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Micah's Range Diary


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It has been a long LONG time since I have shot a round, and this weekend I will shoot two matches! The first of which was today, and what a blast it was! I provoked Flex into shooting Open with me (stock Glock Open that is) for the hell of it. Thanks to the F A S T results from Chris, I quickly saw that I got the hell beat out of me, but still had some excellent moments. My TF basepads run 100% although one of the mags refuses to drop free.

All in all, I had a great time shooting again. Tomorrow is the Oxford match, and I will certainly be shooting Prod there. I'll have video compiled from both matches sometime in the near future.

Monday also starts another quarter of classes for me with the additional caveat of teaching. This is more than welcomed as nothing could possibly be more difficult then the 10 classes I took over the summer ;)

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-dryfire (now with 50% MORE cardio!!)

I rounded off my weekend with a match at Oxford. Both the Cville and Ox matches were a blast, and I was just thrilled as hell to be shooting again! I wore the headcam and got some good video of both matches. I am seeing some things that have improved since my last match, although apparently from the 2 month hiatus I have picked up a few bad habits as well.

This past Monday ushered in a new quarter of school, and although that and teaching will eat up plenty of time, by getting up at 4a every morning I am able to jog and dryfire before leaving the house. I had a good season at the major matches, but next year I will have a great one.

The only path to winning is through sacrifice.

BTW-I think I drop the f bomb twice in the video. You have been warned :devil:


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Nice job winning Prod class in Oxford! I was right on your heels...12 slots back :huh:

No rifle Sunday? You could've used mine but it isn't one of those cool AR types...

You could sleep in later than 4 am...just do your dry fire practice in the teacher's lounge

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Ohio was hit by a HUGE wind storm. I cannot recall seeing such violent winds without a tornado. 10 hours of the Ike whipping has left much of Ohio out of power, myself included. I was on my way home from Mburg when the wife called me to say that we were without power. That condition remained throughout the night and is still current as of 1p today. EVERY freakin' school was canceled today with the exception of mine, and although many of the staff saw fit to complain, I took it in stride. I missed my students over the weekend.

Ironically WSU is the only college open today as well, effectively making my craps shoot snake eyes.

The match yesterday was great, and Robert B did one hell of a job creating fun and challenging stages despite the ensuing wind storm. After much anchoring all squads were able to complete their outdoor stages before heading indoors for the final two. I feel that I shot so-so that day...I dropped one bad habit (tucking the gun for short movement) for the most part, but perceive a lack of patience for the tighter shots. My camera took great video until the last stage, and the following film is posted below.

I need alot of work, but it feels damn good to be shooting once again :)


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Steel match today at Circleville

The Cville crew did an excellent job setting up this 5 stage steel match today. It has been a L O N G time since I have shot such a match, and I found the change of cadence an excellent lesson in visual patience. I wore the headcam for the match today and will splice up a little video later. Steel match tape is kinda boring to watch though.

There are only a handful of local matches left in the 2008 season, and I plan to hit them all. I look forward to training throughout the off season and making up for the time I lost this summer.

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Great dryfire session today...I really like where my dryfire practice is heading, and the evolution that it has taken on. There are still a few "stand-and-shoot" drills, but 90% now incorporate movement, barricades, or both. I would say that I wished that I had always done it like this, but I believe that one needs to learn the fundamentals before taking on the more difficult stuff.

My goal from September 25th to the first major match in April is to maximize my practice time to make SOTM happen without thought. After talking to some great M/GM friends and watching my video of this past year, it is evident that I post up all too often when I should be creeping towards my next array.

In my video I see stages that I remember thinking "Okay, now take these on the move..." after posting up.

This is BAD!! I should not be thinking ANYTHING! If we had to think "Okay, now align the sights and slowly pull the trigger to the rear until it breaks...You want to reload here, so hit the mag button while reaching for the next mag, it's in the third mag pouch..." on every stage there is no hope of great performance.

Movin the feet needs to be as automatic as snapping attention and reloading. That's my goal, and I'm sticking to it :)

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Match at MRPC

Although I did not have a particularly good match today, I did have a good time shooting with my usual posse as well as some Enos peeps from Kentucky. Thanks for coming up guys....I had a blast shooting the bs with you all today!

I was able to get video of all but one of the stages. I'm not exactly sure what my hangup was today, but I will analyze the situation with a positive and training eye as opposed to that of negativity.

Although I teach tomorrow AND have class in the evening, I will try to make the Mburg league tomorrow if possible.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have some catching up to do...

Last Monday night I shot at the Mburg Monday match. I shoot a Glock 34 with a 2 pin lower, and besides the differences in locking blocks, the slide stop lever has an additional hump to it. The day before at Milford on the MR command I noticed that my slide was locking back without a mag. A quick trip to the safe area and I though that I had the problem fixed. At the Monday match all hell broke loose as my slide locked back on every shot. Sunuva lent me a 3 pin slide stop lever, and I have had no further issues. Kinda weird...kinda random...but so far no problems.

Here's a picture of the 2 pin ssl and the 3 pin ssl that Sunuva gave me:


Additionally I replaced my stock striker spring with a reduced power Wolf spring before the Mburg Monday match and realized why I took it out in the first place: I love the feeling of a strong reset, and I feel that it lends to better trigger control and speed. With the reduced power striker spring I was missing the reset. I will NEVER rock with anything other than a stock spring from here on out, even though it does make the trigger heavier.

This past weekend was Cville/Oxford weekend. Conrad set up 6 excellent stages for us to tackle and test:

The first stage got shot to hell when I missed the first popper. This set me back one round and I was going to slidelock on every array. I wanted to do an extra reload but knew that the last position only had 8 rounds and just stuck with the plan...it was easier on my brain.

On the stage where I am shooting strong hand, there were briefcases that had to be transported from table to table. Many shooters took the first array freestyle while standing still...I felt that it was MUCH faster to grab and shoot on the move. That was definitely the way to go.

Oxford Sunday was loads of fun, and although there was a HUGE smudge on my lens (as I found out later) the video still shows up rather well. The second to last stage required one round per target...there was a more precise way to shoot that stage, but I felt that by going to the corners I was able to elliminate too much thinking and just shoot. Wide open targets = fast shooting, and I shot it faster than any other competitor that day in any division! (Although shooting minor, I am sure that I didn't win the stage across all divisions ;) )

I've been sick as hell all week, but am quickly on the mend and look forward to shooting at Mburg this Sunday.

Good shooting :)


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And here's a PSA:

I trim my dog's hair and nails. It's cheaper, and I don't trust anyone else to take care of my boys. It was bound to happen...and last Saturday night I trimmed Rusty's poor nail a little too short. After doing some quick research online I ran to the local Pet Smart and picked up a bottle of Kwik Stop...a styptic gel for just such an occasion. I would have saved alot of heartache and concern if I had the bottle here the whole time.

Rusty has made a full recovery and has forgiven me for the boo-boo ;)


I forgot to add to the match post: I need to start practicing my reloads with empty mags, as they drop slower than full ones (DUH!) Whenever I reload on the move, my reloads are perfect...but when I am standing around (a la classifiers) I don't have that extra .20 to allow the mag to drop. Several times this past weekend I fumbled reloads by hitting the old mag back in with the new.

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I had the same part issue at the Target Ed (USPSA) match last year.

I had recently aquired my G34 and the previous owner had ground down the slide stop/release. (thus, not Production legal)

It was a 2-pin gun, not a 3-pin...so it needed the part with the extra tab. I put the wrong one in. I had a jam on the 1st stage (classifier), which I made up for by hosing some mikes and such. :) Then, on the next big cof...I had about 4 jams.

I thought I had proper spares in my bag, but didn't. So, I went back to the ground down part and told the RM that I needed to go into Open. Had fun in Open.

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On the stage where I am shooting strong hand, there were briefcases that had to be transported from table to table. Many shooters took the first array freestyle while standing still...I felt that it was MUCH faster to grab and shoot on the move. That was definitely the way to go.

Standing still is yuckie.

I think you made a good choice. Do you have video of that one? (I see you had both matches on one video. :) )

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I forgot to add to the match post: I need to start practicing my reloads with empty mags, as they drop slower than full ones (DUH!) Whenever I reload on the move, my reloads are perfect...but when I am standing around (a la classifiers) I don't have that extra .20 to allow the mag to drop. Several times this past weekend I fumbled reloads by hitting the old mag back in with the new.


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I didn't know you had a cat


Dude, baking soda would have clotted it unless it was a gusher!! Try trimming a parrot's toenails and quik one...them damn things get pissed and won't stop bleeding!

Looked like you where rolling pretty good this past weekend!

Edited by steel1212
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Dude, baking soda would have clotted it unless it was a gusher!!

I tried that...and a shaving pencil...both to no avail. I simply could not stop the bleeding.

Looked like you where rolling pretty good this past weekend!

I felt good this weekend...getting back into the groove of things. You should come out some weekend and shoot both with us. I've got a spare room at Casa De Barcelo...unless you are allergic to "cats" ;)

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I think he is looking at you.

Shouldn't this be merged with your doll thread?

Can't sleep so I went out for a little drive. Coming back home as I passed my garage (also known as Zee Dojo) I noticed one of my targets peeping out of the window.


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