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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Thanks For The New Forums To Read!


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I did not know about these other forums. So while Wild Bill and Travis got less than warm welcome here. I can read there stuff elsewhere.

This part is IMHO,

I like cantankerous personalities, sure they may be a bit abrasive, short, opinionated etc. I'll take knowledge where I can get it.

Everyone should stop being so sensitive, you think we were talking about your mothers!

I like hard nosed old basta@ds, the type that when you bring them something that is crap they tell it like it is. Not something like that's wonderful for your first try, I'm impressed with your blah blah blah .....

As an Instructor I got the same complaints that you chase off the timid. Which is true, but the timid seldom rise to greatness. So if your paying me to teach everyone I'll be nice, but if your coming to me asking, the grumpy old man syndrome may apply. Just like there used to be weed out classes in College, now we just say you met our entry requirements which is B+ therefore the average grade must be B+.

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I didn't see the other threads before they were locked.

I know Wild Bill and he is good people. He does have a secret past though that, for whatever reason, he doesn't often acknowledge...he just so happens to be one of the finest knifemakers still walking around sucking air. Really. For those who, like me, have a love of knives, you really owe it to yourself to seek out some of his work. I can't say I have ever seen better...and I have held knives from most of the big dogs in the industry.

He could also put on a Ph.D level welding class, or 10. :D

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I agree...another neat forum is www.nitroexpress.com, basically for those who like double rifles and big bore stuff...big game hunting and all that goes with that...cool stuff...

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"...HEY DARLIN' SIG LADY...On one of Your posts..in a shaded area .. I saw what I thought were music notes...I pluged in My Tele and after and hour or so of pickin' I think I found 'EM....As you write "EM ,do they have a kind of NUMBER sound ?????..."
You'll have to link back to this reference... (Sounds like the Bible Code or something). I haven't a cold stone clue what you're referring to. Other than my binary stuff about 1911, maybe.... :P:P maybe.
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THATS IT....THATS IT...THERE THEY ARE....post 10 Just over the words "pluged in My" I just took it for granted they were some kind of music notes. Now...I'm not sure.....especially after playin' them...then lookin'at them again.

I know less about binary than I do about linkin'. A pair of something???Two elements in the same sack ???

If it's Biblical , could You explain it too Me?

Thanks ,

Wild Bill

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Man, this GOOD OLD BOY conversation is about all this old man can stand...No wonder folks have a hard time understanding what you are saying...takes you three paragraphs to say Hello.... :lol:

Just cut the crap and say what you mean....seems to work better that way..

And NO, I do not want to buy any Heal All Elixer from you.... :o You do sound a bit like Elmer Gantry.... :lol:

And FWIW, those notes you are trying to play on your Tele are quotation marks...

Edited by tightloop
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"www.pistolsmith.com & forum.m1911.org"

As long as we are giving opinions:

I like Pistolsmith, it has very nice people there but it is dying of neglect and lack of participation.

Darn y'all young whipper-snappers! Watch out who you calling and "old codger". We prefer the terms of "Senior or Super Seniors" :D:D:DB)B)

I've been snooping about a few forums here and there now and then, kind of to take my mind away from the work at hand, while still staying on the subject. Sort of like keeping my finger on the pulsing vein. And, you are right. Pistolsmith is a nice site, but participation is a bit stagnant, and sometimes a little "clickish". There is a lot of good info there for the reading, as is in other forums too, should you take the time to waddle through it.

I guess that is a possibility why our "esteemed" Wild Bill and John (our newest dynamic duo) have come over to grace our site. It's hard for a "big fish in a small pond" to remain active when there are not enough small fish to gobble up. ( I guess you could call the BEnos Forums a BIG POND, he he!) Heck I even joined up in there (Pistolsmith) officially, or at least hung up my slat. I guess a tune-up in southern curse words is in order, and a heavy jacket for the cold weather. Heck, it would be nice if Wild Bill wrote an update in his View from the Hills, and started some blood flowing through some veins. ;)

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And FWIW, those notes you are trying to play on your Tele are quotation marks...

OMFG, LMAO, ROTFL, unfrickingbelievably funny ;-) Sheesh, I have not laughed that hard, or long in quite a while.

One long forum post = $0.00

One quoted forum post = $0.00

One vintage Fender Telecaster = $1000+ (depending on shape, model, year etc)

Time it took to stop laughing and wipe the spit off my laptop screen = Priceless

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You are all getting sleepy... very sleepy............ :wacko:

Notice the divine uniformity of the code that is 1911.... sleepy.... very sleepy...

Just meditate on the code... the code... 1911... binary code.... 1911.... :wacko::wacko::ph34r: It's all in the code..........

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Post 16..Read You loud and clear about the WEE WEE Rodeos.Entered alot of "em myself. Haven't won many.BUT...what the HELL...entry fee..git up.. money , IT's always cheap. They are hard to stay out of.

Concernin'the QUOTATION marks? Had a party here last night.Bunch of Rockabilly pickers and singers showed up..Dog House bass an all.More Jim Beam Black Label than We needed. Some Hands smokin' cigars bigger than the churchills the Killer always smoked.....Picked 10 people to look at the marks ....6 out of 10 ...3 men 2 women and 1 we ain't sure of said they looked like strange 69's..and thats the truth..I'm not makin' this up.

Vinry,with all due respect sir, big fish ain't got anything to do with it, if all I had to live for was the internet or if the net played any part in my life...I'd call GOD.....Tell him I'm havin' the auction...Get My place ready, BUT....Like You ....there's always more pistols to build ,new cartridge ideas to try ,Knife designs to work with ...Life really is good .

Tightloop,You and Me ain't never gonna get along....If You leave My writin' alone ,I won't mess with Yours.

Gorge,Don't sell a 51 Tele so short. I've got a standin' offer of 21,100.00. Gruen's had one several years back for 25,000.


Wild Bill

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WB, I ain't sellin g the old Tele's short. A junker goes for a thousand plus. A mint one is sellers choice and 25k+ is not outrageous for the right one ;-)

Myself, I have a couple old Fender pre CBS Basses, A 63 J and A 64 P. I would not sell them for any amount of money.

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