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I know I shouldn't be in SS esp. I just classified as EXP in CDP so next come around I should have EXP in ESP as well. I was shooting on the same squad with the guys that where second, third, and fourth overall as well. I know there will be someone say, well yeah your shooting ESP you should have won.... yeah so :goof:

Edited by steel1212
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Sandbagger :lol:

Hey someone had to say it! Seriously congrats! Nice feeling I'm sure

When I won SS/SSP by 15 seconds at the MI State Match all my shooting buddies were relentless. I did actually shoot the classifier twice that year and missed EX by a few seconds.

Edited by Greg Bell
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Gamer, sandbagger, I've heard it all. Gamer I am, sandbagger I'm not, just don't get as many classifiers in IDPA as you do in USPSA. I'm a gamer to the core though. I'll follow the rules to the T but right up to cehating with out cheating! I have no doubts I'll be EXP in Dec with the next classifier so it won't look as bad lol.

Edited by steel1212
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As a reformed sandbagger... I can tell you that it doesn't always work out like you planned.

I was a CDP SS a few years ago. At the state match I beat about 40 other shooters in the division including all the Experts..... The problem was... there was a guy who was an even better sandbagger than me in the Division. He was also a SS and he beat me by a second or two.

So.... instead of wining the state championship as an Expert.. I got a second in SS and that still promoted me to CDP/EXP. :sick:

In the following few months I hauled all my guns to the range and shot the classifers to become a 5 Gun Expert :cheers:

Now I'm getting close to my goal to win first or second place in a state or regional match in every Division of USPSA and IDPA in which I compete.

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Again I'm not a sandbagger, what good would it do me, my goal every month is to have the fastest time not to win my class. I've never been to a major for IDPA either so I haven't won anything for being a SS. I just haven't had the classifier yet to bump me up to EXP.


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Sorry Buddy

I wasn't trying to tick you off.

But if you are that "touchy" about the sand bagger word... and you are still winning HOA as a SS then you may be as was said in a great play---protesting too much :P

Or the club you shoot at has no real competiton (which I have seen a lot of times in IDPA). I have a club less than 40 miles away that I can win HOA with a wheelgun any time I want to show up. So what???????

The classifer is or should be available at every IDPA club at least every quarter.. and around here it is!!!... or ... your club MD can "promote" you anytime they want (with your approval)...

Moving up is not an issue............ moving down is problematic.

Lastly... I suggest you get to some state, regional, or national matches... then --- and only then-- will you know how you "match up".

Good luck and congrads...........................

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No you didn't tick me off I just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't doing it on purpose. I've only really started to come into my own I guess of late. I've only been shooting competitivly for a little over a year and so that is only 4 classifiers. The first one sucked the second one I was 2 seconds from EXP in ESP The one after that was pretty much the same deal, the last one I made EXP in CDP by quite a bit.

Honestly there is competition there but the real competition wasn't that day. I've been in the top 5 for the last 6 months and this month both of the guys that typically win it where not there, not my fault I still won it but I know where your coming from.

I've shot 3 majors this year in USPSA and placed everytime in my class winning once so I know where I stand among shooters.

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Good for you.

It sounds like we have been down some of the same roads.

I have no idea how it is in your area... but I have always had three major problems with the classifier system.

1. The classifier is nothing like the major matches --- old farts like me can shoot the classiffier great even at Master level.... but the matches have more movement... more moving targets... etc. and are much harder than the classifier.

2. There is really no way under the IDPA way of doing business (or USPSA's) to determine if a shooter is really shooting the classifier to the best of their ability.

3. Tons of IDPA (and USPSA) shooters are over... and under classified.

Keep Trucking.

IDPA is my favorite shooting game.

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I won't lie, my main game is USPSA but I shoot IDPA as its fun, the people, for the most part, are fun to be around and I get to shoot some guns that aren't competitive in USPSA. Our MD also comes up with some diffrent stages that really test all your shooting abilities and in the end makes me a more rounded shooter.

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So what your saying is I hurt the feelings of the EXP SSP guys that beat the snot out of the Master SSP? Come on the only reason they aren't masters is that they refuse to shoot every weekend in another sport and just shoot once a month and the fact that if they are masters they have to check master in the GSSF events :rolleyes:

If you want to get down to me beating who..In reality I only beat one guy in SS ESP and there where no EXP or MAS in ESP So I won ESP. There is no HOA in IDPA only your division and class, I just look at the total time every month because that is what I want the lowest time. If I could shoot UN I would.

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So what your saying is I hurt the feelings of the EXP SSP guys that beat the snot out of the Master SSP? Come on the only reason they aren't masters is that they refuse to shoot every weekend in another sport and just shoot once a month and the fact that if they are masters they have to check master in the GSSF events :rolleyes:

If you want to get down to me beating who..In reality I only beat one guy in SS ESP and there where no EXP or MAS in ESP So I won ESP. There is no HOA in IDPA only your division and class, I just look at the total time every month because that is what I want the lowest time. If I could shoot UN I would.

Been down this argumentative road B4, if it is timed and a game, then there is a HOA, whether IDPA recognizes it or not...I shot it for a few yrs too and though I shot CDP Master, I always wanted to finish HOA, and for the most part always did...and yes, I got more than a few growls when I won the match as an UNC shooter B4 I classified...

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What I'm saying is if I hurt the feelings of the other guys not in my class then they either need to shoot in my class against me (then I'll deal with the whining because I should be one up), Or if they are doing the same thing I'm doing and looking at HOA then they just need to shut up and put up!

I feel sorry for the one guy in my class knowing I should be at least one up and he would have had the win other than that.....na.

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What I'm saying is if I hurt the feelings of the other guys not in my class then they either need to shoot in my class against me (then I'll deal with the whining because I should be one up), Or if they are doing the same thing I'm doing and looking at HOA then they just need to shut up and put up!

I feel sorry for the one guy in my class knowing I should be at least one up and he would have had the win other than that.....na.

NEVER feel bad about winning or being HOA..you put in the time and effort, they did not..simple as that.

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