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School Zoning Cheaters


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I am lucky to live in an area where most of the public schools are top rated. The problem we have is that a few of the schools have an "elite" status which encourages parents to cheat to get there children into these schools. It is so bad that the school system has an anonymous number to narc out these cheaters.

It ticks me off to no end for these parents to teach their kids that cheating is OK!! What do they tell the kids if they get caught cheating on tests at school? One of my neighbors is sending 2 of his sons to a school which they are not zoned for, they already have been busted once in middle school so they must know that they will be caught again. Someone at the school who was involved the last time they got busted said they were very pissed about not getting to go to the school of their choice. If they want to attend a different school then sell the house and move into the attendance zone for the school and all will be right.

Cheaters suck.


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Well... I lived in City of ATL, Dekalb County, which meant I had to go to city schools, which in general sucked. In high school, my grandmother wanted me in a (then) upper-tier Dekalb county school, so she considered for a while renting a separate apartment in Dekalb just to establish "residency". She got me in finally when it turned out that the school would accept annual tuition for anybody to attend regardless of residency, as if it were a private school. So we did that.

...and I HATED that school! :angry2:

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Cheaters? They pay taxes!

If they don't make enough money to send their children to a decent private school then they are just doing what they need to do so their kids get the best they can figure out.

If folks are stuck sending their kids to a public school, well, the money comes from the state, all propety owners are forced to pay for the state schools - the parents have to do the best they can.

The parents are showing the kids what it takes to get ahead in the country - teaching them to be ruthless. and doing whatever it takes. Why be surprised?

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Cheaters? They pay taxes!

If they don't make enough money to send their children to a decent private school then they are just doing what they need to do so their kids get the best they can figure out.

If folks are stuck sending their kids to a public school, well, the money comes from the state, all propety owners are forced to pay for the state schools - the parents have to do the best they can.

The parents are showing the kids what it takes to get ahead in the country - teaching them to be ruthless. and doing whatever it takes. Why be surprised?

Where I live, it's definitely cheating, although most people that wanted to send their kids to the schools in my parish have moved here (a whole 'nother kettle of fish). Everybody pays a base state tax, but the different parishes have different tax rates, and some is earmarked for schools. So, I pay a 1/2 percent higher than the neighboring parishes, just for schools, and better schools at that.

Bottom line: if you are cheating, you are teaching your kids to cheat. And I hate cheaters.


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A majority of school funding in this state comes from the local county. Therefore going out of district of a school is cheating.

I work in Baltimore County. We have a lot of kids that get caught living in Baltimore City and going to the school I am working at. It is so bad that now my school is considered an inner city school despite being in the county. This is cheating big time for us and the kids that actually live in the county. Why you ask?

Most of the kids that are from the city come to the county schools and they are the ones that cause a lot of the behavioral issues. It is amazing when a kid is getting expelled and we find out that they really are in the city because they have to send a certified letter.

I notice it some because I do live in the city. I have seen some of the kids hanging out on corners near Fulton and Lombard, Yes they still had their school uniform on. We require a uniform at our school to keep gang activity down.

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Interesting about the different tax rates and different rates of school funding.

Very common. Here in Indiana, Lake County (think Gary, Hammond) public schools only get about 10% of their funding from property taxes. Now, in neighboring Jasper county where I grew up, our school corporation is funded about 80% or more by property taxes.

Cheaters suck - period. If you don't like the schools where you live, move.

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The thing is that the school they are zoned for has better opportunities for athletics and academics but also has a larger minority population. Our local school systems are under a federal desegregation order which persist from the 1970s and it is impossible to attend an out of zone school unless you are African-American. The family had moved about a year ago into the other school zone and attempted to sell the house near me, but with the real estate market their million dollar house didn't sell so they sold the house they moved into instead and moved back in their original place. They never changed their kids back to the correct schools after the move. Since the move the family has kept their kids from playing in the neighborhood and pretty much laid low I guess in hopes that we might not notice they had moved back :(

I'm pretty sure that they will get busted again because it pisses most of the neighbors off who do the right thing and send their kids to the correct school.


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When I was in high school we had people transfering out of the school district. Not because the school district was bad. It is one of the best. The science classes get equipment from Caltech to use, some of which I've never even used in college. People were transfering out because it was so competitive. Moving to another district allows them to climb up the class ranking. Being #1 at the new school carries more weight than top 10% for college applications.

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Since the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act, public schools atleast in our area anyways have open enrollment, a child here can go to a school in the next town and the parents dont have to pay anything...BUT the parents must provide transportation

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