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Swinger Transitions


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On Sunday I encountered a stage where we had three ports:

-The center port had two static paper and two poppers. The popper on the left activated a pop-up target in the center and a swinger that was only visable from the left port. The right popper activated a swinger that was only visable from the right.

-The left port had 3 static paper and a swinger

-The right port had 3 static paper and a swinger.

I put two rounds on the left popper to drive it down and get the center target to pop up faster, but my question is this:

In the right port, I placed one shot on the lower static, then when I saw that the swinger was coming about, transitioned to it and engaged it...then placed my second shot on the lower static and finished up on the upper static. When engaging swingers that cannot be timed out after activating them from another port, is there a better method?

Sorry about the 20 seconds of farting around before shooting...I am still looking for Quicktime editing software ;)


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I think you are overlooking the fact that both Brian and Saul's books have great sections on swingers and movers.

No go do your homework. :)


Thanks Chris!! You have totally answered my question :) "Look it up" is exactly what I was looking for!!!!!11!!!


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PB.. you a PC or Mac user?

I might have some solutions for your Quicktime edits.

Nice stage by the way - local club?

Local club in Milford Ohio. A am a pc user...Thomas Moore is trying to help me with the video issues as well, although I am certainly open to other assitance.

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Thanks Chris!! You have totally answered my question :) "Look it up" is exactly what I was looking for!!!!!11!!!


Well I could have answered your question directly yesterday, but you had to save it for the forum ...... but seriously, Brian and Saul have much better ways to explain things than I do, and I know how much you like to read books. :)

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Unfortunately I don't bring all of my shooting books with me to work everyday...although I do have Saul's 2nd book ;)

After reading though the section on swingers, I did not find anything pertaining to the engagement of swingers activated earlier on in a stage.

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Forgot you had a job, sorry ....... figured you just woke up early to dry-fire ;)

I know man! This whole "job" thing is totally lame ;) I did get up early to workout/dryfire, but then I gotta do other stuff too? What else is there besides the shooting?

This thread is drifting into oblivion, but I guess you already knew that :lol:

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Depending on how fast the swinger is and how long it is available that may be your only choice. However, usually you will be able to put the 2nd shot on the target you are shooting...if you cant that is just going to add another transition to your overall time. Not much of a difference, but these things add up. Just try and work out the timing the best that you can so you have an idea of where you will be when the swinger becomes available.

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I believe that I had 2A on that swinger, and I see what you are saying Jake...if I had the visual input for 2A's, than I certainly had enough visual input to place a second shot on the static target THEN go to the swinger.

The more I think about it...I wasn't paniced when the swinger popped back out, rather I was aware of the though "Now is a good time to shoot the swinger" when I saw it in my peripheral. I was also aware that I needed to go back to that target stand for the top static target, and decided to go to the swinger, then come back to the lower target on my way to the upper target. In a perfect run, I obviously would have eliminated the additional transition.

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We had one at the Area 5 that you can see on Ben S' video clip. (2nd stage on the vid, after leave 2nd position).


They seem to be everywhere lately.

If you don't get on them right, then you can lose a second or two waiting on them to go out and back.

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There is no magic answer for swingers that you cant predict before getting to ....... at the LTD Nationals we had a stage where you shot 4 poppers in port 1 & a clam-shell, then moved to port 2 which had nothing but 1 swinger, then on to port three, etc. The most efficient way to shoot the poppers was L-R (1,2,3,4) then the clamshell, then run to port #2. But some folks accidentaly missed popper #4 and had to come back to it which in turn gave them a beautiful shot on the swinger ........ others shot the poppers in order, and then had to wait on the darn swinger. Just pure luck there.

In your case I believe in using your peripheral vision to it's maximum. I came into those ports foucused on the double-stack static targets, but with a peripheral attention to the swinger. I told myself that if I felt like I couldnt get two shots on the bottom target before seeing the swinger, then I would either hesitate a bit, ot just finish shooting al 4 shots on the double-stack targets - THEN go for the swinger. I felt like that would be enough of a pause to get the swinger on the 2nd pass.

Basically I think that's what it comes down to ....... what FEELS right at that moment TO YOU and nothing / no one else. There's allot of variables at work here: Your skill level, your splits & transitions, and of course the position of the swinger when you enter that port.

Play it by feel. What else can I say ?

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I always have a plan based on what I can shoot, before, I need to shoot the swinger but you need to "be in the moment" and open your awareness, and don't try.

On that Nationals stage Krispy Keen mentioned, I missed popper 4, just went on and it was my best stage(5th overall).

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Well, in my desire to not total be dependent on outside forces...I'd like to have a plan. Something I can go to, until something else proves better.

I'm thinking it might be good to come in on the swinger.

After much thought, I believe that you, Chris, Jake and Bill are correct.

When I programmed the stage, I knew that I would enter that last port on the far single target, then go to the array of two static and keep an eye out for the swinger. My thoughts should have been to come into the port and mind the swinger...if the swinger is not available, engage the far target...then mind the swinger. If the swinger is still unavailable, engage the lower target. If the swinger is still unavailable, engage the upper target.

My errors, IMHO, are in creating an ironclad visualization without yielding to the swinger. I need to be malleable to engage the swinger when it becomes available, and acknowledge the fact that I shoot splits fast enough to finish the current target and engage the swinger.

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Not long ago I shot this stage with two swingers that I engaged with one shot while transitioning to other targets instead of waiting on them. The plan seemed to work out well- The COF stated "engage all steel, perform mandatory reload, and engage all paper". Here is what it looked like....


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I need to be malleable to engage the swinger when it becomes available

Ya know, in my early days of this sport, oh around april or so I asked a not-yet crowned Master why he decided to alternate shots between a static and a swinger. He told me, 'I shoot what I have available to me at the time'. Made sense to me at the time and I've tried to apply that in my shooting.

Sound familiar, PB?

Edited by pas44
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  • 3 weeks later...

IMHO, it appears in port 3 you made a good decison even with the extra transition. Using your shot cadence, it would also seem you could have shot all static and the swinger would have been available. That being said, if the swinger was not available after the statics, you would have had to wait. Thinking on the move is obviously a talent you posess, don't question it!

Also wish I could (A): run as low as you do

(B): run period


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