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And it only took you 2 years to make up your mind! :cheers:

No shit. I just know I'm gonna kick myself for not doing it sooner ;)

Let's make it official: "Chris and Bill were right...AGAIN!" :D

Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful

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-1 hr cardio

-1 hr dryfire

Had a great livefire session with Chris yesterday...my SOTM kung fu is strong, and I need to remember that at matches. That is still the greatest room for improvement that I can make at matches. My hammertime shooting has come quite far since this time last year, and I am able to achieve .15 splits cold.

1 random thing that happened yesterday: my slide stop lever seemed to finagle itself in such a manner that it would lock back my slide after every shot. After taking it out and putting it back in, the problem was gone. Things that make you go hmmm...

I also ordered 10 new mags. I keep ten mags in my range bag for matches, but in the past several months have taken three out as they no longer drop free. It's not a spring thing, it's a wear and tear thing. I will use my old mags for club and practice use, and after ascertaining the reliability of the new mags, will designate them to major matches only. That should ensure proper ejection over a longer period of time.

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Horah for the first day of the summer quarter at WSU :mellow:

Good livefire session this evening with Chris...I had the same f'in trigger problem that I had at Indiana, but I am sure that I have isolated the culprit and have remedied the disorder. I had planned on doing more SOTM work this evening, but will make it a point to start off with it the next time I hit the range. Only a handful of days until Area 5 :)

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A great day...I really hit the ground running. After looking into additional loan options, and counting my pennies, I tacked on four more classes to my summer schedule taking me to a grand total of 39 credit hours. It's four times the full time workload, but it also shaves 9 months on my program. Woo-haa!

I had a dream about shooting stages in my back yard last night. When I was dryfiring in zee dojo this morning, I was thinking about a few recent conversations that I had with other shooters about the aspects of my game that need improvement. I put two and two together and went to work (mwahahaha!!)

Using one of my 1/4 sized targets as a template, and some cardboard that I raided from Walmart, I made a crapload of new targets. Using some sticks that I picked up from Lowes, I cut them down to 50in and spiked them on the bottom. On a few of those sticks, I screwed in sticks across the top to create a larger area to add targets. Using all of this crap, I am going to set up stages in my back yard and work the hell out of SOTM and movement. I can do both to a certain extent in zee dojo, but the great outdoors provides MUCH more space. This could be a flop, but if it rocks and rolls, I'll post some pics if the setup.


...oh yeah, and my case feeder came in today :)


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What a way cool setup that is to be able to train with dryfire PB. I've always admired your dedication to constantly train with dryfire to improve, it inspires me.

Also once you get that case feeder hooked up, would love to see some video of it in action if possible, as i'm thinking about getting one for my 550.


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Good stuff today...I'm kicking up the intensity of my cardio. Just about killed me today, but I can't afford to feel beat down at long, hot major matches. Even though I'm in class right now, I'm evaluating my dryfire routine and adding movement to virtually every drill now.

What a way cool setup that is to be able to train with dryfire PB. I've always admired your dedication to constantly train with dryfire to improve, it inspires me.

Also once you get that case feeder hooked up, would love to see some video of it in action if possible, as i'm thinking about getting one for my 550.

Thank you very much for the kind words kamann! I really do appreciate it :)

As for the casefeeder, you will be better served going to youtube or google video for videos and pictures of the casefeeder. I installed it tonight, and freaking LOVE it! I cannot imagine why the hell I waited so long to buy one. There are still a few small modifications that I need to do to make it run perfectly when I get home tonight, but do not envision any serious issues.

If you are interested in picking up a casefeeder, or any Dillon stuff for that matter, check out our hosts online store first! Brian will take care of you.

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As for the casefeeder, you will be better served going to youtube or google video for videos and pictures of the casefeeder. I installed it tonight, and freaking LOVE it! I cannot imagine why the hell I waited so long to buy one. There are still a few small modifications that I need to do to make it run perfectly when I get home tonight, but do not envision any serious issues.

Micah - here's a suggestion for the casefeeder that works well for me. since i load 100 and have to reload the primer feeder, I've found a measuring cup of .40's run about 100 per cup. 150-200 tends to bog down the feeder. You're loading 9mm so it may not be an issue, but for me 1 cup of brass works well.


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As for the casefeeder, you will be better served going to youtube or google video for videos and pictures of the casefeeder. I installed it tonight, and freaking LOVE it! I cannot imagine why the hell I waited so long to buy one. There are still a few small modifications that I need to do to make it run perfectly when I get home tonight, but do not envision any serious issues.

Micah - here's a suggestion for the casefeeder that works well for me. since i load 100 and have to reload the primer feeder, I've found a measuring cup of .40's run about 100 per cup. 150-200 tends to bog down the feeder. You're loading 9mm so it may not be an issue, but for me 1 cup of brass works well.


200 cases of .40 bogs down the feeder? Is it not the same design as the 650 only made for the 550? I really need to get a 650 as well as my 550 I load to many damn calibers!

I had a PM after I posted that, I need to adjust the tension in the plate.

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PM sent to Pas44 ..... then more recently to Steel1212.

No need to clutter up Benders Range Diary - Micah may want to clean this up a little since he is a MOD after all. :rolleyes:

edited to add: honestly I can't believe PB hasn't started his own Dillon 550 Case Feeder Rocks thread complete with hat-cam videos and all. I mean it is .............. BLUE, right ? ;)


Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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This was day one of my 95% movement dryfire program. Here's what I'm doing now:

-Draw & two shots hands at side on the move

-Draw & two shots surrender on the move


-2 on 3-reload-2 on 3 hands at sides on the move

-2 on 3-reload-2 on 3 surrender on the move

-El Prez on the move

-2 on 3-reload-2 on 3 strong hand on the move

-2 on 3-reload-2 on 3 weak hand on the move

-2 reload 2 on the move

-6 reload 6 on the move

-1 on 3 body-reload-1 on head on the move

-6 poppers grouped on the move

-6 poppers wide transitions on the move

-various barricade drills on the move

The movement is in all directions, and adds a bit more time to my routine but is well worth it. I have also taken down the business cards that I have been using to shrink the A zones and replaced them with three white pasters. Instead of doing the majority of my drills on 1/4 sized open targets, I am now using the new arrays that I have created which contain tons of hard cover and no-shoots. No more f*#king around...my deficiencies in SOTM are what is keeping me from winning big matches, and now I will attack this skill with ferocity and tenacity.

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Area 5 was an excellent match. The weather was PERFECT...except when Armageddon hit for three stages ;)

I shot well, incurring my only penalty on the last stage of the match...I still placed well on that stage...would have been MUCH higher had I not miked.

Big congrats to James Tarr. I finally got to meet this gent, and he shot like a true champion. Well done brother :)

This match completely validates what I have (unfortunately) just begun exclusively working on in my dryfire. There were many opportunities to shoot on the move at this match, and I could not break myself out of my comfort level to move as fast as I need to win. I was far too conservative.

I'm not bummed, rather I am happy that I know what I need to do to dramatically improve my shooting :)

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I've taken a few days off since Area 5 to reflect on the match. Although I wish that I had went ahead and video'd the match, the progressive notes that I took keep my thoughts fresh in my mind.

I decided to go back to a stock striker spring...it makes the trigger dramatically more heavy, but the reset is MUCH stronger (something that I like). When I do my little breechface paper trick to keep my trigger active during dryfire, the trigger feel is almost exactly that of livefire. I dig that too.

Since the Glock plug is legal now, I dug around my parts bin and tried one out yesterday...not a fan. I file my feelings on the plug under the magwell schema: I've done a million reloads without one, and I'm at the point where they are exactly where they need to be. No change needed.

Hell quarter continues...I'm just grateful that I have the shooting to think about during the lectures ;)

Two matches this weekend...It's been a while since I've gone to a club match, and I'm looking forward to it.

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I had a great time, and great video, at Circleville on Saturday and Oxford today...unfortunately I hit the wrong button on my headcam and dumped all of the video <_<:angry2::rolleyes:

The club matches are now a place for me to try new stuff, and push the skills that I am working on at home. SOTM and hammering down are the two biggest aspects of the game that I am focusing on the most, and thus I push those two skills whenever I can.

Fun matches man...fun! Next time around I won't be so careless with the camera :)

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I had a great time, and great video, at Circleville on Saturday and Oxford today...unfortunately I hit the wrong button on my headcam and dumped all of the video <_<:angry2::rolleyes:

The club matches are now a place for me to try new stuff, and push the skills that I am working on at home. SOTM and hammering down are the two biggest aspects of the game that I am focusing on the most, and thus I push those two skills whenever I can.

Fun matches man...fun! Next time around I won't be so careless with the camera :)

You lost all of me and my wife's videos?????

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  • 4 weeks later...

August 2nd

It's been a frustrating 7 weeks trying to balance school, fitness, and shooting...and unfortunately items two and three are suffering at the expense of item one. I am at the campus library writing case studies when I should be shooting the breeze with Flex, Chris, Bill, and the rest of the OH posse at Circleville :(

The irony of it all is that once summer term is over and fall quarter kicks in, I will have MORE time for training in the middle of teaching and going to school since my classes will not be in the sweetened-condensed summer dosage.

Some of my friends have made the jokes, but I am certainly NOT walking out on the sport ;) Shooting is no hobby of mine, rather it is a necessity like air or water.

Just three more weeks.............................................................*ugg*

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  • 2 weeks later...

One and one half days until summer quarter is OVER!

OMFG! (o my freaking goodness)

I haven't fallen off of the face of the shooting world...honest! I will need to get my ass kicked a bit after the quarter is all said and done to remind me what happens when you don't practice the way you should for 8 weeks.

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8 weeks! You should be as smooth as ex-lax. PB, I will bet you will be better for it because you will be more hungry than before. Keep up the good work that you have put into it and you will be shooting for wins in no time flat. ;)

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