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I'm scheduling for two guns on FRI (Open Revolver and Stock Revolver). This is an awesome steel match with a good revolver showing. Look in the match annoucement section or check out www.PSAShootout.com. Sign up quick, it fills FAST!

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I'm scheduling for two guns on FRI (Open Revolver and Stock Revolver). This is an awesome steel match with a good revolver showing. Look in the match annoucement section or check out www.PSAShootout.com. Sign up quick, it fills FAST!

Ditto what R112 says, this match will be filled in 2-3 weeks, if not sooner.

I'll make sure I pack my winter and summer gear this year since at 2004,

I arrived Wed. to 75-80 degree temps and it was all downhill from there,

Sunday driving home I hit a snow shower and temps were in the mid 40's :P

I'll be shooting 3 guns, Open Revo, Stock Revo and Open Auto :wacko::wacko:

And don't forget about the side events, there will be the shotgun stages as well as the

speed shoot (I think, better check that) and the 22 side event will have both Rifle AND

pistol setups.

Side events will be open Thursday afternoon so get into town early and shoot the sides.

Check out the link in R112's post, S&W is the big match sponser and even the likes of

Doug Konig and Phil Strader shoot this match. It would be nice to get Jerry M. to come

North and shoot this match too, somebody's got to give Rick, Mark and Pete some

compitition :D (check out the Open Revo stats for the last 4 yrs !)

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Good news and bad news. Jerry's not going. So we all get moved up one place in the results :lol: !

I talked to Jerry at the Nationals and he was interested, but Kay said they have a match at their home range that weekend.

Rick (Hupp), Troy (Ahner), Pete (Enis), Mark (Hartshorne), Rich (Bitow), and Herb (Beck) are plenty enough competition!

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I will be there as well, shooting Stock auto, Open auto, and Open Revo. I will be ROing so I am not sure when I am shooting, I just dont remember. My smith has promised me that my new 8shot short colt will be done and ready for the match(hopefully...) DougC

(cant wait for the short jaunt from Iowa....... :wacko: )

Edited by DougC
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I'm going with 3 friends on Sunday afternoon. This is my 5 th year , and I look forward to the PSA shootout all year

Thanks to Kay and everyone who helps put it on each year.

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