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This is kind of a mixed What I Hate/What I Love post.

Last night one of the officers that works for me was involved in a gunfight. I hate that he was put in that position by a person with no regard for anyone. I hate the helpless feeling that I and the other officers responding felt as we were still trying to get to him. I don't think I have ever pushed a police car harder than I did last night and I hate that I still did not get there sooner. I hate that I was afraid as I got out of my car looking for the shooter and not knowing where he was. I hate that my officer did not hit the POS that had just shot at him (more on that in a minute). I hate that the POS got away from us at the initial scene and carjacked another innocent person about a half mile away. I hate that this POS wrecked his new stolen car, rolling it, and walked (or ran) away from it. I hate that despite the best efforts of countless (I quit counting at around 40) police, deputies and trooper this guy eluded us and is still out there.

What I love is that my officer did everything he was supposed to do and that probably saved his life. His car took rounds, but he was not in it when it did. What I love is that despite the fact that he did not hit the bad guy, my officer really did not have much of a target presented by the bad guy and the rounds he fired were in a very nice group in the back of the BG's car. What I love is that no innocent bystanders were hurt. What I love is the way all of my officers responded to what was a truly chaotic situation. What I love is the response from all of the other agencies and their willingness and eagerness to help find this guy. What I love is the determination of everyone in my department to hunt this guy down and let him know what happens when you shoot at police officers. WE WILL FIND HIM!

Sorry for being long winded. I needed to get this off my chest.

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My pulse rate went up just reading your post. I know that you were pushing your patrol way past its limits, cursing the fact that you were so far away, using every shortcut you have found after years on the beat. Someone you know, a fellow officer, a friend is in trouble and you want to BE there. NOW!

You’re OK, your guy is OK. The perp will show up soon enough. Hook’em and book’em and don’t look back.

It’s time to go 10-quit for a while. You deserve it.

David C

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Thanks for the words of support, they really help.

Geezer Lock, I really wish I could go 10-7, but we are still looking for this guy so most of us will not be having a weekend until we get him. I will keep coming in and working my shift. I showed the MVS video and played the radio traffic for my other night shift last night to show them why we teach the tactics we teach and to let them hear what everything sounded like at the time. When I listen to the radio traffic I sound a lot calmer than I remember feeling at the time.

Just so everyone knows, the officer involved is fine. He is on his weekend right now and is not due back to work until Sunday night. I believe he will be spending his weekend at home with his family. BTW, this is not the first time he has been shot at. A nutjob shot at him with an SKS about 2 years ago. Luckily, the officer was pretty far away (about 60 yards) and the BG was a horrible shot. The officer backed out of the line of fire and waited for the cavalry to arrive. We caught that guy that night and the BG is now enjoying the fine legendary hospitality of the Texas prison system.

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Good luck on catching your guy and glad to hear the officers are okay.

I also saw in the dallas news where my old SWAT unit in McKinney had a live fire exercise too on the same night, I think.

You guys play safe up there


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