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Deer smashin'

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You know I'm not a hunting finatic but, I have for the passed 4-5 years tried to get out there and try to find my trophy buck. I have had several oppertunites to take a doe but passed thinking I was going to wait for my trophy buck. Everyone I tell this to thinks I'm stupied for waiting for this trophy that will not happened anytime soon. I hunt on my own property, have spent lots on gear,tree stand, 50 cal black powder rifle. and even a feeder. all for baiting deer to me. Well this morinng I was on my way to meet K.M. at the range for a little practice. When all of a sudden out of nowhere my 8 point monster buck darts out of the woods right in front of my suburban. I slam on the brakes and smash into the side of this beautiful buck. I knocked him down and he slid and rolled off into a ditch. I stop to see if he was alive and it looked like I broke his leg. Not to mention about 1800 dollars in damage to the front end of my truck. So trying to do the right thing I called the wildlife guys who were closed so I called the sheriff. He comes out to the seen and says we need to wait for the game warrden to come out. I ask if hes going to die could I have him as I would have had his head txidermied. The cop said I had to leave and the game warrden wanted to finish him off and they would call me if I could have it. The buck dies before the warrden even gets there. so I left. 2 hours later I call the cops back and he said that the wardden said it was such a nice buck that he took it and was going to use it as a decoy for poachers. I can only hope and wish that another huge buck will come to my house in a couple of weeks. 1800 bucks and no deer to show for it. This was the first deer I would have ever taken. So I hate it when this happens. :angry2::angry2::angry2: Killed my first buck and never got a shot off. SUCK

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I hate that you didn't get your monster buck.. In California, of all places.. they made it legal to claim it if you hit it with your vehicle and you have a tag for where you hit it AND it's in season.. I guess they figured a rifle or a car is the same difference..

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. I guess they figured a rifle or a car is the same difference..

NOT even close!!! Cars kill a LOT more people than gun!!!!!

I hit a big deer when I was 17 driving through West Virginia. Buckled the hood on a '77 Bonneville, which was a TANK of a car.

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. I guess they figured a rifle or a car is the same difference..

NOT even close!!! Cars kill a LOT more people than gun!!!!!

I hit a big deer when I was 17 driving through West Virginia. Buckled the hood on a '77 Bonneville, which was a TANK of a car.

I've hit a doe with my jeep about 5 years back. Lucky, it only took out a fog light. couldn't find the doe, I am sure she died somewhere in the woods. When deer get in rut, they do some really stupid stuff they wouldn't normally do.

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I hit a cow on my dirt bike (Can-Am 125) and killed it when I was a kid. It had broke fence and got out. The guy who owned it buchared it and gave it to my family because he felt so bad about me crashing a tearing the hell out of my bike (I was wearing full dirt bike gear and only got bruise up a bit). If it had been a deer and I had kept it I would have been poaching according to Arkansas law at that time and they could have taken my bike and fined/arrested me. I guess they had a lot of problems with people poaching via crashing vehicals into deer. :rolleyes:

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A few years ago during my last divorce I killed a deer with a Corvette. Watched the damn thing fly over the glass top. Only damage was a cracked windshield and a scuff mark on the left rear quarter panel where she bounced off. Pretty sure nowadays with my lifted truck a doe at least would go under during impact rather than square up with the grill.

Edited by boz1911
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand why deer are so stupid when it comes to cars. Yet, they are sometimes impossible to see when you are in their element (out in the woods). I personally believe that most US American deer don't have maps to know where to cross and where not to cross a road.. :rolleyes: I believe the deer should help the deer, I mean the elk.... :cheers:

I recently took care of a van vs deer crash in which the van caught on fire after the collision. I had never seen a vehicle catch on fire as a result of hitting a deer.

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