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Weather From Hell


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For the last seven months, we have had nothing but weather that toggles from about 20 degreees below normal to about 20 degrees above normal. October and November were warm, then the next five months were the coldest winter on record (average about 15 degrees below normal).

last Thursday and Friday, more cold weather..... highs in the 50's with rain. Sunday: 92 degrees. Today: 95 degrees.

The late rains mean we have heavy late plant growth, which gives us a double blessing:

1) Lots of fuel for the worst fire season ever

2) Lots of pollen has already made this the worst allergy season ever

I am sick of this weather. last summer it was oppressive heat for five months, and this year is starting off the same.

I wonder what ever happened to the beautiful weather we used to have....

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Same here, man, same here. Chilly long winter with chilly long spring. Lots colder than normal on many, many occasions. Gack. :angry:

Except today: Suddenly it's 75 and gorgeous. Not sure I'm about to bet a month's wages or anything that it'll STAY that way, but it DOES feel like a bit of a novelty... even for the notoriously cool Pacific Northwest. God only knows what kind of summer we're in for. :wacko:

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I'm right behind you in line at the complaint department.

Every match weekend has brought snow, wind, ice, hail, and COLD.

So much for global warming. <_<

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I'm right behind you in line at the complaint department.

Every match weekend has brought snow, wind, ice, hail, and COLD.

So much for global warming. <_<

Yeah, and you and Jim missed the really cold match a few weeks back because of ice on the roads!!!! The one fun part was so few people showed up I won Limited :o

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It was in the 70s today and tomorrow is to be in the 80s. This is May and Spokane, WA. Normal should run in high 60s to low 70s this time of year. But I'm not complaining all that much except about how fast the grass is growing. I hate yard work. But the nice weather means that I can flip a coin and either go for a motorcyle ride or put the top down on the Porshe and go for a ride or go to the range for some much needed practice. Although with a bit of luck tomorrow I'll get all three done (the yard will have to wait). I vote for a long warm (not Hot) summer.

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As of last night's local weather report, we're in for a full week of warm-'n-nice. Trouble is, that means the air quality will be in the dumper by this afternoon and in a couple of days we won't be able to see the hillsides just a few miles away. Urban sprawl... ain't it grand.

Well, at least we don't ever see a tornado breathing (heavily) down our necks. :rolleyes:

How much you wanna bet a lot of people in Greensburg, KS leave and don't come back or rebuild...?

Kinda like a mini-New Orleans.......... Dang. :blink:

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What can I say Bountyhunter, Spring came to Kentucky in time for the Derby. :) It is 77 degrees and sunny with a 3mph breeze as I type. However, in keeping with the Hate forum guidelines let me say, lest this be seen as a rebuttal, I hate it that you all are not here to enjoy it. :D

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Well, at least we don't ever see a tornado breathing (heavily) down our necks. :rolleyes:

How much you wanna bet a lot of people in Greensburg, KS leave and don't come back or rebuild...?

Talk about extreme weather, you can sample it all in Southwest Kansas ........ Tornados, hail (up to softball size), heat that seemed to me more uncomfortable than Mesa's, cold that comes pretty close to Wisconsin, and I saw one thunderstorm that rivaled Hurricane Elouise (I was right in the thick of that one near Panama City, FL). Not to mention the constant wind. I can't blame anyone for wanting to get the hell outta Dodge, and I'm sure glad I did!

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There are days when I seriously wonder why people even live in places like that, knowing that death/destruction can come crashing in on their lives at any moment, several times a year, EVERY year. I just don't understand it. And it's as flat as a pancake out there, no hills no forests, no topography, no whatever. I don't get it. :wacko::wacko:

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Well Here in the DESERT we had a funnel cloud just a few miles from the house We got pics :)

And its been raining sleeting and snowing.... a little strange for may?

The old timers say this is the weather pattern they had here 50 years ago...It is a cycle maybe we are just due :huh:


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Id take this weather over last year. I was in Iraq.

60 miles north of Bagdahd.

Nov-Jan: Windy all of the time w/ dust storms

Feb-Apr: 3-4" of rain per day highs in the 40's

May-Sep: 115-135degrees durning the day and upper 90's at night.

That doesnt include the incomming rocket and mortar fire multiple times a day.

Im glad to have to mow my lawn twice a week. There are a lot worse places you could be.

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Go figure.......When it rains people complain, when it is dry people complain, when it is cold we hear complaints, and when it is hot we hear complaints. Whats the point? Maybe some people just want to complain about anything. Oops, was that a rebuttal? :)

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As of last night's local weather report, we're in for a full week of warm-'n-nice. Trouble is, that means the air quality will be in the dumper by this afternoon and in a couple of days we won't be able to see the hillsides just a few miles away.

That's my gripe. Like last summer, the endless hot weather forced by a dome of high pressure crushing us holds in all the pollen, ozone, toxins in the air....

My eyes are so inflamed they constantly feel like there is sand in them when I blink. My asthma always gets much worse when the air is filthy, forcing me to ramp up the steroid inhalers with all the lovely side effects. My head is constantly plugged up, nose red and raw, to sleep I have to load up on benadryl.

Last year the weather was so hot (and the air so foul) I could not ride my motorcycle many days for fear of passing out from the heay (not as young as I used to be).

We have a nice day today (high in the mid 80's) so at least I will enjoy the ride.

Go figure.......When it rains people complain, when it is dry people complain, when it is cold we hear complaints, and when it is hot we hear complaints. Whats the point?

Here's my point: when I moved to the Bay Area about 30 years ago, the weather was like paradise. Average summer day was about 80 degrees high, cooling very nicely at night. We probably had six months a year of weather where the high was temperate and comfortable.

Winters were also not bad: typical high in the high 50's to low 60's, usually with warm sunshine. Overnight lows in the mid 40's.

I could probably ride my motorcycle nine or ten months out of twelve (I didn't ride in the rain).

Now with global climate shift, it seems like we are lucky to get two weeks of nice weather per year. The weather toggles from unbearably cold to nonstop rain to unbelieveably hot.

Like I said: what happened to our weather?

That's a rhetorical question. I know exactly what is happening to our weather.

Edited by bountyhunter
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What PART of the Bay Area do you live in...? Believe it or not, different parts of it can have vastly different "climates" in a matter of just a few blocks (in the case of The City itself) or a few short miles (in the case of various other zones).

Meanwhile, two days of "nice" weather we just had here and I walk out to the car this morning to find it covered in yellow dust. No wonder my eyes were all red this morning. Gacck. <_<

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What PART of the Bay Area do you live in...? Believe it or not, different parts of it can have vastly different "climates" in a matter of just a few blocks (in the case of The City itself) or a few short miles (in the case of various other zones).

Meanwhile, two days of "nice" weather we just had here and I walk out to the car this morning to find it covered in yellow dust. No wonder my eyes were all red this morning. Gacck. <_<

I've lived in Mountain View, San Jose, Milpitas. I don't live in the "freezing zone" of San Francisco.

Our weather used to be great at least nine or ten months out of the year.... or, at least OF with a leather jacket. Now it toggles between so cold your teeth are chattering and so hot you can't stand it. The old "ten and two" ratio has reversed itself... we are lucky to get two months of nice weather now.

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