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Florida Section Championship 2006

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The way I see it is that we are basically shooting a $125 “local match” with 8 stages instead of 5.

At first I did not object to the $125 fee as I understood that a portion of the match fee was to be used towards the payment of each RO’s per diem. However, if there is not need to pay for RO’s per diem (i.e., each squad will be self-ROed), don’t you think $125 is a little excessive???

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The shooters will weed out the bad apples.

How exactly does that happen?

The R.O. will be R.O.ed by the shooters he/she is R.O.ing.

The way I see it is that we are basically shooting a $125 “local match” with 8 stages instead of 5.

At first I did not object to the $125 fee as I understood that a portion of the match fee was to be used towards the payment of each RO’s per diem. However, if there is not need to pay for RO’s per diem (i.e., each squad will be self-ROed), don’t you think $125 is a little excessive???

The R.O.'s had to pay to play this match also. We paid less because we have to make sure score sheets get signed, turned in etc. and be a liaison for the R.M.. We'll know every stage and give the walk-throughs etc. also.

I'm saying that just because the R.O.'s are embedded doesn't mean they don't have to work. I'ld rather shoot seperate so that I can concentrate on my shooting rather than worrying about R.O. tasks and shooting all at the same time but I also like giving back to the sport and this is my way to do so.

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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The way I see it is that we are basically shooting a $125 “local match” with 8 stages instead of 5.

At first I did not object to the $125 fee as I understood that a portion of the match fee was to be used towards the payment of each RO’s per diem. However, if there is not need to pay for RO’s per diem (i.e., each squad will be self-ROed), don’t you think $125 is a little excessive???

Must be one heck of a party Saturday night, Big Guy! ;)

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This is not an "us" vs "them" scenario and I am NOT trying to state anything derogatory about any RO's in specific or in general. This is about consistent and fair officiating among all of the squads. I could care less what the RO's pay to shoot, or if they even have to pay to shoot, my concern is with the consistent application of the rules and penalties.


The R.O. will be R.O.ed by the shooters he/she is R.O.ing.

The R.O.'s had to pay to play this match also. We paid less because we have to make sure score sheets get signed, turned in etc. and be a liaison for the R.M.. We'll know every stage and give the walk-throughs etc. also.

I'm saying that just because the R.O.'s are embedded doesn't mean they don't have to work. I'ld rather shoot seperate so that I can concentrate on my shooting rather than worrying about R.O. tasks and shooting all at the same time but I also like giving back to the sport and this is my way to do so.

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The way I see it is that we are basically shooting a $125 “local match” with 8 stages instead of 5.

At first I did not object to the $125 fee as I understood that a portion of the match fee was to be used towards the payment of each RO’s per diem. However, if there is not need to pay for RO’s per diem (i.e., each squad will be self-ROed), don’t you think $125 is a little excessive???

Must be one heck of a party Saturday night, Big Guy! ;)

Do you think they will require formal dress code (i.e, "black tie") for Saturday night??? :P

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Rosie is fine by me! He knows his schnitt and you know that he does not play favorites. I don't care if your name is Robbie, Todd, Eric, or whatever, he will tell you how it's gonna be and that is final.

I love Joyce but hate to be RO'ed by her. IMO she made more calls that were overruled (or should have been) at the MD/RM level than any other RO I am aware of. She is the only RO that I have ever seen DQ multiple competitors in one match for finger in the guard.

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I agree that RO's should have their "own" stage. Run it as they will. Everyone deals with "Mr. Niceguy" or "Mr. @#$%%" so everyone gets the same dose of reality across the board. Makes it a bit more diverse. Which means if you have 5 guys get DQ'ed on stage 4, that RO is either looking really hard and holding your to the rules VS stage 7with obvious infractions going uncalled by that RO. Im sure at the end of the match we will all have our own opinions about who did what.

So somebody make a decision, get that timer fired up and lets start blasting!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea----If someone isn't taping targets, please enlighten them thats included in your match fee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

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I never said a thing about the match fee?

What post are you even responding to?

Others have complained about the match fee or other derogatiory comments about the match in general but, I challenge you to show where I ever mentioned money or said anything derogatory about the match in general. My only comment concerned the inherent unfairness of embeded RO's, which I still stand by.

Who am I? I am one of the very first people that signed up for this match (ask Ray) when your local people were not even supporting your own match.

Now, who are you?

Dear 9X25

First of all the match fee is 100.00 dollars which includes match fee,t-shirt and dinner on Saturday. We will gladly refund you match fee Please let me

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Dear Bigguy

Ray will refund you money. We don't unhapppy people shooting this match. this is to any shooter is unhappy the Ray runs his match

To all shooters the back of your car or truck is not a safe area for this match. You will be Dq if you handle you gun in place other than the safe areas we put

up . signs are posted for the safe area.

To all shooters the back of your car or truck is not a safe area for this match. You will be Dq if you handle you gun in place other than the safe areas we put

up . signs are posted for the safe area.

To all shooters the back of your car or truck is not a safe area for this match. You will be Dq if you handle you gun in place other than the safe areas we put

up . signs are posted for the safe area.

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First I would like to say that no one speaks for me regarding the Florida Section Championship. I'd also like to say that everyone has a right to their opinion.

Leo has legitimate concerns regarding the embedded RO's. I know this system has been used at other matches and I have not heard anything negative. I would hope that shooters within the sport who take their time and expense to take an RO or CRO course take their responsibilities at officiating seriously.

This is a point that I will stress to all the RO's before the first shot is fired at the match.

Several people have put in alot of time and effort into this match and we all sincerely hope that everyone in attendance has a good time.

BTW, the Saturday night dinner is not black tie!

And if anyone has any further concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Ray Lambert

Match Director

Florida Section Championship

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For those of you that did not understand the reasoning behind my post. Here it goes.

I have never paid $100 (which I originally misquoted at $125) and had the match run by each of the squads. My post was intended to get an idea on further distribution, if any, of the match fees (i.e., fundraiser, better raffle prices, ???).

I do appreciate that someone stepped up and put up a match (thanks Ray).

As for the black tie comment, it was a joke. You people must loosen up a little bit. :wacko:

Edited by Big Guy
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Dang, I thought I was the only one who owned one of those. I guess I'll leave mine at home so I don't' look like a copy cat. However, I am bringing a penguin as my dinner guest. He is always formally attired. :)

As others have said, my thanks to Ray and his entire team for putting on this match. I can hardly wait until 8:00 tomorrow.

Edited by XD Niner
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I had a great time at this year’s Florida Sectional. I met several people from this forum including Jack Suber and his son John who I had dinner with on Friday night. As always, there were a bunch of really nice people at the match.

I was on Squad 3 and we actually finished all eight stages on Saturday. We all agreed that we had an outstanding squad. Stevie Breckenridge was our embedded RO who gave his usual irreverent version of the stage walkthroughs. When it came to shooting, however, Stevie was all business as was the rest of the squad. We didn’t have an unkind word uttered all day. :blink: Okay, okay, there were hundreds but they were all in jest. ;)

Mac, David Williams, Roger, Mario, Toby, David Wilds, Tim and Larry made this one of the most enjoyable matches I’ve ever attended. I learned something from each of these gents.

Ray Lambert and his crew did a terrific job with the stages. They were all challenging and most had multiple ways to shoot them. Mac and I were limited to ten rounds per mag in Production while the rest of the squad were in those two bazillion round divisions but we held our own.

Ray ordered up some pretty good weather as well and then capped it all off with a delicious dinner on Saturday night. I was certainly hungry after a long day but that didn’t account for just how good the food tasted. We also had a boat load of door prizes donated without request by Digilight, Montana Gold and others. Although I didn’t win a thing as usual, the support of these vendors was much appreciated by all.

The final results were just posted a few minutes ago. I ended up in the top half of the Production Division (by one position) which was my goal for the match. Thanks Ray and crew for all your hard work that I know was necessary for such a great match.

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