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That said, do we share with everyone or everyone but ZH :surprise:


Share with all, even Z. But, after sharing with Jim first :P

Will the eventual answer be practice or a widget?

Z's final answer will always be a widget.

Does anyone else have time for anything anymore? Yes or No?

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?



Is TB trying to aggrivate Z?

Z probably checked out the weather in the UK on his iPhone whilst driving (at night) whilst loading his bullets and reading the latest Golf Monthly... just so he could ask the sunscreen question.

So should TL's question really have been: "Is Z trying to rub it in with TB"? Yes or No?

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?



Is TB trying to aggrivate Z?

Z probably checked out the weather in the UK on his iPhone whilst driving (at night) whilst loading his bullets and reading the latest Golf Monthly... just so he could ask the sunscreen question.

So should TL's question really have been: "Is Z trying to rub it in with TB"? Yes or No?

rub it in with regard to poor weather in UK or rub in your sunscreen...I am confused, but then I am old and easily confused..

will it snow in Houston this yr or not

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?



Is TB trying to aggrivate Z?

Z probably checked out the weather in the UK on his iPhone whilst driving (at night) whilst loading his bullets and reading the latest Golf Monthly... just so he could ask the sunscreen question.

So should TL's question really have been: "Is Z trying to rub it in with TB"? Yes or No?

rub it in with regard to poor weather in UK or rub in your sunscreen...I am confused, but then I am old and easily confused..

will it snow in Houston this yr or not

If it is a result of "climate change" then definitely.

Will TL build a snowman? Yes or NO?

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?



Is TB trying to aggrivate Z?

Z probably checked out the weather in the UK on his iPhone whilst driving (at night) whilst loading his bullets and reading the latest Golf Monthly... just so he could ask the sunscreen question.

So should TL's question really have been: "Is Z trying to rub it in with TB"? Yes or No?

rub it in with regard to poor weather in UK or rub in your sunscreen...I am confused, but then I am old and easily confused..

will it snow in Houston this yr or not

If it is a result of "climate change" then definitely.

Will TL build a snowman? Yes or NO?

If there was enough snow to roll into a ball, of course I would build Frosty...chances are nil though...snows not often here.

How about TB, will it snow in your part of UK and will you build a snowman.

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?


TB, I am SOOOO SORRRY for your crappy weather, but down here in Australia, well, it is hot, sunny, and well, Skin protection from the hot sun is a must!!!!!! I mean, the toughest decision is to go to the great pool, or one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

I don't think she can build a snowman in Winchester!!!

Did the above reply to TB, who is stuck in yet another crappy UK winter leave a mark, or not?

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?


TB, I am SOOOO SORRRY for your crappy weather, but down here in Australia, well, it is hot, sunny, and well, Skin protection from the hot sun is a must!!!!!! I mean, the toughest decision is to go to the great pool, or one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

I don't think she can build a snowman in Winchester!!!

Did the above reply to TB, who is stuck in yet another crappy UK winter leave a mark, or not?

Yes, but it is fading with time...LOL

Z, is that a topless beach or not?

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NO, just trying to as cerebral questions :devil:

Sunscreen today, or not?

Oh Purleeeeeassse- SUNSCREEN? Are you having a laugh? Have you seen the weather?

Is Z trying to make TB jealous?


TB, I am SOOOO SORRRY for your crappy weather, but down here in Australia, well, it is hot, sunny, and well, Skin protection from the hot sun is a must!!!!!! I mean, the toughest decision is to go to the great pool, or one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

I don't think she can build a snowman in Winchester!!!

Did the above reply to TB, who is stuck in yet another crappy UK winter leave a mark, or not?

Yes, but it is fading with time...LOL

Z, is that a topless beach or not?

Urrgh. Z topless?? It might frighten the kangaroos away!

Has Z's brain fried in all that UV? Yes or No brain to fry?

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The only thing that has fried my brain this week is the difficult decisions of choosing between VB, Fosters, Crown Lager, and Pure Blonde beers.

This is a hell of a place!!!!

Pizza or Asian noodles for dinner tonight?

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No. You sure it's his stomach?

James Dean was the actor.


Do the ads suck since Sara Lee booted him out of the company?

Wide45 - don't bother about the ads. Don't touch that stuff - I can feel my arteries hardening just looking at it. Phew!

Do you guys really eat pizza for breakfast? Yes or No?

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No. You sure it's his stomach?

James Dean was the actor.


Do the ads suck since Sara Lee booted him out of the company?

Wide45 - don't bother about the ads. Don't touch that stuff - I can feel my arteries hardening just looking at it. Phew!

Do you guys really eat pizza for breakfast? Yes or No?

The average student at most universities and colleges in the US have cold pizza at least two mornings a week if I remember what my youngest kid told me a few yrs ago....I know my youngest son would have starved to death if he had not known how to do mac/cheese and brownies...lol

Do you eat low fat everything or not, Barrister

I can tell if someone and I will get along or not just by asking if they have the following ingredients in their pantry, fridge or kitchen: real onions, some bacon, real butter, and some whole milk...if they have those we can get along, but if the answer is No, No, margarine, and 1%...it is not even worth trying...cause they just don't get it...I am not above eating low fat foods some of the time, but if you cook it, you have to work SO HARD to make it have any taste, it is just not worth it to me.

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No. You sure it's his stomach?

James Dean was the actor.


Do the ads suck since Sara Lee booted him out of the company?

Wide45 - don't bother about the ads. Don't touch that stuff - I can feel my arteries hardening just looking at it. Phew!

Do you guys really eat pizza for breakfast? Yes or No?

The average student at most universities and colleges in the US have cold pizza at least two mornings a week if I remember what my youngest kid told me a few yrs ago....I know my youngest son would have starved to death if he had not known how to do mac/cheese and brownies...lol

Do you eat low fat everything or not, Barrister

I can tell if someone and I will get along or not just by asking if they have the following ingredients in their pantry, fridge or kitchen: real onions, some bacon, real butter, and some whole milk...if they have those we can get along, but if the answer is No, No, margarine, and 1%...it is not even worth trying...cause they just don't get it...I am not above eating low fat foods some of the time, but if you cook it, you have to work SO HARD to make it have any taste, it is just not worth it to me.

Low Fat Food - is the work of the devil.

Enjoy the quality and burn it off or be fooled by the marketing?

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Yes, Barrister, we have to eat well and then work it off... had a friend of mine and the Ex's who's name was Sharon B...had a GREAT figure, and she used to eat dinner with us occasionally...she was over one night and we had spaghetti...well she ate a HUGE plate of pasta, three or four big slices of bread, a big green salad and cherries jubilee, along with 4 or 5 glasses of wine...I was amazed and asked her how she ate so much and stayed so thin...to which she replied..."...baby, I work it off..."

Needless to say, I did not ask her how she worked it off...but the implication was there..

does TB prefer fish, fowl or beef....

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Never fooled by the fat free label. It's either loaded with sugar, or just plain nasty.

Was pleased by the relative lack of fat in the sausage. Way less than bacon.

Read the labels for sodium, and calorie content when shopping? Yes/No

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Never fooled by the fat free label. It's either loaded with sugar, or just plain nasty.

Was pleased by the relative lack of fat in the sausage. Way less than bacon.

Read the labels for sodium, and calorie content when shopping? Yes/No

No point. Sodium content irrelevant if your kidneys are working. Calories in versus calories out.

Anyone fed up of the tyranny of over-regulation: the "nanny" state? Yes or No?

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