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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Which one?


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bill dril

bill drill until load runs out or save some for other session?

Guys, I know this is a gun thread and all but, I can't answer these questions coz I don't know what the dickens they mean?

I'm sitting on the sidelines here unable to contribute .....


Should the Which One thread cater exclusively to your (lovely) cousin across the pond? Oui or Yes?

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Always bring enough so you do not have to reuse them, and clean them at home in a vibratory with coarse corn cob.

Gage every round in the barrel (removed from your blaster for this purpose) or not?

I use a case gauge purchased from none other than Brian Enos

I don't gauge every round, just a few here and there.

Ever been surprised at the Chrono, or not?

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Yep, High primers. Edited to add loaded on a 650 and the shellplate was loose. Won't happen on my 1050 as I have it set to seat them deeply.

Slow learner, or typical learning process?

Edited by zhunter
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Nearly everyone learns about high primers the hard way. Too many relearn every couple of years.

The 1050 is great. Just remember to check the primers in your loaded ammo every few thousand. The adjustment will change over time.

Buy a spare toolhead before the price jump? y/n

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