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2006 Area 5 Championship


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Looks like a couple late entries have taken us to 13 wheelguns for the 2006 Area 5 match, which (like virtually every other major match across the country this year) is an increase over 2006!

I see only one Revolver GM on the squad list! ;)

Sam and I will be rolling in sometime on Saturday, we'll swing out to the range and see what's going on. Maybe we could get the crew together for dinner that evening?

I know Dan will need to get back to the room early for his strict daily regimen of 5,000 dry-snaps, but I'm always up for a barley-pop or two.....it is, after all, Wisconsin. :)

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I plan on arriving at the luxurious Best Western around 1630 to 1700. (Possibly earlier but who knows, I went the scenic route last time.)

I am good to go for any activities you might prescribe.

Do you plan on driving up to the range Saturday?

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If my trigger finger doesn't fall off from the Manny class I am taking Thursday and Friday, I should be arriving hopefully in the early PM on Saturday. Lets get together somewhere. I am at the Best Western as well.


Just looked at the squad list for the first time in a while, how long has Jerry been on the list? I am suprised he is coming to this match being so far north. Did he shoot the DPMS three gun match and just hang around?

Edited by Tom Mainus
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Just looked at the squad list for the first time in a while, how long has Jerry been on the list?

Jerry just recently showed up on the list. I think he probably waited to see who was going to be shooting the match, and when he saw that none of the other Revolver GMs were on the list, he figured it was safe.


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I will be shooting a MN match Saturday morning and heading to WI that afternoon with an unknown arrival time. We tried to get Danbagger to come up to the MN match as he is flying into MN/St. Paul on Friday, but, no dice. Maybe his wife wants to go the the Mall of America, or something. :P

If I can talk the rest of the crew into it and we're in town we can meet everyone somewhere.

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Forgot to add, since Jerry is no longer a sponsered DPMS shooter (as Smith now makes their own AR's) he attended the Steel Challenge last weekend. Too bad. I was looking forward to seeing him shoot again this year.

I'll send a PM to Mike and Jim with my cell number in case we get in town early enough. If not, there's always that hotel bar at the Best Western where I ran into Mike at the sectional.

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If not, there's always that hotel bar at the Best Western where I ran into Mike at the sectional.

For a hotel bar, that's actually a pretty good bar! Lots of lounge lizards.

We'll have to get a fake mustache for Sam.

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If not, there's always that hotel bar at the Best Western where I ran into Mike at the sectional.

For a hotel bar, that's actually a pretty good bar! Lots of lounge lizards.

We'll have to get a fake mustache for Sam.

No need for a mustache. ;)

This is Wisconsin, afterall. :D

Can children be in a bar with their parents?

Yes. Persons under age 21 may be on licensed premises, and can be sold and allowed to drink alcohol beverages, if they are with their parents, legal guardians, or spouses, as long as those persons are of legal age; but this is at the discretion of the licensee.

Directly from: http://www.dor.state.wi.us/faqs/ise/atundrg.html

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Shaggy haired Sam with a fake 'stache.......... :D I gotta see a pic of that, but it wont be as funny as my mental image....... ;)

He will look like an undercover cop from one of the early 70s Cop shows........Get him some mirrored shades to complete the ensemble......


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Congratulations to the Danbagger--he really shot great, winning 8 of the 10 stages--I am sure the Vegas bookmakers are adjusting the odds on Nationals as we speak. (Tell you what, I think all that pressure from Bagakis has inspired Dan to step up his whole game a notch!)

Tom Mainus also shot extremely well--coming fresh off his 1500-round Emanuel Bragg class, Tom is truly shooting better than ever. Keith was right up there too, still not sure how the rankings will look when it's all tallied up, everybody was commenting on Keith's super-fast splits. Sam won C class Revo, and on the way home told me that one of his goals is to hit Master by age 16. It was fun shooting with Normal Bob, and not-so-Normal Norm, as always. It was great to see Jim C. (who planned to shoot the match from "Mexican Carry" until Tom lent him a holster), Jim W., Darren, and everybody else.

Fun match, very well organized, free beer during the awards--we'll be back in '07 for sure!

P.S. Jerry never showed up.

P.P.S. Sam was not served any adult beverages.

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Congratulations Danbagger & Sam.

I saw some fool run screaming down I-70. Sure sounded like "Odds.... Barry".

Still say JM better look over his shoulder!

Mike, Tell Sam to "NOT" stop at Master, with the right help he could make GM! Then when he beats up on the rest of us, it won't feel so bad.

Wonder how many 2 GM families there are?

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Had an absolutley great time at the match.

Saturday night was a bonus treat at Buzzard Billies, and the Starlight Lounge.

Thanks to everyone for loaning me equipment Sunday morning.

Note to everyone: When your packing all of your equipment, don't forget to pack the back that has your gunbelt in it. :o

A real pleasure to shoot with Dan C., Tom, Keith, and the rest of super squad 37. I really learned a lot at the feet of the Masters.

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the Starlight Lounge.

That place was fantastic! Definitely an old-school classic man's bar, just like they had back in the Rat Pack era, circa 1960 or so......

(Probably not the best if you happen to fly in from the San Francisco Bay Area.....)


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Lost and Found

I found a Hearthco Moon in my empties when I got home. I assume it must be Keith, Tom, or Dan's, but if anyone else is missing one, PM me and I will send it home.

I had pretty good luck in the moon department. Found two of Sam's, found one and left it on the table at stage 6, and managed to bring this one home.

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Lost and Found

I found a Hearthco Moon in my empties when I got home. I assume it must be Keith, Tom, or Dan's, but if anyone else is missing one, PM me and I will send it home.

I had pretty good luck in the moon department. Found two of Sam's, found one and left it on the table at stage 6, and managed to bring this one home.

Hmm. I seem to be leaving a trail of Hearthco's wherever I go this year. :blink: I did think I was missing one after shooting that last stage, though. Gonna have to start serial numbering these things and keep a log book.

If the brass is shorter than normal .45's, they're Dans.

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