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GSP is a great fighter and competitor, but I think Hughes outmatches him in technique, work ethic, and strength.


Don't know much about either fighter...from what I've seen Mir is going to have his hands full.


The fight between Sylvia and Monson I'm not excited for at all. I Honestly think both of them are subpar fighters. Monson has too much muscle to last in a sustained fight...and Sylvia is just an oaf who got 2 lucky shots in against Arlovski.

-Sylvia...simply because he is huge and has an enormous reach advantage.

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LOL, I have the exact same predictions as Sandoz, including the "sadly Sylvia".

After seeing how BJ Penn tooled Matt for 2 rounds before his popped rib (and perhaps smaller gas tank) made him lose, I think GSP can finally take it. I just hope he learnt he can't get sloppy with Hughes.

I am rooting for Monson. He seems like a way cooler guy than Sylvia (which isn't very hard ;)). And I will always root for the grappler B)

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Well, the fights are said and done and the outcomes were ... interesting.

Sylvia had obviously prepared well for Munson. Great sprawl, good defense on the ground. Kept his cool when Muson took him down. The last round was a bit of a coast, but I have noticed that Tim is not as aggressive as he was on his way to the top.

Hughes looked very unprepared. Why would you abandon what got you to the dance and play someone else's game unless he underestimated GSP big time. GSP caught him at the end of the 1st, and when they came out for the second nailed him with a nice head kick.

Mir... Mir was disappointing. He never really seemed to get going. Reports from camp were that he was lighter and well defined, but he came into the ring at 254 and carrying about the same belly he had last time.

And Sakura? Not sure why he laid down. And Joe "Daddy" looked like he is going to be a force at 155.

But the majority of the fights were finished in the first round. No controversial stoppages or judge scoring. All in all not a bad card at all.

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Hughes-St. Pierre~

In one of the earlier UFC DVDs, there is a behind the scenes segment where Hughes, St. Pierre, and a few others are watching the Lutter/Prangley fight on a tv in a dressing room. In that fight Prangley tags Lutter in the crotch twice in rapid succession. St. Pierre makes a big point of saying how he wouldnt ever want to win like that because he "would know it isnt real". I wonder if he still feels that way. Hughes looked a little timid from the start though and that surprised me a lot.


Is it just me or does Sylvia seem to be the king of the boring fight? I was surprised at his ground game, solid defense on the ground, even a few submission attempts, though I dont think any of them came real close. Like Spook, I always gotta go for the grappler, and anyone who calls Monson a subpar fighter has never seen him at Abu Dhabi or grapplers quest. Also, until you actually grapple with someone a foot taller than you, you wont understand how difficult it can be.


Very disappointing. I always liked Mir, and after last night I think it is fair to say he is pretty much done, least as far as fights in the UFC go. I also thought he looked a bit soft, and it pains me to watch him take his 3rd beating in a row. I dont like Vera much, but he looked solid last night and with Monson out of the way, I think he probably gets the next title shot. It will be interesting to see Sylvia take on a fighter with a really solid, technical stand up game.

Good event, but I turned it off with a bad taste in my mouth.

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I thought it was great. Loved seeing Hughes get Pwned. Militich (sp?) fighters as of late are getting their arrogance handed back to them. Sylvia is next to fall....hopefully Vera, or bring in Fedor.

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Sylvia is next to fall....hopefully Vera, or bring in Fedor.

:D The only reason I wanted Monson to lose is that it would maybe mean Sylvia would have to face Fedor sometime. I would pay sooo much $$$ to witness that ass whoopin'! :lol:

@KimberKid, ditto on Monson. Awesome grappler. His Abu Dhabi performances were great.

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To call what Fedor or even Alexander would do to Sylvia an ass whooping is the biggest understatement I have heard in a while. I will grant that Sylvia continues to win however there is no difficulty whatsoever in recognizing that he isn't even close to being in a league with Fedor.

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Hehe, so true :D

I started training grappling about 4 months ago at Kops Gym in Amsterdam, and I've had the great luck that Aleksander has some matches in Holland and is training at my gym at the moment. The guy is an absolute animal when it comes to training but a very friendly guy on and off the mat.

Aleksander told us Fedor would probably be training in the gym somewhere next month. I hope I can get some pics! B)

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