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My Aching Jaw!


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Had this little tooth ache.......

turned out that one of my 2 wisdom teeth was pushing on the last molar.....So OUT the tooth comes......Most of you know the rest of the story! <_<

So....NOW I am only half as wise as I was :lol::lol::lol:

Or is it half of a Wise AZZ as I was??? ;)


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Could you do your impression of Bill Cosby with all those novocaine shots? :P

I hated having mine removed. I remember wanting to drive home from the office post op; then attempting to eat lunch and being very mad that I couldn't chew my cheeseburger.

The following Monday I ran a jackhammer all day busting up sidewalks...I really hated that!

Edited by Middle Man
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When you are young, you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled. Now that I'm old (and have five root canals and nine crowns under my belt), I long for those happy days............

I remember wanting to drive home from the office post op;

I had to drive my buddy home after his. Prior to it, he was whining about how he knew he'd be able to drive, yadda, yadda, yadda....

So, after the surgery, I still rmember them leading him out of the place staggering and glassy eyed, stumbling along mumbling incoherently. His shirt was buttoned wrong and his jacket only had one arm in a sleeve.

They dumped him in my car and he immediately passed out. I had to go to a pharmacy and get his scrip. I just left him in the car and he never knew I was gone. I dumped him on the beanbag chair in my place and went out side and tore down and rebuilt the carburetor on my old Plymouth. I worked outside for three hours and he never knew I was gone.

Sure, Chris: I can picture you driving home!

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I don't envy you at all. I had to get all 4 pulled not too long ago. Spent forever bitching about the gas being a waste of time until they woke me up and told me they were finished ;):D

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Tooth came out on Thursday AM(13th) by Sunday the swelling and major pain was pretty well gone...so off to KENTUCKY we go to work.....

Tuesday during the day the little pain that was left is now getting pretty irritating. so I use one of those hydrocodone pills(Lorecet 7.5), make it through the rest of the day fine.

Wednesday by mid AM I take another one, and get on the phone with the DR. He said "might be a dry socket".............when can you make it back?

I said tomorrow mid afternoon(20th) he said "fine, if you need to just double up on the pills but no more than 4 in 24 hrs".

Get back to the DR on Thursday, he said "Yep dry socket, let me put some packing with some medicine in it" so he stuffs some junk in it.............said it had "Oil of Cloves" that has a natural pain killer and a "taste".

Man that stuff tasted like black liquourish x 5 or more!!! (I never did like liquorish)....but it sure did get rid of the pain.

He then says "come back tomorrow and we'll change that out and repack it" :blink:

So this time I'm ready, got my orbit sugar free gum (spearmint)......but the damn stuff still overpowers my gum!!! :angry:

jaw is a whole lot better though!!!!! :D

So this wisdom tooth stuff is definately for the birds!!!!

Good thing it is not a week later, sure would hate to go through all that and try to shoot the Space City Challenge. <_<


Edit due to the fact that the IV anestisia had a "temoprary amnesia effect" and I forgot how to spell !!!! <_<:):P:D:lol:

Edited by hopalong
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When I first saw this thread, I was going to advise getting a small bottle of oil of clove. It's a miracle cure for dry sockets. They hurt like hell. My Mother had one that kept us both up all night. The doc put the oil of clove in there and it quit hurting nearly instantly.

I got lucky. A civilian doc took the first two of the three I had. Those extractions went easily. Pain and swelling were only there for a couple of hours and then gone. The last one was pulled by a military doc. Nothing wrong with the tooth, mind you, just routine maintenance. :wacko: Anyway, it cost me three days of work, lots of Percicet, and many many cups of hot chocolate. No dry sockets, though. Thanks to God!


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I had to have my 4 taken out at one time. My gums always partially cover my wisdoms so I was always chewing on my gums and lived on cherry cloreseptic. It was done by a navy dentist. It was about the last thing the Marines did to me, Kind of a going away present. About a week later I felt something sharp and it turned out a small slither of tooth had worked it's way up. Must have got left behind. My poor wife being 9 months pregnant and having to get me home.

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I had all 4 taken out at once. I purposely put taken out because none of them were pulled. Every single one had to be hammered and chiseled out, literally. They had to be broken in pieces and then taken out. I was put under so really no pain. It really wasn't too bad afterward either. I did get the dry socket that prolonged the aching. I think the dry socket was worse than getting the teeth taken out.

BTW, I had room for all the teeth, all four were in bad shape because lack of being able to brush them. All the my wisdom teeth were low in the gums. The only thing that could be seen or brushed was the very top of the tooth. So cavitities started and the rest was history. I was probably 30 when they had to be taken out.


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I hate when people get a dry socket. I am a dental assistant and the smell of that stuff is worse than the taste I am sure.

I had one of my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 18, the others I had taken out when I was about 25. I drove my self there and home. My husband was over seas and I only had a local anestetic. I didn't have any problems and no brusing at all. They even had to cut mine out.

Dry socket is sometimes more painfull than having an abscess. The patients that come to my clinic say the have never felt such pain. It is very easy to get dry socket. Just simple things like spitting, drinking through a straw, swishing water or mouth wash, and the most common, smoking.

That little sliver that you found was acually part of the jaw bone. As the extraction sights are healing the bone colapses and fills in the hole, which sometimes causes small slivers of the bone to work its way out.

I keep hearing these horror stories about these Navy dentists. Luckily I never had to go to one of them. My husband did though. They let me go to a civilian dentist. Maybe because I was just the spouse.

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That little sliver that you found was acually part of the jaw bone. As the extraction sights are healing the bone colapses and fills in the hole, which sometimes causes small slivers of the bone to work its way out.

Correct! most likely a piece of bone (though it can be a fragment of tooth), however the most common cause of the fragment is loss of vascularity to part of the bone during extraction- frequently the thin pieces of bone from between roots or sometimes the 'walls' of the sockets fracture and lose their blood supply (fractures to the alveolar bone occur very frequently but most pieces retain their blood supply). These pieces become necrotic and are extruded from the socket over time. I usually remove any very loose fragments or sharp pieces to try and avoid this.

Alvogyl is that fantastic tasting material used to medicate dry sockets. I had a dry socket last year following surgical removal of my lower left third molar however I didn't use Alvogyl as I HATE the taste of cloves.


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We use Getz. I am sure it is the same right?

Most likely, Alvogyl is the most widely used but there are a few. Looks like chewing tobacco (made fromthe fibres from a fern I believe), also contains Eugenol (oil of cloves- analgesic action), and anaesthetic agent and an anti-microbial agent. Works well, just takes disgusting (to me, some people like it!)

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Getz has a consistancy of vasoline. It is like a light redish brown color. I wouldn't know about the taste. :D So I take it you are a Dental Professional?

Sounds different but would be for the same purpose- relief of pain. Dry sockets, as long as they do not become infected, are usually self limiting- ie once the gum has grown over the top and the bone is covered the pain usually settles, however that can take a couple of weeks or more.

And speaking from experience they are NOT MUCH FUN! I still need to have the two on my RHS removed... I am NOT looking forward to it, my best mate will do them for me ;)

I am a dentist in Australia :blink:

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Need an assistant? LOL Just kidding. I would love to see Australia though.

I don't know about over there but here DA's are in short supply, so you'd prob get lots of work for a working holday around Aus :) You could temp in various locations AND shoot the state comps!! Unfortunately we are limited to 38cal max for IPSC and 10 rounds mags :wacko:

I think DA duties are quite different, I think you guys are able to do more (ie impressions, retraction cord).

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Yeah we are but that is only if the Dr. will let us. For some reason my boss does the impressions himself, but for the most part we have lots to do. There is actually going to be a shortage of Dentists in the future. There are less and less graduating.

What are the duties there?

I shoot L-10 but could go to production. Would be alot of fun if I had the money to do so. :D

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