I guess I could go to their classifier score page on USPSA and look at what they have been doing.

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If any woman makes GM any time soon, it will be Jesse Abbate.

Jessie is an incredible shooter and is a very good addition to our sport in many ways. I would also include Rebecca and Megan. I predict they will continue to progress and reach higher levels of classification without a doubt! You go girls!!

However, I have to respectfully disagree with her being the first to hit GM. She is sitting at 78.79% in limited and 65.9% in L-10. That's quite a way from 95%.

In Open

Kay 90.50%

Lisa 87.93%

Athena 86.11%

The facts are these ladies are closer to the mark and most likely have the best shot at hitting GM first.

The classification these ladies hold now is only what they have achieved in the past.

Fact of the matter is, they have not shot a Master score in quite a while.

Lisa June 2005

Kay June 2001

Athena January 2006

They are still able to compete with the women but are not even close to making GM and most likely never will.

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Lisa is actually a 85.83% not 87.93 (her high), she has gone down some.

Kay is actually a 86.08% not a 90.50, she too has lost some ground. She only has 4 Open classifiers recorded for the year. Going to be hard to move up without the classifiers.

Jessie is moving up in Limited and has 13 classifiers posted this year. If you look at her classifier history, you might understand why some think she will be the first GM lady.

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If any woman makes GM any time soon, it will be Jesse Abbate.

Jessie is an incredible shooter and is a very good addition to our sport in many ways. I would also include Rebecca and Megan. I predict they will continue to progress and reach higher levels of classification without a doubt! You go girls!!

However, I have to respectfully disagree with her being the first to hit GM. She is sitting at 78.79% in limited and 65.9% in L-10. That's quite a way from 95%.

In Open

Kay 90.50%

Lisa 87.93%

Athena 86.11%

The facts are these ladies are closer to the mark and most likely have the best shot at hitting GM first.

At Nationals this year, those 3 women failed to make the top 3 overall ladies in either division. Athena doesn't shoot Limited but Kay and Lisa finished out of the top 3 in both matches.

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OOPHS :blush: I did make a mistake in my postings of the classifications of Kay, Lisa, and Athena. I was looking at their high pct. and not their current pct.

I have reviewed the USPSA web site and taken a look at Kay, Lisa, Athena, Jessie, Rebecca, Eva, and Magen. What I see is that they all are shooting solid A to high A classifiers.

The lady who makes up her mind to do it will be the first. I believe ANY ONE of those listed above could be the first. :bow:

The fact is it will be debated and discussed and argued about until a lady does do it.

I posted my thoughts on this subject for the benefit of women. I placed them in my diary to give my comments context.

Those who have read my diaries know I have lived out my passion for the sport with hard work and discipline. I have experienced the realities of being a woman in a male dominated sport and my thoughts and experiences have meaning to other women.

I am a nobody in the sport according to major wins and classification, but I do have natural talent, mental toughness, and the will to succeed. I'm gonna be coming at ya all in full force in 2009. :sight:

This subject is closed....if you want to talk about it...go post on the active thread. :P

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In an effort to lighten up a little...I've got to tell you something that I think is really funny.

I made my big post about why women don't do better with one of the points being I don't like it when women get classified as tom boys.

So I check my email after I post and I have an email from my niece. She has sent me a receipe chain letter. All I have to do is email one receipe to one person and then send the chain email letter to 20 friends. Simple right? Well I started to do it and then realized I DON'T HAVE 20 female friends! I had to email her and tell her I couldn't participate.

Nah...I'm not a tom boy :lol:

Does anyone else see how funny that is? I think it's hilarious! :lol:

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....and then realized I DON'T HAVE 20 female friends! I had to email her and tell her I couldn't participate.

Nah...I'm not a tom boy :lol:

Does anyone else see how funny that is? I think it's hilarious! :lol:

Let's see:

Jane likes guns.

Jane likes shooting guns accurately and quickly.

Jane wants to hunt deer.

Jane has a career.

Jane doesn't have 20 female friends --- but could probably email a recipe to twenty (capable of cooking) male shooting buds.

Clearly --- Jane's all girl, and not a tom-boy..... :lol: :lol:

BTW --- re your reply here to "Why women don't shoot better:" There's a lot of terrific shortcut to advancement material there for any shooter, female or male. You nailed a lot of the big mental struggles/obstacles that get in the way of creative stage attack plans. Wish I'd read that in 2002 or so....

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Thanks Nik....I actually thought about you when I was thinking of who to send the receipe email change letter thingy ma bob to. I know you like to cook. ;)

The Bro came down again today.

I've decided on a gun. I'm going to use the Remington 1100 12 g shot gun. I shot it at 100 yds with kill zone shots. We then put me in the tree stand and let me take some shots. No troubles there. I'm going to be able to shoot it without falling out of the tree stand. :cheers:

I got him to leave me his shot gun with a few boxes of ammo. ;) Now that we have reviewed tree stand safety and I've harnessed myself into the tree stand with his supervision, I feel comfortable getting into the tree stand and doing some practicing with the .22 rifle. The .22 rifle work is all about getting comfortable with various shooting positions. I was sick last weekend and didn't feel safe without reviewing with him first.

We also went and looked at the tree stand I'll be hunting from. Interestingly the tree stand he set up on our practice rifle range, and the tree stand he set up for me to hunt from are very similar. Similar terrain, similar sight pictures.

I'm much more confident in my abilities this year. I'm also feeling very confident that I can down a deer. The question will be....if one comes by. I'm about to google earth our hunting property to see if I agree with my brother's placement of my deer stand. I'm such a leo! He says he's put me in a funnel. We'll see.

John also gave me a list of things to buy. He has recommended some soaps to wash my clothes in as well as use on my body that I guess are supposed to kill my scent. AHHH scent of a woman...it's hard to extinguish :lol:

Good day....I miss shooting terribly....this lay off is killing me but I know it is necessary.

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