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So I realize as of late my "post credibilty" has been questionable. Reality is I'm questioning a lot in life these days.

My bride and I went on a cruise to Greece last month - and I had one decent quote - Are we living life or is life living us.

I've been thinking a long time about a website. Not sure how I'm going to make it work yet - but it's in the works. Tonight I secured the domain name. For all of you who understand this stuff - no biggie. For me - big deal.

So I'm working on the the idea and figuring out what the site looks like. I'll share when I have more - may be months. In the end - I BELIEVE this is an opportunity. I don't think it - I believe it. I believe it is something I can really enjoy doing, and make a lot of money doing it. The money isn't exactly important - but it'd be nice if I do this right.

So - my accomplishment is making a move from the corporate life I have now - to a more independant life that is surrounded by the things I really enjoy. We'll see.

And in the end - I realize this is inevitably just a post to myself. Most of you don't even know me. That is what it is. I think you all are fantastic and I'm glad I've taken a small step towards a little freedom - and being able to share it.


Then I reread this and realized - yet another post of questionable credibility. Ugggg -


Edited by j1b
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If it helps, I think your posts always have good credibility.

There are certain people that I always want to read what they have posted. You are one of those people. :cheers:

Best of luck with your endeavor.

Couldn't have said it better. Jack you're definitely one of those shooters that I would have liked to have met. Good luck on the project and if there's anything that I can do, just ask and I'll do what I can.


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There are certain people that I always want to read what they have posted. You are one of those people.

Isn't that the truth.




Steve Anderson




Rhino (long ago)

and a bunch of others, you can pretty much count on certain folk's posts being useful or thought provoking. Good luck Jack, no one ever dies wishing they had worked more.

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Thanks All!

Sometimes I laugh at myself. This project is so far down the pipe it isn't even funny. Right now it is raw concept. An idea. It'll be a while before I get it all put together in a way that makes it right. Unfortunately I have that gut feel but I don't have the vision of what it all looks like yet.

I'd been entertaining the whole deal since my trip to Europe - just hadn't taken that first step. I'd been 3/4 the way to securing the domain name 20 times - but always backed out as I questioned "is this REALLY something or it is a pipe dream" So that's all last night was about - actually doing it.

In so many ways this forum is a benchmark. Proof that things can happen if done correctly. It's what I would aspire to accomplish over time if this thing grows.

Last night I formatted some ideas. A business plan if you will - but still so lacking in real substance it isn't even funny. I'd hopped back on this forum and was reading some posts and laughed as I followed the last thread I responded to. I wrote something like "it's there - you just have to see it" - all the sudden I was like "crap - I can't even follow my own advice"

This concept is just like when I began shooting. Knowing things were happening and knowing that I hadn't opened my eyes up enough to actually see what was going on. Time, patience, diligence, and work got it there. Hopefully this little deal will go the same way.

As for the "questionable posts" piece - I've just not been on my game as of late. I really appreciate the great comments from all of you - at the end of the day though you want to believe you contribute something. When you've got a Jake Da Vita, Brian Enos, Steve Anderson, Sam, Kyle, Calamity Jane, and the list goes on - you begin to wonder what do you really have to contribute? I can't tell anyone anything these folks don't already know (and likely have suggested). I find 9/10's of my posts start off "I agree with what the others say and . . . " - a bunch of repetitive stuff.

Then I think - I'm not even active. Not really shooting. The game has changed enough that half the stuff that made me successful may not be as relevant anymore.

Yeah, I'd say there was a little pity party there for myself. Work has been tough and I was probably a touch down. This forum is so cool though - you want to be a part of it and contribute to something bigger than yourself. In some ways, earlier on, I believe I was able to accomplish that. Nowadays I sometimes feel my fingers are best left on the mouse and not on the keyboard. The talent base here is 10 times what it was when I was really yanking the trigger!

So Thanks for the superbly nice comments. I'll try and only make posts where I believe I have something meaningful to say and hopefully it'll help someone out.

I like this :cheers: icon. A good suggestion!

Thanks to all!


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There is nothing cooler out there than having a dream to wake up to every morning. It gives you a purpose. It also always keeps you thinking and learning. I feel bad for people that don't have that. Just continually moving towards it will give a sense of accomplishment, even if the goal isn’t immediately reached. It is obvious from the tone of your post that this is how you feel. The excitement is more than evident.

Being able to do something for a living that you like is an unbelievable feeling also. I have had more jobs and worked in more fields than I care to count. And I hated every one of them. Now I work in a field that I love and can't wait to go to work each day. That and I kick ass at it. Good luck Jack and let me know if I can help in any way.


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Then I think - I'm not even active. Not really shooting. The game has changed enough that half the stuff that made me successful may not be as relevant anymore.


You don't know me, but I have followed your posts on here for as long as I can remember. You stand out as one of the most interesting and insightful posters on this entire board. It is common to read through a thread of 2 line posts, to come to a 2 paragraph post of relevant information from a guy that has truly been at the top of the game. You have more credibility than most of us dip shits.

One more side note, I recently procured a copy of lenny’s 95 open nationals DVD. I saw you shoot (Im thinking... I know that name..) and you honest to god shredded some of those stages. I sure as hell would get my ass handed to me if you ever decided to shoot production.

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We all know the same sh*t...we just have different ways of saying it. And people have different ways of needing to hear it...that's the beauty of this place.

I've gone through every phase of shooting there is...and it's such a joy to be able to save someone the 6 months of beating their noodle against the wall the same as I did.

I actually struggle now with giving advice...some people just aren't ready to learn...as I am in some respects...hmmmm.

Some people need to learn for themselves before they believe...then they're golden.


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Thanks All!

Sometimes I laugh at myself. This project is so far down the pipe it isn't even funny. Right now it is raw concept. An idea. It'll be a while before I get it all put together in a way that makes it right. Unfortunately I have that gut feel but I don't have the vision of what it all looks like yet.

As for the "questionable posts" piece - I've just not been on my game as of late. I really appreciate the great comments from all of you - at the end of the day though you want to believe you contribute something. When you've got a Jake Da Vita, Brian Enos, Steve Anderson, Sam, Kyle, Calamity Jane, and the list goes on - you begin to wonder what do you really have to contribute? I can't tell anyone anything these folks don't already know (and likely have suggested). I find 9/10's of my posts start off "I agree with what the others say and . . . " - a bunch of repetitive stuff.

Thanks to all!



If YOU have a feel for it then I think it is golden. I know so little about you but what I do know is that you shoot by feel and you shoot pretty darn good. So if you're feeling your way through this thing I think you're on the right track. ;)

I can't believe you mentioned my name. Thank you. I'm honored to think that someone finds my posts worthwhile. :rolleyes:

Wishing you all the best,


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Giving up a secure job to go after your dream is a scary proposition. I know that when I left the Army, after 10 years active duty, back in '92 to become a free-lance writer I was scared out of my wits. This had, after all, been my job, my security, since I was 18. Tough, tough, scary decision. But I had the advantage that I'd been selling articles since '89 and had built up some markets already. And I had to go for what I really wanted to do, which was to make my living as a writer. And it worked out. I'm doing what I love, it pays the bills - usually :). Life is good.

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